terbuka untuk semua

KodeKiddo selalu memberi kesempatan kepada students untuk mengikuti berbagai kompetisi dan acara coding yang mempromosikan kerja tim, kolaborasi, dan pencapaian.

kompetisi lokal

Beberapa acara dan kompetisi coding ada di tingkat lokal dan dilakukan secara langsung, dimana para students dapat lagsung berinteraksi satu sama lain dan berkolaborasi untuk memecahkan tantangan pemrograman seperti KiddoHack, Family Scratch Day.

kompetisi international

Beberapa acara dan kompetisi coding ada di tingkat International dimana students dari seluruh dunia dapat berpartisipasi melalui platform online.

Beberapa contohnya seperti

  • CoderZ Virtual 3D Robot
  • Grok Learning Web
  • Web.Comp
  • kompetisi Blocky dan Phyton
  • tangangan Bebras Computational Thinking
  • Codeavour AI Competition
  • Wonder League Competition menggunakan roboh Dash.

Coding Competition updates

Coding Olympics Indonesia 2024 Winner Announcements

Coding Olympics Indonesia 2024 Winners

Apa itu Coding Olympics Indonesia?

Coding Olympics Indonesia (COI) adalah kompetisi coding tahunan yang ditujukan untuk murid Sekolah Dasar (SD)  di platform coding CodeMonkey (, dimana peserta kompetisi akan diberi coding challenges untuk menyelesaikan suatu masalah dengan menggunakan teknik programming yang cocok untuk kiddos di level SD. 

Pada tahun  ini, MangoSTEEMS Indonesia kembali mengadakan Coding Olympics 2024 – Indonesia dengan edisi fast track. “Fast track edition” berarti bahwa pada kompetisi tahun ini, peserta akan memiliki waktu yang lebih singkat (kurang dari satu bulan) untuk mempersiapkan diri. Selain itu, kompetisi ini juga menjadi bagian dari Coding Olympics 2024 Singapore, sebuah kompetisi internasional yang diselenggarakan oleh CodeMonkey Singapore bekerja sama dengan Singapore Science Center Global dan MangoSTEEMS Singapore, dan diikuti oleh peserta dari kawasan ASEAN dan sekitarnya.

KodeKiddo sebagai salah satu partner  MangoSTEEMS Indonesia mendampingi para peserta COI yang berasal dari murid aktif KodeKiddo, partner sekolah ataupun peserta umum.

Kriteria Peserta :

  • Group  A : Siswa Kelas 2 & 3 SD, atau berusia maksimal 9 tahun pada Juli 2024 
  • Group B : Siswa  Kelas 4 & 5 SD, atau berusia maksimal 11 tahun pada Juli 2024

Timeline Coding Olympics Indonesia


Pendaftaran dibuka dari tanggal 19 Februari - 31 Maret 2024

Technical Meeting

Dilakukan secara Online Webinar tgl 7 April 2024 pukul 10.30 WIB

Final Grup A via LIVE ZOOM (online)

28 April 2024 - 10.30 WIB Final Grup A via LIVE ZOOM

Penyisihan Grup B via LIVE ZOOM (online)

28 April 2024 - 14.00 WIB Penyisihan Grup B via LIVE ZOOM

Final Grup B via LIVE ZOOM (online)

12 Mei 2024 - 10.30 WIB Final Grup B via LIVE ZOOM

Pengumuman Pemenang Juara

19 Mei 2024 - Pengumuman Pemenang Juara

Hadiah Coding Olympics Indonesia

  • Juara 1: Rp 1,000,000 + tiket CO Singapore senilai Rp 900,000, Piala Penghargaan, Medali, Sertifikat
  • Juara 2: Rp 750,000 + tiket CO Singapore senilai Rp 900,000, Piala Penghargaan, Medali, Sertifikat
  • Juara3: Rp 500,000 + tiket CO Singapore senilai Rp 900,000, Piala Penghargaan, Medali, Sertifikat
  • Peringkat 4: Rp 300,000, Medali, Sertifikat
  • Peringkat 5: Rp 300,000, Medali, Sertifikat
  • Peringkat 6: Rp 300,000, Medali, Sertifikat
  • Peringkat 7: Rp 200,000, Medali, Sertifikat
  • Peringkat 8: Rp 200,000, Medali, Sertifikat
  • Peringkat 9: Rp 200,000, Medali, Sertifikat
  • Peringkat 10: Rp 200,000, Medali, Sertifikat
  • Peringkat 11: Souvenir dari sponsor, Medali, Sertifikat
  • Peringkat 12: Souvenir dari sponsor, Medali, Sertifikat
  • Peringkat 13: Souvenir dari sponsor, Medali, Sertifikat
  • Peringkat 14: Souvenir dari sponsor, Medali, Sertifikat
  • Peringkat 15: Souvenir dari sponsor, Medali, Sertifikat

Congratulation to all winners

Berikut adalah daftar pemenang dari Coding Olympics Indonesia (COI) dari KodeKiddo :

Kategori A

Muhammad Al Shafraz Arrasyid

SDI Al Azhar 44 Summarecon Bekasi


SDIT Al Azhar 53 Brebes


SD Anak Saleh Malang


Sekolah Pelita Bangsa


Kharisma Bangsa

Kategori B


Tzu Chi Primary School


Kasih Karunia


SD Taruna Bakti


SD Taruna Bakti


Saint John Gading Serpong


Asshodriyah Islamic School

Berikut adalah daftar pemenang Top 15 Coding Olympics Indonesia (COI) secara keseluruhan.

Pertanyaan? Hubungi KodeKiddo di :

Codeavour 5.0 Global Winners

Codeavour Winner

Codeavour Coding & AI Competition

Codeavour merupakan kompetisi international Artificial Intelligence (AI), Coding, dan robotic dari STEMPedia menggunakan platform PictoBlox bagi anak anak berusia 7 – 18 tahun.

Kompetisi ini diikuti oleh peserta dari berbagai belahan dunia secara serempak, dimana mereka saling mempresentasikan hasil karya mereka kepada dunia.

Kompetisi ini terbagi dalam beberapa kategori sesuai dengan level usia, mulai dari Elementary, Junior hingga Senior.

Di periode kali ini, KodeKiddo menjadi Official Exclusive Country Partner dari Codeavour untuk negara Indonesia.

Sebelum beranjak ke level Global (International), Kodekiddo juga mengadakan  kompetisi Codeavour 5th Edition 2023 di level Indonesia yang terdiri dari Regional Round dan National Round.

Di Indonesia, kompetisi ini telah diikuti oleh lebih dari 200 perserta / team yang mulai berkompetisi dari level penyisihan yang dilakukan secara Online.

Sebanyak 75 peserta/team terpilih dan bertanding kembali di level regional di berbagai KodeKiddo Center di berbagai kota di Indonesia secara serempak pada tanggal 25 Feb 2024.

30 Peserta terpilih untuk bertanding di level National yang diadakan pada tanggal 9 Maret 2024 di Jakarta.

Hingga akhirnya, 9 Peserta terpilih dari Indonesia, dikirim untuk bertanding ke level Global di Dubai UEA tanggal 4-5 May 2024 kemarin bersama ratusan peserta dari berbagai negara.

* 1 team peserta berhalangan untuk hadir di kompetisi level global ini.

Mikhayla Team

Super S Team
Alexander Santoso
Leonardo Santoso

CreateCode Team
Michelle Ivy Mulyono

Junior Farmer Team
Benjamin Joseph Lie

Icenoid Team
Lionel Timothy

All for Jesus Team
Vincentius Alvino Louis Gunawan
Haskell Kay Kurniawan
Rodrigo Kenneth Richardo

Jacquelyn Team
Jacquelyn Calista Chen

Althafazrais Widyanatha

Watusi Team
Alfon Ricardo Lucman

Congratulation to All Global Round Winners!

Dari 9 team yang bertanding di Dubai, mempresentasikan project mereka, berhasil memenangkan 6 awards mewakili team dari Indonesia.

Berikut adalah nama-nama Kiddos yang telah mengharumkan nama Indonesia di Coding & AI Competition berskala Global (International).

Melody AI

MAI is about re-imagine new ways to experience the music with coding and AI.
In this project, we are using pictoblox with the AI and ML features to create new experience to play and learn music. We are also creating new personalized music instrument using Arduino.

Just like sand meets sea in the beach.. Through MAI, music meets technology.. To create your music experience.. as easy, fun, beautiful and memorable as your vacation in the beach.

Music is an universal language, where everybody with different languages, different ethnicities, different cultures, different era could be connected. It’s a powerful tools to send messages and express yourself to the whole world in peaceful way.

Hence in this era, where technology is enhancing all aspects of human’s life, we foresee that technology’s contribution in music industry is still left behind.

Through MAI, we are trying to superimpose music with another subject, such as math, art, paint, emotion, AI and ML with coding.


Vendicine is a machine that detects acne’s, urine and the weather, and is also capable of calculating BMI from speech-to-text input. It will then dispense an item to help with said thing, such as some medicine if the user has an acne or give tips on how to stay healthy during certain weather.

We used the Lego EV3 hardware for movement and detection and picked the Automating the Surroundings & Strengthen the Health Infrastructure theme.

Healthy Life for Teens

Starting a healthy life for teens is a very important thing for their present and future. The issue with the current generation is that adults may realize of the importance of a healthy lifestyle just when diseases hit due to this unhealthy lifestyle. Thus it is important to form a healthy lifestyle during the teenage years. Why at this point? It’s due to the self made choices related to food and activity.

Because of that I made a program dedicated for teenagers to develop a healthy lifestyle. The AI in this project I made here can help teens in having a healthy lifestyle in an exciting way. It can help them to do some exercise like dancing. It can also help them to obtain the correct nutrition, for example by scanning their food and getting the nutritional information for their food, as well as a healthier replacement for processed foods.

Spellbound Signs

Introducing Spellbound Signs, an educational game put together to help you master the American Sign Language alphabet. Spellbound Signs provides an engaging ASL-learning environment for those hard of hearing and their loved ones, regardless of their age. By incorporating interactive and hands-on elements into the learning process, Spellbound Signs aims to optimize learning ASL while fostering enjoyment and involvement in players. This is critical as 6.1% of the world are hard of hearing. Help Willy the Wizard whack some ghosts with his whimsical magic hand poses.

This game assesses the player’s proficiency in accurately executing the hand poses representing the alphabet. Spellbound Signs features six levels, each focusing on a specific range of alphabets.

The segmented learning approach of the alphabet allows for easier digestion of the letters, improving their retention.


Planticon is an AI-Machine learning site where people who aspire to be gardening can know the basic of planting while learning more about plants. With this site, you can create, learn, know, and see. Planticon teaches you how to take care and plant your plant properly using specific sentences that are easy to understand.

Planticon not only has one option for you to choose from, but eight various options for you to choose. Plants need more recognition for they give us life, with this AI and Machine-learning site, you can learn about the ways of a plant, how they communicate using their appearances and how to reply back.

Not only does Planticon focus on plants, but yet also their fruits and vegetables, to their nutritional facts and what they are, Planticon has the answers you are looking for.

Codeavour Ambassador for Indonesia

Alex sebagai salah satu Student Ambassador Codeavour, mendapat award special “Champion Changemaker” sebagai apresiasi atas aktivitas Alex dalam mendukung kegiatan Codeavour di Indonesia.

Codeavour 5.0 National Finalist

Codeavour Coding & AI Competition

Codeavour merupakan kompetisi international Artificial Intelligence (AI), coding, dan robotic dari STEMPedia menggunakan platform PictoBlox bagi anak anak berusia 7 – 18 tahun. 

KodeKiddo sebagai Official Exclusive Country Partner dari Codeavour mengadakan kompetisi Codeavour 5th Edition 2023 Indonesia level, yang terdiri dari Regional Round dan National Round. 

10 peserta terpilih akan mewakili indonesia dalam mengikuti Codeavour 5th Edition International Round yang diselenggarakan di Dubai, UEA.

KodeKiddo Country Partner

Codeavour Regional Round

Pada tanggal 25 Feb 2024 kemarin, sebanyak 75 teams peserta Codeavour Coding & AI Competition telah mengikuti babak Regional Round di KodeKiddo Center di berbagai kota di Indonesia secara bersamaan.

Mereka membawa hasil karya mereka yang bagus-bagus, yang juga dipresentasikan di depan para Juri, Orang Tua, Tamu serta perserta lainnya.

Tim Juri Codeavour sangat berterima kasih dan mengapresiasi seluruh peserta Codeavour yang telah ikut dalam event ini. 

Invitation to National Round !!!

Dari hasil perhitungan di berbagai aspek penilaian dan hasil score akhir yang sangat bersaing, berikut adalah Finalis Top 30 dari 3 kategori yang lolos dan masuk ke babak selanjutnya, yaitu National Round.

Elementary Category

nathanael ardhani menang


  1. Gerardus Yohan Ramadean
  2. Nathanael Ardhani Menang

Sustainable STEM Gardening Kits

We began making prototypes using kitchen tools and reusable items, showing our dedication to sustainability right from the start. With simple yet effective methods, we turn food waste into rich compost for gardening. This process is part of our Sustainable STEM Gardening Kits, which involve auto chopping and composting using Arduino, along with auto irrigation using a soil moisture sensor, all designed to make gardening more accessible and eco-friendly. Our goal is to empower individuals of all ages to engage in sustainable practices while enjoying the benefits of gardening, promoting environmental stewardship and education.

Link project :

Link Youtube:

Michelle Ivy Mulyono

EFL’s Safety Campaign for Kids

To address the vulnerability of young children during emergencies, the project ‘EFL’s Safety Campaign for Kids’ aims to empower them with essential knowledge in an engaging format. The project focuses on three prevalent situations in Indonesia: earthquakes, home fires, and getting lost. It utilizes the acronym EFL (Earthquake, Fire, Lost) to guide children’s learning. The campaign uses interactive storytelling approach with AI-generated animation characters (Chloe and her pet, Bella), incorporating factual information, and playful games to enhance understanding and safety awareness. The initiative aims to equip young children with the confidence and knowledge to navigate potentially dangerous situations in an accessible and enjoyable manner.

Link project :

Link Youtube:

Efad Team


  1. Efraim Tobias Hulbert Sijabat
  2. Ridwan Fadli Aryasatya

Smart Flood Alarm

Floods became the most frequent natural disaster in Indonesia during 2023. It can be caused by accumulated trash, deforestation, and climate change. The floods bring environmental and human damage. So, we designed a smart flood alarm with PictoBlox and Arduino Uno integration as an Early Warning System.
This alarm system is equipped with a water sensor, LED, LCD, and buzzer alarm. The water sensor is used to detect water level. LEDs are used to provide signals with specific colors, green indicates a safe condition, yellow is to prepare for the incoming flood, and red indicates a dangerous level of water. The LCD is used to display text information describing the warning level (Siaga 1 to Siaga 4). The buzzer alarm will sound at a specific water level with alerts for status 2 and 1.
This smart product can help global citizens reduce the impact of floods on human life.

Link project :

Link Youtube:

Super S Team


  1. Alexander Santoso
  2. Leonardo Santoso

Melody AI

MAI is about re-imagine new ways to experience the music with coding and AI.

In this project, we are using pictoblox with the AI and ML features to create new experience to play and learn music. We are also creating new personalized music instrument using Arduino.

Just like sand meets sea in the beach..
Through MAI, music meets technology..
To create your music experience.. as easy, fun, beautiful and memorable as your vacation in the beach.

Music is an universal language, where everybody with different languages, different ethnicities, different cultures, different era could be connected. It’s a powerful tools to send messages and express yourself to the whole world in peaceful way.

Hence in this era, where technology is enhancing all aspects of human’s life, we foresee that technology’s contribution in music industry
is still left behind.

Through MAI, we are trying to superimpose music with another subject, such as math, art, paint, emotion, AI and ML with coding.

Link to googleslide presentation :

Link project :

Link Youtube:

Mikhayla Leandra Krisbayu


Planticon is an AI-Machine learning site where people who aspire to be gardening can know the basic of planting while learning more about plants. With this site, you can create, learn, know, and see. Planticon teaches you how to take care and plant your plant properly using specific sentences that are easy to understand.

Planticon not only has one option for you to choose from, but eight various options for you to choose. Plants need more recognition for they give us life, with this AI and Machine-learning site, you can learn about the ways of a plant, how they communicate using their appearances and how to reply back.

Not only does Planticon focus on plants, but yet also their fruits and vegetables, to their nutritional facts and what they are, Planticon has the answers you are looking for.

Link project :

Link Youtube:

Alethea Putri Hasian Tampubolon

TFO (Translator for Overseas)

Translator for Overseas is a project for helping people to understand different languages to go to different countries, either for school or work or holiday. The mascot for TFO (Translator for Overseas) is named Thea, which is me in real life but with rainbow highlights (made it to appreciate myself lol). Why did I make this TFO? Because I wanted to help people that have language barriers, like those foreigners living in a country with a language they are not familiar with. It makes studying and communicating harder due to not understanding the main language of the country. I, myself, didn’t understand my main language at all when I was four because of being in an environment. (Made in Indonesia, packaged in the internet :3)

Link project : 

Link Youtube:

Gabriel Arkananta Tutuko

Picto Adventures: Save The Environment (Stop Deforestation)

The game is a story-driven adventure point-and-click game that takes place in a world where deforestation is the main problem.
Deforestation can make lots of bad things happen such as Environmental Impact & Social Impact

But these are not easy things to understand…
especially for kids my age

So I try to explain basic stuff about deforestation…by making this interactive storytelling, animation & game

Tobi is the main character who gave an example of how to stop deforestation by making Green World Organization (and maybe us too in the future)

Now…we can help with daily practices to stop deforestation

My Project is interactive and fun so viewers of all ages can easily understand what is deforestation and learn how to stop it with daily practice.

I add “TO BE CONTINUED” at the end…hopefully, each one of us can continue this epic journey to stop deforestation

Link project :

Link Youtube:

Warren Asher Kwok

Protect The Corpse Flower

The project takes place in an alternate universe where mankind drove several species to extinction! The people in this universe were very, very greedy. they killed of several species for their own benefit. This may seem harmless but can lead to several catastrophes! (For example, Climate change.) The plant in question you’re protecting is called the corpse flower, native to Indonesia, smells like a rotting corpse but can actually be pretty useful. Your goal is to protect the corpse flower from the enemies by strategically placing towers to defend against the hordes of enemies. There will be a total of 18 rounds of enemy waves so fasten your seat belts because we’re going on an adventure!

Link project :

Link Youtube:

Farel Aryasatya Basmalah

Achieving Dream Through Education (Game Macolis)

This project is Game-based Learning with the tagline Achieving Dream Through which I named Game Macolis (Math, coloring, English, and Sciences) which is an abbreviation of the subjects generally found in elementary schools and I applied it in 4 games in this Codevour project. Where in the presentation there is an intro storytelling with a character named Budi (an iconic name in Indonesia). Future dreams will come true with learning facilities that support personal development. One of the learning media is playing games.

Players can click on the subject they want, for the Math subject they are presented with 2 games, namely Game 1: Math Solving Car Race which presents 10 questions. If the answer is correct then there is an encouraging sound effect and there are 10 points for each question and a timer is provided which aims to hone speed and accuracy. in answering questions. Game 2 Arithmetic Frog Race, Players can choose tasks with the symbols +, -, : , and x, there are 10 points for each question and a timer is provided which aims to hone speed and accuracy in answering questions.

For the Coloring subject, there are 5 image choices, Players can change the color according to their creativity by clicking on the selected color and then selecting the part of the image they want to color.

For Subject English, the aim is to help practice speaking by taking turns speaking with the AI by imitating the dialogue that is already available.

For the Subject Science game in the form of a quiz, players must answer 10 questions using a microphone.

These 4 games are very useful for practicing skills in lessons, especially for elementary school children in grade 4. The questions are adapted to the knowledge that I gained in grade 4. Can be played at various ages, anytime, anywhere to get rid of boredom, or when accompanying children to play.

Link project :

Link Youtube:

Haidar Tsaqib Kalehananda

Sport Exercises

Sports Exercise is an app that helps people to exercise. In Indonesia, there is a high number of obese people. People in Indonesia are also too lazy to exercise. This project helps make people more healthy. The goal of the project is to make a sports exercise App that is easy to use. This app will help lower the obesity rate in Indonesia. This app will also help increase the stamina of people who use it. This project was made using machine-learning pose detection created from the platform teachable machine. The machine learning detects how many squats or jumping jacks the user did. The resulting number will be valued and some motivational text will appear.

Link project :

Link Youtube:

Junior Category

Jotta Alecia Sudharmadi

Smart Aquarium with IOT

My project is about a Smart Aquarium with IOT, with the theme Automate the Surroundings. The sensors I used are a 360˚ servo, DHT11, ESP32 with Shield, Web Cam, 2 batteries and LED Lights . The reason why I made this project is that, when you are away for a long time, no one feeds your fish, it is going to die. The function of the servo is to make the fish feeder move. The function of the DHT11(temperature sensor) is to detect the temperature inside the aquarium whether it’s too cold or hot. The lights are to make the aquarium brighter at night. My fish likes to jump out of the aquarium, so I used the web cam to detect whether the fish is still inside. Since my project uses IOT, it can be turned on from a far distance, using adafruit.

Link project : 

Link Youtube: 

Lionel Timothy

Imash (Intelligent Machine Architecting Sustained Enviornment)

Imash, standing for Intelligent Machine Architecting Sustained Hydration, is an advanced smart system designed to monitor your daily water intake meticulously anytime . It not only tracks the amount of water you drink but also alerts you to potential side effects of dehydration inside your body. This smart dispenser comes equipped with innovative features beyond your imagination, ensuring you stay hydrated in the most efficient way possible. Imash is equipped with Arduino circuit, NLP, AI, and text-to-speech.

Link project :

Link Youtube:

All for Jesus


  1. Vincentius Alvino Louis Gunawan
  2. Haskell Kay Kurniawan
  3. Rodrigo Kenneth Richardo


Vendicine is a machine that detects acne’s, urine and the weather, and is also capable of calculating BMI from speech-to-text input. It will then dispense an item to help with said thing, such as some medicine if the user has an acne or give tips on how to stay healthy during certain weather.

We used the Lego EV3 hardware for movement and detection and picked the Automating the Surroundings & Strengthen the Health Infrastructure theme.

Link project :

Link Youtube:

Benjamin Joseph Lie


Theme: Revolutionize the Agriculture

Project Name : AgriForecast

Background :
Regeneration process among farmers around the world is concerning, as there are fewer and fewer young farmers due to agriculture being perceived as unenticing, as well as factors such as lack of experience and access to capital, land and market opportunities.

Agriculture is associated with working for so long under the hot sun, dealing with mud, and facing the risk of harvest failure. Moreover, with the current situation, global warming changes the weather and temperature, a manual approach is more difficult to be applied.

Our Project :
AgriForecast is an AI-based project that can make accurate predictions on agriculture harvests. This project will help young and inexperienced farmers get a better picture of what to expect from their crops.

This project can serve as a simulation to determine which kind of crops are more profitable to plant based on several influencing factors. AgriForecast uses Machine Learning with Regression method to predict harvests based on
Location (country).
Types of crops.
Average Annual Rainfall (mm/year)
Average Annual Temperature (in celcius)
Fertilizer Consumption per year (in tonnes)
Pesticide Consumption per year (in tonnes)

Link project :

Link Youtube:


Alif Pradani


Lithopia is one and only application about lithop, an application created as a guide for plant enthusiasts, especially for lithop desert plant enthusiasts. Lithop is currently a popular ornamental plant among plant lovers. However, it turns out that taking care of this plant is noteasy, especially for beginners. In this application, users can find out everything about lithop, including how to care them, identifying its problems using AI, monitoring gardens, and even playing games within the app. With this application, users are expected to feel assisted in solving problems they encounter while caring for lithop. The application incorporates Artificial Intelligence and is created using Pictoblox. Users can also regularly use this application for daily use. This application will not be boring because it also comes with fun games.

Link project :

Link Youtube:

Althafazrais Widyanatha

ECAIA (Elder Caring AI Assistant)

The elderly are the most valuable family members, we respect the most, and care the most, because of the many physical and mental health risks, as well as instability in many ways. ECAIA is an assistant who looks after your elderly people, if they live alone away from their family. ECAIA has 10 features that are most needed by the elderly. ECAIA can train sports, play music, remind them of their daily schedule, check their symptoms and condition, ECAIA can detect the condition of elderly people who have fallen and direct automatically call the family and doctors. ECAIA, can provide funny jokes and fun games for the elderly, and last but not least ECAIA can help remember faces that the elderly point to with photos, can draw whatever we want, and ECAIA has audrino that can move and open the medication. ECAIA is a solution for your elderly who are left alone at home.

Link project :

Link Youtube:

Natasha Zheng

Skelo’s Clinic

Skelo’s Clinic is an AI Machine Learning project created with Pictoblox. Skelo’s Clinic can detect poor or good sitting postures using web cameras. It can also save the user’s posture data using save codes. Skelo’s Clinic has a simple and easy appearance to make the user understand the product more easily. On the very first screen, there’s a start button to move to the next screen. On the second screen, the user can choose whether they want to start by checking their sitting posture or checking their posture progress. In the check posture screen, the user can start checking their posture by pressing the start button, or they can also see how to sit properly. After checking their postures, they will receive a code, result, and recommendations of what to do next. In the progress data, the user can enter one of their data codes and see their previous results.

Link project :

Link Youtube:

I Gede Reyga Khrisnanda Utama Yasa


Clean and healthy environment is very important to our society, we need to keep our environment clean. To do so, all of us should put our trash on the place. One of the actions is to put sign to remind all of as to keep the environment clean. Early education to the kids also become solution. By this project we create a game that remind us to keep our environment clean and healthy, to keep remind us to put our trash on the place.

Link project :

Link Youtube:

Georgije Cerovic

Little Genius The Smart Ball

Little Genius is a cute ball with curiousity. With Little Genius, he can make learning fun and interesting with Games and Simulations. It has 5 games which are :
– Math Masters
– ⁠Hands-On Arts
– ⁠Brain Training
– ⁠Music Signalling
– ⁠Talking Genius

In this project, I use a little bit of AI and ML for some games in the project. There are benefits of Little Genius The Smart Ball such as :
1. Math Masters and Brain Training are used for education to test their knowledge
2. Hands-On Arts shows us that touchless technology is nearby to reality
3. Talking Genius is used to help toddlers stimulate to speak
4. Music Signalling learns us about sign language for disable people

Thank you
Best regards,
Georgije Cerovic

Link project :

Link Youtube:

Jacquelyn Calista Chen


Starting a healthy life for teens is a very important thing for their present and future. The issue with the current generation is that adults may realize of the importance of a healthy lifestyle just when diseases hit due to this unhealthy lifestyle. Thus it is important to form a healthy lifestyle during the teenage years. Why at this point? It’s due to the self made choices related to food and activity.
Because of that I made a program dedicated for teenagers to develop a healthy lifestyle. The AI in this project I made here can help teens in having a healthy lifestyle in an exciting way. It can help them to do some exercise like dancing. It can also help them to obtain the correct nutrition, for example by scanning their food and getting the nutritional information for their food, as well as a healthier replacement for processed foods.

Link project :

Link Youtube:

Senior Category

ACS Engineering


  1. Jeremy Suryasaputra
  2. Stefan Jacob Saro Silitonga
  3. Maxmilian Halim

Search and Rescue Drone (SARD)

Drones can become very supplemental or key additions to Search and Rescue in the case of a disaster. Although many drones contain basic functions like flying or recording, they are still not adequate for disaster-use. To improve this, our team has decided to use AI, training a ML model, to easily detect survivors. Our project started with the construction of our own drone, which unlike other drones in the market, is easily customizable from the speed, program, and infrastructure. We trained the ML model ourselves using the Pictoblox program and coded the drone using Arduino. All of the features can be accessed via just a laptop. We believe this drone, specifically the idea it represents, can become a main catalyst in Search and Rescue operations.

Link project :

Link Youtube:

Alfon Ricardo Lucman

Spellbound Signs

Introducing Spellbound Signs, an educational game put together to help you master the American Sign Language alphabet. Spellbound Signs provides an engaging ASL-learning environment for those hard of hearing and their loved ones, regardless of their age. By incorporating interactive and hands-on elements into the learning process, Spellbound Signs aims to optimize learning ASL while fostering enjoyment and involvement in players. This is critical as 6.1% of the world are hard of hearing. Help Willy the Wizard whack some ghosts with his whimsical magic hand poses.

This game assesses the player’s proficiency in accurately executing the hand poses representing the alphabet. Spellbound Signs features six levels, each focusing on a specific range of alphabets.

Level 1 – A,B,C,D,E
Level 2 – F,G,H,I,J
Level 3 – K,L,M,N,O
Level 4 – P,Q,R,S,T
Level 5 – U,V,W,X,Y,Z
Level 6 – Free play

The segmented learning approach of the alphabet allows for easier digestion of the letters, improving their retention.

Link project :
Link Youtube:

Felicia Athena Anastasia Binui

Trash to Treasure

“Trash to Treasure” aims to elevate awareness surrounding the importance of recycling and sustainable living. By integrating AI technology, this project strives to inspire users to dive into the artistic realm of recycling, making use of everyday items available in their homes. Another highlight is a short animation video that not only emphasizes the significance of recycling but also serves as an educational tool. By simplifying the recycling process, “Trash to Treasure” makes creative recycling accessible for users of all ages, challenging the stereotype that recycling is only for waste management companies. The project’s message emphasizes that every small action matters and can have a collective impact on the well-being of our planet.

Link project:

Link Youtube:



  1. Dylan Sean Chiarief
  2. Pannayaka Janggleng Renggo Loekito


As we know in today’s world we got to see very massive technological. That advancement is including in the health sector too, for example hearing aid, but the advancement for people that has visual impairment problem isn’t advance enough for us. That’s why in our project we want to help the people who suffers visual impairment. In this project we want to help people with visual impairment to be able to feels and explores the outside world without any worry in mind. That’s why we make a device that can detect obstacles and signs that they may encountered. With the help of AI/ML we created a detector for those things and send a signal for any danger or signage, so they can roam freely without supervision. That’s why our project name is “Vision”.

Link project:

Link Youtube:

Mustafiana Adicipta

FYPS (Find Your Parking Space)

FYPS (Find Your Parking Space) is a project that aims to provide drivers with a seamless parking experience. It’s like having a personal parking assistant in your pocket! FYPS is super user-friendly and helps you find available parking spots in your desired location, all in real time. You can make informed decisions before you leave home and secure a parking spot in advance to ensure you don’t have to stress out when you arrive. With its easy-to-use interface and accurate data, FYPS streamlines the parking process, reduces traffic, and makes it easier for you to navigate busy city streets. Whether you’re going to work, shopping, or just hanging out, FYPS simplifies the search for parking and makes your life easier!

Link project:

Link Youtube:



  1. Nathanael Nicolas Chang
  2. Nicholas Chung
  3. Junico Pratama Teguh


Introducing EcoSort: an innovative automatic trash sorting system leveraging state-of-the-art AI technology. By swiftly and accurately segregating recyclable and non-recyclable materials, EcoSort revolutionizes waste management, reducing human error and labor costs while boosting recycling rates. Tailored for municipalities, waste management firms, and commercial entities, EcoSort offers a scalable, customizable solution. Its intuitive interface and seamless integration ensure effortless operation, delivering tangible environmental benefits and cost savings. With EcoSort, organizations can streamline waste sorting, minimize environmental impact, and embrace a sustainable future.

Link project:

Link Youtube:



  1. Maximillian Mikhael Prabowo
  2. Franciscus Xaverius Saphton Ostentiarto


Our project involves the development of a versatile CHATBOT AI aimed at educating individuals worldwide. By simply typing questions, users can access a wide range of educational content spanning medical, language, marketing, and other fields of study. In addition to providing valuable knowledge, our platform offers 8 programming quizzes to challenge users and enhance their programming skills. We are dedicated to continuous improvement, committing to monthly software updates to address any bugs and introduce new features. With our innovative approach to education, we aim to empower learners globally and facilitate accessible and engaging learning experiences. Our project entails crafting a dynamic CHATBOT AI for global education.

Link project :

Link Youtube:

Lionel Dennis Sunjoyo

Trash Detected

My Project names “Trash Detected”. Nowadays, a lot of waste is produced due to the progress of civilization. This results in a lot of waste in the world. The waste produced is also varied. Starting from plastic, organic, and more. I created a program to differentiate waste, so that people don’t sort waste wrongly. In my program, you will also be trained to be able to differentiate between many waste too. This is motivated by the fact that sorting waste is an easy job, but because people don’t learn, people are unfamiliar with sorting waste. Apart from that, in my program you will also be taught how to recycle various kinds of waste, so that we can reduce the waste produced. You will be accompanied by CleanBot to run this program.

Link project :

Link Youtube:

Alexis Soeswanto

ECO Arcade

This project consists of a set of educational mini games themed around conserving our environment, highlighting topics such as pollution and waste disposal, as well as features of wildlife conservation and sustainable energy. They involve activities such as sorting trash into the correct bins, cleaning trash from a river, environment themed trivia, and helping to reduce light pollution. These are also based on traditional ‘arcade’ games that bring a level of familiarity to players, being sorting, fishing, and memory puzzle game-based. Additionally, aside from just minigames, users are further motivated to play and learn through a reward system provided through a ‘shop’ feature, where they can gain prizes in exchange for points they earn through playing. With bright visuals, and simple but fun gameplay, this project hopes to draw in many casual players and younger audiences.

Link project:

Link Youtube:

Reyner Elazaro Tampubolon

MPD (Mobile Pollution Data)

MPD, short for Mobile Pollution Data, has a list of pollution ratings of different cities around the world. The goal is to have this dataset used by the public in a precautionary action towards air pollution. The ratings are based on the PM2.5 rating, but shortened and simplified to be : Safe (0-50 PM2.5), Intermediate (51-100 PM2.5), and Dangerous (101-200+ PM2.5). The AI Extension in MPD allows the user to add a city which isn’t in the list, then have it rated instantly by a trained model built from Teachable Machine. This AI Extension earns superiority over the more popular air pollution website, IQAir. From an instantaneous update time, to being able to cover any city in the world.

Link project:

Link Youtube:

Notes : Tim KodeKiddo akan menghubungi 30 tim peserta National Round diatas untuk informasi lebih lanjut.

Things to be prepared for this event!

Ayo, persiapkan diri Kiddos untuk tampil di Regional Round tersebut!

Poster / Banner 

Softcopy bisa diupload di link ini. (Optional) versi Printed dibawa juga saat Regional Event

Demo Project 

Kiddos akan menggunakan file Demo Project yang sudah kiddos upload di submission kemarin.

Presentation Business Pitch 

Kiddos akan menggunakan file presentasi yang sudah kiddos upload di submission kemarin.

Presentation Speech 

Persiapkan Presentasi Kiddos bersama Demo Project dan Presentation Business Pitch kalian dengan sangat baik.

3 Menit

3 Menit adalah waktu yang diberikan untuk kiddos meyakinkan para Juri bahwa Kiddos layak untuk dipilih menjadi pemenang National Round.

3 Menit adalah waktu untuk presentasi dan demo project kiddos.

Pastikan Kiddos sudah mempersiapkannya dengan baik..!!

Event ini juga didukung oleh :

Asuransi Astra
ACS Jakarta
Clear Shampoo Kalbe
IAIS Indonesia Artificial Intelligence Society

Codeavour 5.0 Regional Round

Codeavour Coding & AI Competition

Codeavour merupakan kompetisi international Artificial Intelligence (AI), coding, dan robotic dari STEMPedia menggunakan platform PictoBlox bagi anak anak berusia 7 – 18 tahun. 

KodeKiddo sebagai Official Exclusive Country Partner dari Codeavour mengadakan kompetisi Codeavour 5th Edition 2023 Indonesia level, yang terdiri dari Regional Round dan National Round. 

10 peserta terpilih akan mewakili indonesia dalam mengikuti Codeavour 5th Edition International Round yang diselenggarakan di Dubai, UEA.

KodeKiddo Country Partner

Codeavour - Regional Round

Codeavour Regional Round akan diadakan secara serempak di berbagai lokasi KodeKiddo Center pada tanggal 25 Feb 2024.

KodeKiddo Center Gading Serpong (Tangerang)

KodeKiddo Center Permata Buana (Jakarta)

KodeKiddo Center Kelapa Gading (Jakarta)

KodeKiddo Center Grand Galaxy (Bekasi)

KodeKiddo Center Pekanbaru (Riau)

KodeKiddo Center Bandung (Jawa Barat)

KodeKiddo Center Tegal (Jawa Tengah)

KodeKiddo Center Semarang (Jawa Tengah)

KodeKiddo Center Solo (Jawa Tengah)

KodeKiddo Center Yogyakarta (Yogyakarta)

KodeKiddo Center Surabaya (Jawa Timur)

KodeKiddo Center Malang (Jawa Timur)

KodeKiddo Denpasar (Bali)

Online Selection (Zoom)

Berikut adalah list 75 Team peserta yang masuk dalam Regional Round.

Elementary Category

Michelle Ivy Mulyono

EFL’s Safety Campaign for Kids

To address the vulnerability of young children during emergencies, the project ‘EFL’s Safety Campaign for Kids’ aims to empower them with essential knowledge in an engaging format. The project focuses on three prevalent situations in Indonesia: earthquakes, home fires, and getting lost. It utilizes the acronym EFL (Earthquake, Fire, Lost) to guide children’s learning. The campaign uses interactive storytelling approach with AI-generated animation characters (Chloe and her pet, Bella), incorporating factual information, and playful games to enhance understanding and safety awareness. The initiative aims to equip young children with the confidence and knowledge to navigate potentially dangerous situations in an accessible and enjoyable manner.

Link project :

Link Youtube:

nathanael ardhani menang


  1. Gerardus Yohan Ramadean
  2. Nathanael Ardhani Menang

Sustainable STEM Gardening Kits

We began making prototypes using kitchen tools and reusable items, showing our dedication to sustainability right from the start. With simple yet effective methods, we turn food waste into rich compost for gardening. This process is part of our Sustainable STEM Gardening Kits, which involve auto chopping and composting using Arduino, along with auto irrigation using a soil moisture sensor, all designed to make gardening more accessible and eco-friendly. Our goal is to empower individuals of all ages to engage in sustainable practices while enjoying the benefits of gardening, promoting environmental stewardship and education.

Link project :

Link Youtube:

Efad Team


  1. Efraim Tobias Hulbert Sijabat
  2. Ridwan Fadli Aryasatya

Smart Flood Alarm

Floods became the most frequent natural disaster in Indonesia during 2023. It can be caused by accumulated trash, deforestation, and climate change. The floods bring environmental and human damage. So, we designed a smart flood alarm with PictoBlox and Arduino Uno integration as an Early Warning System.
This alarm system is equipped with a water sensor, LED, LCD, and buzzer alarm. The water sensor is used to detect water level. LEDs are used to provide signals with specific colors, green indicates a safe condition, yellow is to prepare for the incoming flood, and red indicates a dangerous level of water. The LCD is used to display text information describing the warning level (Siaga 1 to Siaga 4). The buzzer alarm will sound at a specific water level with alerts for status 2 and 1.
This smart product can help global citizens reduce the impact of floods on human life.

Link project :

Link Youtube:

Super S Team


  1. Alexander Santoso
  2. Leonardo Santoso

Melody AI

MAI is about re-imagine new ways to experience the music with coding and AI.

In this project, we are using pictoblox with the AI and ML features to create new experience to play and learn music. We are also creating new personalized music instrument using Arduino.

Just like sand meets sea in the beach..
Through MAI, music meets technology..
To create your music experience.. as easy, fun, beautiful and memorable as your vacation in the beach.

Music is an universal language, where everybody with different languages, different ethnicities, different cultures, different era could be connected. It’s a powerful tools to send messages and express yourself to the whole world in peaceful way.

Hence in this era, where technology is enhancing all aspects of human’s life, we foresee that technology’s contribution in music industry
is still left behind.

Through MAI, we are trying to superimpose music with another subject, such as math, art, paint, emotion, AI and ML with coding.

Link to googleslide presentation :

Link project :

Link Youtube:

Mikhayla Leandra Krisbayu


Planticon is an AI-Machine learning site where people who aspire to be gardening can know the basic of planting while learning more about plants. With this site, you can create, learn, know, and see. Planticon teaches you how to take care and plant your plant properly using specific sentences that are easy to understand.

Planticon not only has one option for you to choose from, but eight various options for you to choose. Plants need more recognition for they give us life, with this AI and Machine-learning site, you can learn about the ways of a plant, how they communicate using their appearances and how to reply back.

Not only does Planticon focus on plants, but yet also their fruits and vegetables, to their nutritional facts and what they are, Planticon has the answers you are looking for.

Link project :

Link Youtube:

Faran Altaira Nafi

High Technology AI House

The “High Technology AI House” project is a smart home system incorporating advanced technologies for increased security and convenience. The project features a facial recognition-enabled smart door, eliminating the need for traditional keys and providing a secure and seamless access experience. Inside the house, an artificial intelligence (AI) system enhances the television-watching experience by allowing users to control and select movies through natural language commands. Additionally, the AI system generates comprehensive reports on household activities, serving as a monitoring assistant for homeowners.

Link project : 

Link Youtube:

Haidar Tsaqib Kalehananda

Sport Exercises

Sports Exercise is an app that helps people to exercise. In Indonesia, there is a high number of obese people. People in Indonesia are also too lazy to exercise. This project helps make people more healthy. The goal of the project is to make a sports exercise App that is easy to use. This app will help lower the obesity rate in Indonesia. This app will also help increase the stamina of people who use it. This project was made using machine-learning pose detection created from the platform teachable machine. The machine learning detects how many squats or jumping jacks the user did. The resulting number will be valued and some motivational text will appear.

Link project :

Link Youtube:

Zalika Arzati Mayyasha

Toys Organizer.AI

The TOYS ORGANIZER.AI uses QR Code Scanner and Artificial Intelligence module to help kids create their list of toys virtually.
The TOYS ORGANIZER.AI first identify the user from QR Code scanner to detect the user. It will proceed if QR code matches the one on the data list. Kids can choose which shelf they want to use as toys catalogue on the menu.
AI can detect what kind of object that kid’s toys have, for example cars, balls, dolls, etc. This will be saved to the virtual toys shelf and added to the kid’s toys list.
This will help kids with bunch of toys to have helpful list of their toys catalogue that help them to remember the toys that kid have and prevent the toy lost and prevent them to buy the same toy again.

Link project :

Link Youtube:

Farel Aryasatya Basmalah

Achieving Dream Through Education (Game Macolis)

This project is Game-based Learning with the tagline Achieving Dream Through which I named Game Macolis (Math, coloring, English, and Sciences) which is an abbreviation of the subjects generally found in elementary schools and I applied it in 4 games in this Codevour project. Where in the presentation there is an intro storytelling with a character named Budi (an iconic name in Indonesia). Future dreams will come true with learning facilities that support personal development. One of the learning media is playing games.

Players can click on the subject they want, for the Math subject they are presented with 2 games, namely Game 1: Math Solving Car Race which presents 10 questions. If the answer is correct then there is an encouraging sound effect and there are 10 points for each question and a timer is provided which aims to hone speed and accuracy. in answering questions. Game 2 Arithmetic Frog Race, Players can choose tasks with the symbols +, -, : , and x, there are 10 points for each question and a timer is provided which aims to hone speed and accuracy in answering questions.

For the Coloring subject, there are 5 image choices, Players can change the color according to their creativity by clicking on the selected color and then selecting the part of the image they want to color.

For Subject English, the aim is to help practice speaking by taking turns speaking with the AI by imitating the dialogue that is already available.

For the Subject Science game in the form of a quiz, players must answer 10 questions using a microphone.

These 4 games are very useful for practicing skills in lessons, especially for elementary school children in grade 4. The questions are adapted to the knowledge that I gained in grade 4. Can be played at various ages, anytime, anywhere to get rid of boredom, or when accompanying children to play.

Link project :

Link Youtube:

Alethea Putri Hasian Tampubolon

TFO (Translator for Overseas)

Translator for Overseas is a project for helping people to understand different languages to go to different countries, either for school or work or holiday. The mascot for TFO (Translator for Overseas) is named Thea, which is me in real life but with rainbow highlights (made it to appreciate myself lol). Why did I make this TFO? Because I wanted to help people that have language barriers, like those foreigners living in a country with a language they are not familiar with. It makes studying and communicating harder due to not understanding the main language of the country. I, myself, didn’t understand my main language at all when I was four because of being in an environment. (Made in Indonesia, packaged in the internet :3)

Link project : 

Link Youtube:

Keenan Valerio El Dzaky

Crafter AI

This application is called Crafter AI, it is developed to introduce motifs from traditional carvings originating from various cultures in Indonesia and around the world. This application is a platform that focuses on educating school students to better understand their cultural heritage, especially in the field of arts and crafts. The application consists of three parts: Machine Learning (AI) for object detection, quizzes, and interactive gaming.

Link project :

Link Youtube: 

Gabriel Arkananta Tutuko

Picto Adventures: Save The Environment (Stop Deforestation)

The game is a story-driven adventure point-and-click game that takes place in a world where deforestation is the main problem.
Deforestation can make lots of bad things happen such as Environmental Impact & Social Impact

But these are not easy things to understand…
especially for kids my age

So I try to explain basic stuff about deforestation…by making this interactive storytelling, animation & game

Tobi is the main character who gave an example of how to stop deforestation by making Green World Organization (and maybe us too in the future)

Now…we can help with daily practices to stop deforestation

My Project is interactive and fun so viewers of all ages can easily understand what is deforestation and learn how to stop it with daily practice.

I add “TO BE CONTINUED” at the end…hopefully, each one of us can continue this epic journey to stop deforestation

Link project :

Link Youtube:

Joachim Putra Hutabarat

Automated Watering System

This project is made to solve problems that normal means of agriculture are struggling against. Nowadays, Technology are beginning to get more advanced. As such, normal means of agriculture methods are no longer sufficient to cover the needs of the masses. With it,i’ve come to s solution to create an automated watering system project.This project is made using Arduino Uno Hardware and Pictoblox project with Integrated Ai that is used for answering all kinds of questions related to farming. The Arduino hardware is connected with a soil moisture sensor that detects how much humidity is contained within the soil. It is also connected to a water pump that pumps water following the signal from the sensor. If enough humidity levels is reached, the sensor will emit a signal to the Arduino to stop the water pump.

Link project :

Warren Asher Kwok

Protect The Corpse Flower

The project takes place in an alternate universe where mankind drove several species to extinction! The people in this universe were very, very greedy. they killed of several species for their own benefit. This may seem harmless but can lead to several catastrophes! (For example, Climate change.) The plant in question you’re protecting is called the corpse flower, native to Indonesia, smells like a rotting corpse but can actually be pretty useful. Your goal is to protect the corpse flower from the enemies by strategically placing towers to defend against the hordes of enemies. There will be a total of 18 rounds of enemy waves so fasten your seat belts because we’re going on an adventure!

Link project :

Link Youtube:

Mikayla Alesha Raihani

Garbage Cleaner

My project’s name is Garbage Cleaner. You can direct the character
using AI to collect trash and put it in the rubbish bin. You can collect scores
while also collecting trash. Once you have at least 8 points, you can put it in the rubbish bin and win the game. But, if you didn’t collect 8 or more trash and put it in the rubbish bin, then you can’t win the game. This game is very educational because it helps you to understand the important message, which is throwing trash in the rubbish bin to avoid flood, dirtiness, and disease. Enjoy the game and have fun! Don’t forget to like and subscribe.<3

Link project :

Link Youube:

Sabine Ziya Halide

Live Your Life

My project uses a robot named Lyla, it stands for Live Your Life And enjoy it all. This project provides an alternative way for children to talk. Lyla will help children who have problems. Start with Lyla introduce herself. Then Lyla gives two options: first is only listen to their feelings, the second is to listen to their feelings and then suggest what to do.
Children can tell their problems through a menu with screen and audio. They can speak directly to the screen with given time, then AI will recognize the feelings, summarize, and find a suggestion to alleviate the problem. At the end, Lyla greets them again to make their day.

Link project :

Link Youtube:

Orlando Jeremiah Lee

Fruit Sorting

Fruit sorting is an application that sorts fresh fruit and rotten fruit, then puts them in a basket or organic recycling bin. This project uses Machine Learning to recognize images of fresh fruit or rotten fruit, and uses Pictoblox for coding.

Link project :

Link Youtube:

Gabriella Kinasih Tutuko

Throw Trash Properly

Pollution is everywhere…But I don’t know how to help…And people keep throwing trash improperly…It’s confusing…But I’m just a kid

Then I asked my mom and she told me, I can help to save the environment by throwing trash properly…
So I have an idea to tell my story to other people.

Hopefully, my story will inspire people to save the environment by start doing easy and simple things in our daily lives.

I start the storytelling from my room, and then I want to play outside but there is so much trash in the city forest and beach. Then I try to show people how to throw trash properly to save the environment

There are many solutions for trash, but
sometimes it’s difficult for kids to do it independently.

I made a storytelling…I use simple animations and simple language so everyone can understand. Even kids like me can help save the environment…start by throwing trash properly

Link project :

Link Youtube:

Keanu Adhirajasa Sastika

Healthy Earth

In Healthy Earth, There is 2 Scenarios + AI&ML Extension. There is A Home Screen, Tutorial and Scenario Selections. The Scenario Selection is in Borneo since in Borneo (Kalimantan) there are many Trees are cutting down (Deforestation). This project is to remind us that we need to save the environment especially forest, water preservation in which extend could be sourced for hydro-electrical power stations to create green energy.

Link project :

Link Youtube:

Hussain Fajrial Arif

Free the ocean

This project focuses on environmental issues, particularly marine pollution. Nowadays, The number of marine pollution increase significantly. It can affect marine species, food and human health. It also contributes on climate change. Based on this worrying issues, this project is expected to provide good awareness for kids to contribute in lowering marine pollution trough the fun way.
There are four characters in this game, abby, tom, divers, zelda and kevin. Abby explain how the game work and tom orders the diver to collect the trash in the ocean. Zelda as the news anchor informs about marine pollution. There are three divers here, they called player, player and player 2. Kevin can help to detect the composition of waste, whether it is organic or anorganic. Organic waste can decompose and not pollute the ocean, while anorganic waste will pollute the ocean so divers have to collect the waste. Player can choose the level of difficulties. The more waste are collected, the more gems they will get.

Link project :

Link Youtube:

Brian Putra Purwohadi

Codeavour Renewable Energy Simulator

The project I made is a renewable energy simulator. In this project I create a simulator where the user could simulate the usage of practical renewable energy sources.
I designed the sprites using pictoblox’s costume maker because im already familiar with it because of scratch.
I coded the code with my knowledge of scratch so I can do it easily. I also used the machine learning environment.
I want the people to play my game using the buttons for the most part and the sound with the machine learning environment.
It helps the player to understand to use renewable energy and to get knowledge.

Link project :

Link Youtube:



  1. Aletha Sofia Purnama
  2. Audrey Louisa Wijaya

Geo Plants

This project is called GEO PLANTS, a game about encouraging people to save the environment. In the late days, people have been throwing trash everywhere uncontrollably, and the ocean is dying. As children, we cannot make a big step just yet, so we decided to fix two problems first. Our project is different from the usual method of making posters or telling people to stop. It’s fun in a way. People will be more encouraged to do these because of the cute interface it shows. You have to take care of your creature named “Blob”, and make its intelligence reach 150. To do so, you have to collect points. And you CAN do daily tasks, but try the story mode! It’s filled with fun games that teach you about dying nature. If you ever have any questions about nature, just press the chat box button. Marcus will surely help you.

Link project :

Link Youtube:

Caleb Ethan

Calorie Calculator

My name is Caleb and I’m 11 years old. I live in Bangkok Thailand and I decided to choose the theme revolutionize the health industry because I am an innovator aspiring to help malnutritioned people live a healthier life and realize that they need to have more calories in their meal.
This project can help people be healthier and also more energized and awake. My project calculates the amount of calories a person consumes in a meal. We calculate all of it to get a total which will be displayed by the number counter at the end.
My project also has the time of day selection feature, which will input more data for the ChatGPT response
at the end and determine if you are malnutritioned. If you are, you will get a response from ChatGPT, saying
that you should eat more food in your meal or eat foods with higher calories. If you are not malnutritioned,
you will get a congratulatory message from ChatGPT. How does my project work? The idea is simple, you add all of the calories
in total of what kind of food the user inputs and determines if it is enough for the time of day (breakfast, lunch, dinner).
Dinner is worth 500 calories, lunch is worth 500, and breakfast is worth 250 at least. So, we compare the total amount
to the selected time of day amount. This could be breakfast, lunch and dinner. We can find out if it is below the time of day
value amount. If it is, it will trigger the malnurishment message as mentioned earlier if the ChatGPT advice button is pressed. This is how my entire project works. It’s very simple yet very effective!

Link project :

Link Youtube:

Danang Farshad Alrianto


The name of my codeavour project is THE SEA CLEANERS.

Start from the problem that sea water pollution will damage the natural habitat of flora and fauna and try to empowering kids as agents of change to reduce water pollution.
Educational games is a modern way to teach kids in more fun ways.

This is a game and an interactive learning for water pollution awareness. A game about a scuba diver defeating trash, trash is an antagonist in the game. The educational message in THE SEA CLEANERS is player knows that the sea has be cleaned to finish the game.

THE SEA CLEANERS as an education media to prevent water pollution.

Link project :

Link Youtube:

Sakha Abimanyu Al Ayyubi Witdiarta

Smart Rack

A Smart Shelf that can tell you today and tomorrow’s class schedule and today and tomorrow’s weather conditions so you can prepare your self well
I thought about creating a program that could later help my friends and me
to tell you what to bring to school
first the program will read the time from the internet
then the program will match the time and lesson schedule
Weather forecasts are also obtained from the internet automatically
This program pays attention to when this program is run to ensure accurate lesson schedules and weather forecasts


Link project :

Link Youtube:

Junior Category

Jotta Alecia Sudharmadi

Smart Aquarium with IOT

My project is about a Smart Aquarium with IOT, with the theme Automate the Surroundings. The sensors I used are a 360˚ servo, DHT11, ESP32 with Shield, Web Cam, 2 batteries and LED Lights . The reason why I made this project is that, when you are away for a long time, no one feeds your fish, it is going to die. The function of the servo is to make the fish feeder move. The function of the DHT11(temperature sensor) is to detect the temperature inside the aquarium whether it’s too cold or hot. The lights are to make the aquarium brighter at night. My fish likes to jump out of the aquarium, so I used the web cam to detect whether the fish is still inside. Since my project uses IOT, it can be turned on from a far distance, using adafruit.

Link project : 

Link Youtube: 

All for Jesus


  1. Vincentius Alvino Louis Gunawan
  2. Haskell Kay Kurniawan
  3. Rodrigo Kenneth Richardo


Vendicine is a machine that detects acne’s, urine and the weather, and is also capable of calculating BMI from speech-to-text input. It will then dispense an item to help with said thing, such as some medicine if the user has an acne or give tips on how to stay healthy during certain weather.

We used the Lego EV3 hardware for movement and detection and picked the Automating the Surroundings & Strengthen the Health Infrastructure theme.

Link project :

Link Youtube:

Natasha Zheng

Skelo’s Clinic

Skelo’s Clinic is an AI Machine Learning project created with Pictoblox. Skelo’s Clinic can detect poor or good sitting postures using web cameras. It can also save the user’s posture data using save codes. Skelo’s Clinic has a simple and easy appearance to make the user understand the product more easily. On the very first screen, there’s a start button to move to the next screen. On the second screen, the user can choose whether they want to start by checking their sitting posture or checking their posture progress. In the check posture screen, the user can start checking their posture by pressing the start button, or they can also see how to sit properly. After checking their postures, they will receive a code, result, and recommendations of what to do next. In the progress data, the user can enter one of their data codes and see their previous results.

Link project :

Link Youtube:

Lionel Timothy

Imash (Intelligent Machine Architecting Sustained Enviornment)

Imash, standing for Intelligent Machine Architecting Sustained Hydration, is an advanced smart system designed to monitor your daily water intake meticulously anytime . It not only tracks the amount of water you drink but also alerts you to potential side effects of dehydration inside your body. This smart dispenser comes equipped with innovative features beyond your imagination, ensuring you stay hydrated in the most efficient way possible. Imash is equipped with Arduino circuit, NLP, AI, and text-to-speech.

Link project :

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Alif Pradani


Lithopia is one and only application about lithop, an application created as a guide for plant enthusiasts, especially for lithop desert plant enthusiasts. Lithop is currently a popular ornamental plant among plant lovers. However, it turns out that taking care of this plant is noteasy, especially for beginners. In this application, users can find out everything about lithop, including how to care them, identifying its problems using AI, monitoring gardens, and even playing games within the app. With this application, users are expected to feel assisted in solving problems they encounter while caring for lithop. The application incorporates Artificial Intelligence and is created using Pictoblox. Users can also regularly use this application for daily use. This application will not be boring because it also comes with fun games.

Link project :

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Georgije Cerovic

Little Genius The Smart Ball

Little Genius is a cute ball with curiousity. With Little Genius, he can make learning fun and interesting with Games and Simulations. It has 5 games which are :
– Math Masters
– ⁠Hands-On Arts
– ⁠Brain Training
– ⁠Music Signalling
– ⁠Talking Genius

In this project, I use a little bit of AI and ML for some games in the project. There are benefits of Little Genius The Smart Ball such as :
1. Math Masters and Brain Training are used for education to test their knowledge
2. Hands-On Arts shows us that touchless technology is nearby to reality
3. Talking Genius is used to help toddlers stimulate to speak
4. Music Signalling learns us about sign language for disable people

Thank you
Best regards,
Georgije Cerovic

Link project :

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Benjamin Joseph Lie


Theme: Revolutionize the Agriculture

Project Name : AgriForecast

Background :
Regeneration process among farmers around the world is concerning, as there are fewer and fewer young farmers due to agriculture being perceived as unenticing, as well as factors such as lack of experience and access to capital, land and market opportunities.

Agriculture is associated with working for so long under the hot sun, dealing with mud, and facing the risk of harvest failure. Moreover, with the current situation, global warming changes the weather and temperature, a manual approach is more difficult to be applied.

Our Project :
AgriForecast is an AI-based project that can make accurate predictions on agriculture harvests. This project will help young and inexperienced farmers get a better picture of what to expect from their crops.

This project can serve as a simulation to determine which kind of crops are more profitable to plant based on several influencing factors. AgriForecast uses Machine Learning with Regression method to predict harvests based on
Location (country).
Types of crops.
Average Annual Rainfall (mm/year)
Average Annual Temperature (in celcius)
Fertilizer Consumption per year (in tonnes)
Pesticide Consumption per year (in tonnes)

Link project :

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Althafazrais Widyanatha

ECAIA (Elder Caring AI Assistant)

The elderly are the most valuable family members, we respect the most, and care the most, because of the many physical and mental health risks, as well as instability in many ways. ECAIA is an assistant who looks after your elderly people, if they live alone away from their family. ECAIA has 10 features that are most needed by the elderly. ECAIA can train sports, play music, remind them of their daily schedule, check their symptoms and condition, ECAIA can detect the condition of elderly people who have fallen and direct automatically call the family and doctors. ECAIA, can provide funny jokes and fun games for the elderly, and last but not least ECAIA can help remember faces that the elderly point to with photos, can draw whatever we want, and ECAIA has audrino that can move and open the medication. ECAIA is a solution for your elderly who are left alone at home.

Link project :

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Alfian zaviera wiranaga

Sea Rescue Mission

The Earth consists of land and water of which 75% is filled by water. That’s why life on earth is greatly influenced by the sustainability of marine ecosystems. Ecosystem life in the ocean is influenced by the cleanliness of the sea. If the sea is filled with pollution, the balance of the ecosystem in the sea will be disturbed. Human indifference to the preservation of the sea will have a negative impact on the sustainability of life on earth. Therefore, action is needed to save our seas by getting to know life in the sea and cleaning the sea from pollution. I created a game project themed “Life Below Water” which contains “Safe Rescue Mission The Sea”. In the games project, I use AI and ML Project, setra games and animation. In the game we will learn to know the life of marine life and also clean up the garbage in the sea. If you want to win this game, players must get more fish in order to get to know fish and other marine animals in the sea and clean the sea from garbage.

Link project :

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I Gede Reyga Khrisnanda Utama Yasa


Clean and healthy environment is very important to our society, we need to keep our environment clean. To do so, all of us should put our trash on the place. One of the actions is to put sign to remind all of as to keep the environment clean. Early education to the kids also become solution. By this project we create a game that remind us to keep our environment clean and healthy, to keep remind us to put our trash on the place.

Link project :

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Jacquelyn Calista Chen


Starting a healthy life for teens is a very important thing for their present and future. The issue with the current generation is that adults may realize of the importance of a healthy lifestyle just when diseases hit due to this unhealthy lifestyle. Thus it is important to form a healthy lifestyle during the teenage years. Why at this point? It’s due to the self made choices related to food and activity.
Because of that I made a program dedicated for teenagers to develop a healthy lifestyle. The AI in this project I made here can help teens in having a healthy lifestyle in an exciting way. It can help them to do some exercise like dancing. It can also help them to obtain the correct nutrition, for example by scanning their food and getting the nutritional information for their food, as well as a healthier replacement for processed foods.

Link project :

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Putu Agra Parma Santosa

AI Organic and Inorganic Divider Game

What is AI Organic and Inorganic Divider? AI Organic and Inorganic Divider is a game that I have made as a solution to a problem that is about people who have low knowledge about how to divide organics and inorganics trash and because of that they will not know much about the future of Earth. My project is about a game about catching inorganic trash and letting the organics fall to the ground to be a fertilizer. The feature of my project is having an AI detector which is organic or inorganic. So I hope this project can create a good impact on the problem and the environment.

Link project :

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  1. Wilson Alexander Setiabudi
  2. Jonathan Leander Kartika
  3. Daniel Elia Sutejo


AquaSprout is a model we made for human survival, supporting billions of people around the world by providing food. Through agriculture, humans can produce food from various types of plants. Apart from being a food source, through agriculture plants can also be used as a medicinal route (plants such as ginger, turmeric, and others). Using AquaSprout is a very good choise. The way AquaSprout performs can help with farmers around the world, with the great pH water quality and also automated program for efficiency can help and provide better solution for the people around the world. AquaSprout must be very cheap and also very reliable for people.

Link project :

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Rashad Frederich Husman

Prisma the Suggestion Doctor

Prisma is a robot that gives its suggestion about your condition based in respiratory problems. Prisma, also known as Personalized Robotic Interactive Support for Medical Aid. PRISMA is a vision for a next-generation healthcare system that integrates personalized medicine with robotic and interactive technology to offer comprehensive medical support. It aims to provide tailored assistance to individuals throughout their health journey, from preventive care to complex treatments. PRISMA is the perfect robot to treat your Respiratory Diseases. It can give its opinion about your Respiratory disease and give the right treatment for it. PRISMA is able to store information of you current disease. Other than doing medical actions, PRISMA is also a chatbot and asking PRISMA is unlimited.

Link project :

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Anzal Khalil Alkarami

ANO: A Nutrition Organizer

ANO is an acronym for A Nutritional Organizer. This app is designed to guide parents to help prevent stunting in toddlers. For those who don’t know, stunting is a condition when children have poor nutrition, frequent infections, and limited psychosocial stimulation, leading to impaired growth. Children are considered stunted if their height-for-age is more than two standard deviations below the WHO Child Growth Standards median. It comes with lots of features that are easy to use and understand.

ANO will make a nutrition goal for children per day based on the children’s age, gender, height, and weight. One of the best features that this app has is the ability to scan food and provide details on the calories, carbs, proteins, fiber, and fat content of identified foods. From all the scanned data, ANO will calculate children’s daily nutrients and determine if they meet the daily nutrient requirement. It also gives recommendations based on the user’s diet

Link project :
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Muhammad Fadhil Dhiya'ulhaq


“Introducing this smart AI: effortlessly scan any fruit to instantly retrieve its calorie count, while receiving personalized healthy eating schedules tailored to your needs. Plus, gain valuable insights into your standard weight and BMI with comprehensive summaries for better health management.”

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Muhammad Aryasatya Haidar

Recycling Buddy

Recycling Buddy, your friendly AI companion on a mission to make sorting waste easy and fun! Recycling buddy will teach you where to throw your trash and tell you the life cycle of a trash!

Link project :

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James Orville Tanojo

The Green Maze

This is an educational game named The Green Maze. This game consists of a maze full of aims and two sprites, Dragon and Frank. In order to play this game, you have to move your hand to move Dragon. When Dragon touches Frank, a triumph music will play, and the game will end. However, you need to touch all aims, which is packed with 1 question for each aim. The questions are about algebra. If you answer correctly, you got 1 point. Answer a question wrongly and you will have to start over from the beginning. The same goes with touching Frank when you haven’t answered all questions yet.

Link project :

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Sean Azka Abdullah

Environment Game

My Codeavour project is a game designed to educate and engage players in environmental conservation efforts. The game first begins with a narrative from a squirrel character telling the importance of environmental preservation and the distinction between organic and inorganic waste. Next, players test their knowledge with a quiz game, identifying whether various trash sprites are organic or inorganic. The final part challenges players to collect falling trash using a labeled “inorganic” trash can, reinforcing the idea of separating recyclable materials. Through captivating gameplay and educational content, our project aims to raise awareness about proper waste disposal and inspire players to take action to safeguard the environment by themselves.

Link project :

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Morgan Liem

Smart Pet Feeder

The Smart Pet Feeder is a pet feeder for my dog called Rocky. It can open the dog food reservoir gate that I made using Arduino Uno and a servo to feed my dog if it walked in front of the camera. It opens once and gives the calibrated amount of food to my dog food bowl. If another dog other than mine walked in the camera it will not open. The code I use is simple but effective, utilizing AI and ML to detect if Rocky is on camera, the program will detect it and will trigger the system to open the food reservoir if it is more than 95% confidence that the dog on the camera is my dog Rocky. The way it works is by using the plugin in Pictoblox called Machine Learning with Teachable Machine. The machine is capable of differentiating objects by learning from the photo samples I give to the machine.

Link project :

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Vaga Ahmad Kaizan Amadeo

ALTTION – AI healthy detection for school students

by Vaga Ahmad Kaizan Amadeo

This Project is an AI Healthy Detection, a school virtual healthy assistant.
I create this application because of many health issues surrounding children. Such as
1. Vision loss
2. Dental caries
3. Germs transmission
It is necessary maintaining children health for the future (SDGs’ goal 3)
Some schools have carried out screening, but just the nails.
An AI-based program is needed to use everyday
1. Kids friendly
2. Easy to use at school
3. Camera detection
4. Results displayed quickly
5. Health tips, easy for children to understand

 The machine learning contains thousands picture samples, easily detect the condition of the eye, nails and teeth
 The information section is equipped with sound and images to make it easier to understand
 It is equipped with music so children will enjoy while scanning
 It also contains tutorial how to use

Link project :

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Maximillian Hans Sutanto

EcoSaver Adventure

I created a project or game using pictoblox with the theme “Save the Environment” to educate people. I made this game because I want to tell people to take care of this world. One of the ways that I make in my game is planting trees or reforestation. Trees or forests are also very important for this world to prevent various kinds of natural disasters that can occur if the forest environment only has a few trees. Disasters that can occur are floods. Floods can be caused because there are no trees to absorb the water. In this game I also teach people to be patient. I describe being patient in the game as waiting for the tree that the player has planted to grow up. I also use AI or artificial intelligence innovation to run the game. I have resolved all the errors when making the game

Link project :
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Princeton Orlando Chandrawangsa

ChromaX – Color Blind Test

ChromaX is a simple color-blind test. ChromaX is made with PictoBlox, using the blocks language. ChromaX aims to provide a simple environment for people around the world to take color-blind tests. There are a total of 38 questions (Ishihara plates) used to determine if the user is color-blind or not. The way to answer is to click on the answer buttons, which are randomized for each question (except for those that only have 2 answer choices.) ChromaX currently tests for red/green deficiency, which is Deutran and Protan color-blind. The user interface for ChromaX is made to be simple, so that there are no distractions when doing the test.

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The Futuristic Guys


  1. Neo Maxwell Tartan
  2. Lucx Gabriel Louis
  3. Biru Pangemanan

Automatic Plant Sprayer

This project waters plants automatically. It detects the moisture inside plants, and if the moisture level is low, the machine will automatically water the plant.To make this, we used an Arduino Uno, a Breadboard, jumper wires, servo motors, and more. Our dreams is that we hope this project can help farmers and revolutionize the farming industry.

Link project :

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Reiko Zivanka David

Nature Rescue Mission

Embark on an extraordinary gaming adventure with my revolutionary computer game, seamlessly blending education and entertainment across three captivating chapters. In Chapter One, young players plunge into an immersive oceanic world, embodying a virtual diver on a crucial mission to collect sea trash. This interactive experience not only captivates but also enlightens, providing a tangible understanding of the challenges in preserving our oceans. Chapter Two propels learning into the future, introducing an AI-powered game where children use vocal commands to sort waste by color, fostering cognitive development while emphasizing responsible waste management in an enjoyable way. Lastly, Chapter Three unfolds in a virtual garden, where AI responds to verbal instructions as kids strive to save and nurture digital plants. This cutting-edge gameplay not only nurtures a love for nature but also hones communication skills, as children actively collaborate with AI to safeguard their virtual green companions. Get ready for a gaming journey that transcends boundaries and educates while entertaining!

Link project :
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Senior Category

Alfon Ricardo Lucman

Spellbound Signs

Introducing Spellbound Signs, an educational game put together to help you master the American Sign Language alphabet. Spellbound Signs provides an engaging ASL-learning environment for those hard of hearing and their loved ones, regardless of their age. By incorporating interactive and hands-on elements into the learning process, Spellbound Signs aims to optimize learning ASL while fostering enjoyment and involvement in players. This is critical as 6.1% of the world are hard of hearing. Help Willy the Wizard whack some ghosts with his whimsical magic hand poses.

This game assesses the player’s proficiency in accurately executing the hand poses representing the alphabet. Spellbound Signs features six levels, each focusing on a specific range of alphabets.

Level 1 – A,B,C,D,E
Level 2 – F,G,H,I,J
Level 3 – K,L,M,N,O
Level 4 – P,Q,R,S,T
Level 5 – U,V,W,X,Y,Z
Level 6 – Free play

The segmented learning approach of the alphabet allows for easier digestion of the letters, improving their retention.

Link project :
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ACS Engineering


  1. Jeremy Suryasaputra
  2. Stefan Jacob Saro Silitonga
  3. Maxmilian Halim

Search and Rescue Drone (SARD)

Drones can become very supplemental or key additions to Search and Rescue in the case of a disaster. Although many drones contain basic functions like flying or recording, they are still not adequate for disaster-use. To improve this, our team has decided to use AI, training a ML model, to easily detect survivors. Our project started with the construction of our own drone, which unlike other drones in the market, is easily customizable from the speed, program, and infrastructure. We trained the ML model ourselves using the Pictoblox program and coded the drone using Arduino. All of the features can be accessed via just a laptop. We believe this drone, specifically the idea it represents, can become a main catalyst in Search and Rescue operations.

Link project :

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Lionel Dennis Sunjoyo

Trash Detected

My Project names “Trash Detected”. Nowadays, a lot of waste is produced due to the progress of civilization. This results in a lot of waste in the world. The waste produced is also varied. Starting from plastic, organic, and more. I created a program to differentiate waste, so that people don’t sort waste wrongly. In my program, you will also be trained to be able to differentiate between many waste too. This is motivated by the fact that sorting waste is an easy job, but because people don’t learn, people are unfamiliar with sorting waste. Apart from that, in my program you will also be taught how to recycle various kinds of waste, so that we can reduce the waste produced. You will be accompanied by CleanBot to run this program.

Link project :

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  1. Maximillian Mikhael Prabowo
  2. Franciscus Xaverius Saphton Ostentiarto


Our project involves the development of a versatile CHATBOT AI aimed at educating individuals worldwide. By simply typing questions, users can access a wide range of educational content spanning medical, language, marketing, and other fields of study. In addition to providing valuable knowledge, our platform offers 8 programming quizzes to challenge users and enhance their programming skills. We are dedicated to continuous improvement, committing to monthly software updates to address any bugs and introduce new features. With our innovative approach to education, we aim to empower learners globally and facilitate accessible and engaging learning experiences. Our project entails crafting a dynamic CHATBOT AI for global education.

Link project :

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Felicia Athena Anastasia Binui

Trash to Treasure

“Trash to Treasure” aims to elevate awareness surrounding the importance of recycling and sustainable living. By integrating AI technology, this project strives to inspire users to dive into the artistic realm of recycling, making use of everyday items available in their homes. Another highlight is a short animation video that not only emphasizes the significance of recycling but also serves as an educational tool. By simplifying the recycling process, “Trash to Treasure” makes creative recycling accessible for users of all ages, challenging the stereotype that recycling is only for waste management companies. The project’s message emphasizes that every small action matters and can have a collective impact on the well-being of our planet.

Link project:

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Reyner Elazaro Tampubolon

MPD (Mobile Pollution Data)

MPD, short for Mobile Pollution Data, has a list of pollution ratings of different cities around the world. The goal is to have this dataset used by the public in a precautionary action towards air pollution. The ratings are based on the PM2.5 rating, but shortened and simplified to be : Safe (0-50 PM2.5), Intermediate (51-100 PM2.5), and Dangerous (101-200+ PM2.5). The AI Extension in MPD allows the user to add a city which isn’t in the list, then have it rated instantly by a trained model built from Teachable Machine. This AI Extension earns superiority over the more popular air pollution website, IQAir. From an instantaneous update time, to being able to cover any city in the world.

Link project:

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Mustafiana Adicipta

FYPS (Find Your Parking Space)

FYPS (Find Your Parking Space) is a project that aims to provide drivers with a seamless parking experience. It’s like having a personal parking assistant in your pocket! FYPS is super user-friendly and helps you find available parking spots in your desired location, all in real time. You can make informed decisions before you leave home and secure a parking spot in advance to ensure you don’t have to stress out when you arrive. With its easy-to-use interface and accurate data, FYPS streamlines the parking process, reduces traffic, and makes it easier for you to navigate busy city streets. Whether you’re going to work, shopping, or just hanging out, FYPS simplifies the search for parking and makes your life easier!

Link project:

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  1. Dylan Sean Chiarief
  2. Pannayaka Janggleng Renggo Loekito


As we know in today’s world we got to see very massive technological. That advancement is including in the health sector too, for example hearing aid, but the advancement for people that has visual impairment problem isn’t advance enough for us. That’s why in our project we want to help the people who suffers visual impairment. In this project we want to help people with visual impairment to be able to feels and explores the outside world without any worry in mind. That’s why we make a device that can detect obstacles and signs that they may encountered. With the help of AI/ML we created a detector for those things and send a signal for any danger or signage, so they can roam freely without supervision. That’s why our project name is “Vision”.

Link project:

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Alexis Soeswanto

ECO Arcade

This project consists of a set of educational mini games themed around conserving our environment, highlighting topics such as pollution and waste disposal, as well as features of wildlife conservation and sustainable energy. They involve activities such as sorting trash into the correct bins, cleaning trash from a river, environment themed trivia, and helping to reduce light pollution. These are also based on traditional ‘arcade’ games that bring a level of familiarity to players, being sorting, fishing, and memory puzzle game-based. Additionally, aside from just minigames, users are further motivated to play and learn through a reward system provided through a ‘shop’ feature, where they can gain prizes in exchange for points they earn through playing. With bright visuals, and simple but fun gameplay, this project hopes to draw in many casual players and younger audiences.

Link project:

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  1. Nathanael Nicolas Chang
  2. Nicholas Chung
  3. Junico Pratama Teguh


Introducing EcoSort: an innovative automatic trash sorting system leveraging state-of-the-art AI technology. By swiftly and accurately segregating recyclable and non-recyclable materials, EcoSort revolutionizes waste management, reducing human error and labor costs while boosting recycling rates. Tailored for municipalities, waste management firms, and commercial entities, EcoSort offers a scalable, customizable solution. Its intuitive interface and seamless integration ensure effortless operation, delivering tangible environmental benefits and cost savings. With EcoSort, organizations can streamline waste sorting, minimize environmental impact, and embrace a sustainable future.

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Faris laduni makarim

User Traffic Detector

The rotating antenna dynamically tracks user traffic density in specific areas to optimize internet speed. Utilizing advanced sensors and intelligent software, it continuously monitors real-time traffic patterns and adjusts orientation to focus the internet signal where traffic is concentrated. This facilitates efficient bandwidth allocation and equitable signal distribution, resulting in improved internet speeds for users within the coverage zone.

This adaptive technology is invaluable during high-demand periods, such as large events or festivals, where sudden spikes in internet usage occur. Additionally, the antenna can prioritize internet access for critical services like emergency response, enhancing overall network resilience.

Deploying this cutting-edge technology enhances customer satisfaction by addressing issues related to slow speeds and inconsistent connectivity. Moreover, this dynamic antenna system optimizes network resources, creating a more responsive and efficient internet infrastructure tailored to meet the evolving needs of modern users.

Link project:

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Gabriella Vania Moza Saraswati

Life Assistant

My project began with the realization that a significant number of individuals have a lack of awareness towards their heart rate, body temperature, and blood pressure, particularly when these indicators stray from normal ranges. Recognizing this issue, I saw the need for a solution to empower people to monitor and manage these vital signs effectively. So, I took on the challenge of developing an application aimed at assisting users in maintaining optimal levels of heart rate, body temperature, and blood pressure. Furthermore, to ensure comprehensive support, I integrated advanced artificial intelligence capabilities into the app, enabling personalized assistance in understanding and managing any symptoms they may encounter. Through this initiative, my overarching objective is to foster proactive health management and enhance the overall well-being of users.

Link project:

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Jonathan Cornelius Lai

Push-Up Pilot

Push-Up Pilot is essentially a virtual personal trainer. The app (personified by Nav, my original character), encourages and advises the user as they do push-up routines. I included two Pictoblox AI extensions – Text to Speech and Teachable Machine.

Key Features:
-Recommendation: Lets beginners find their ideal push-up routine based on their BMI &
-Workout: lets users do pushups along with Nav, who keeps their pace and how many pushups they’ve done, as well as gives feedback (based on the Teachable Machine’s analysis) on their form at the end of the workout. Nav encourages the user via Text to Speech
-History: Lets users view the statistics of their past workouts with Nav (i.e. how many reps, how long it was, etc), including the feedback he gave for each
-Settings: feature where users can adjust their routine and other settings
-Interact: When clicked, Nav provides trivia on push-ups in the menu

Link project:

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Abigail Putri Maulidiyah


“InterVa18” is an AI-powered trash can dedicated to educating children on the importance of sorting and processing different types of waste. In this way, children can definitely learn in a fun way and apply the theory they learn at school about waste sorting.

Link project:

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Eloisa Clorinda Lo


Greenect (Green Inspect) is a plant detection and quiz project which uses coding, AI, and ML in pictoblox.
Greenect’s main purpose is to help people detect whether their plants are “healthy” or “not healthy” and continues to find their plant’s disease if it detects their plant as not healthy to suggest a precaution.
I was inspired to make this project from observing my dad’s plants, I often see him ponder about what kind of disease his plants have gotten, and ends up needing to do his own research.
To help people who are also experiencing this problem, I made this project that can detect plant diseases and respond with precautions that you might need to do once your plants have gotten this disease before it gets even worse.
For now, this project can detect only 3 diseases which are wilt, black spots, and blight.

Link project:

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  1. Aldridge Riley Setyawan
  2. Steve Constantine Wibowo

Guardians Of Gaia

Gaia is an Ancient Greek word that means ‘Earth’. Guardians mean people who defend, protect or keep something. So our title, Guardians of Gaia means people who take an action to protect and save the earth from danger.
There are already many ways to protect the Earth but there is one problem, how to attract people to do it? Guardians of Gaia is made to attract people, mainly child or young generation to take an action to save our ‘Gaia’ from the danger of environmental destruction. We use games such as plastic fishing game, clean energy collecting game, and litter shooting game. Not just games, we also use AI (Artificial Intelligence), where player can ask the ai about many things. There is also a ML (Machine Learning) that can detect some kind of trash that is not eco-friendly. We use those things to attract young generation, and gives them knowledge and ways to save the Earth in an implicit way!

Link project:

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Kevin Rahardjo

Smart traffic light

My project aims to deploy a state-of-the-art smart traffic light system designed to revolutionize urban traffic management. Through the integration of advanced artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms and real-time data analysis, my system dynamically adapts signal timings to optimize traffic flow and reduce congestion. Utilizing a network of sensors and cameras, my system continuously monitors traffic conditions, allowing for proactive adjustments to signal timings based on real-time demand. By reimagining traditional traffic management approaches, my smart traffic light system aims to create more efficient, safer, and environmentally friendly urban environments. Ultimately, my goal is to improve the quality of life for residents and visitors alike by ensuring smoother traffic flow, shorter commute times, and enhanced accessibility across cities.

Link project:

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Nathan Cornelius Kim

Renewable Energy Simulator

“Renewable Energy Simulator” is the project I’ve been working on for the past few weeks. This application spreads awareness on renewable energy, which is one of the biggest factors in tackling climate change, one of the most relevant problems in the world. This application allows people to understand more about the different types of renewable energy resources and how they work. While not 100% accurate, this application gives a rough estimate as to how much energy power plants can make. Use this application to learn more about renewable energy and the factors which contribute to the amount of energy generated by different types of power plants, whether it’s a hydro power plant, geothermal, solar, or wind.

Link project:

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Patricia Eileen


The urgency for the transformation of Indonesia’s healthcare system was underscored by the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, which unveiled the vulnerabilities and inadequacies of the healthcare systems globally
This primarily drove me to create a project that aligns with the UN’s 3rd SDG which is strengthening health infrastructure. Although there were limitations with the platform used to create the project, even with a simple project, I do want to create an impact and bridge people without proper access to health services. Wellpal has features that disseminate essential health information, enabling remote consultations through its virtual doctor feature, and offers links to educational videos as personalized guidance for maintaining well-being. Individuals in underserved or remote areas with limited access to healthcare facilities could utilize Wellpal as a crucial resource for obtaining medical knowledge.

Link project:

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Team Marco


  1. Paksi Pragiwaka
  2. Marco Angelo Handojo
  3. Nicholas Saputra Utomo


Historically, agriculture has played a crucial role in meeting the global demand for food. On the other hand, conventional farming practices frequently result in the inefficient use of resources, especially water and fertilizers. With the advancement of technology, we created a smart water and fertilizer plant, integrating machine learning and Arduino. Using machine learning algorithms and soil moisture sensors, this system collects data on soil moisture levels in real-time and uses that information to calculate accurate fertilization and watering schedules. The system maximizes agricultural productivity, reduces waste, and optimizes resource utilization by utilizing past data and adjusting to changing environmental conditions. With their enhanced sustainability and efficiency, smart fertilization and watering plants have the potential to revolutionize agricultural operations globally and guarantee food security for coming generations.

Link project:

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Athirah GPT


  2. Andhika Syahdan Triansyah Agus
  3. Muh. Alfi Rizqy

Virus Hunters

Project Title: Virus Hunters: The Fight to Save the Environment

Project Description:

In the midst of a global crisis caused by the spread of a dangerous virus, “Virus Hunters: Fight to Save the Environment” emerges as an action-adventure game that is both educational and entertaining. After the Covid-19 virus pandemic which attacked all countries in the world, the human body’s antibodies began to become weaker and more susceptible to other viruses that were found in the environment. In this game, players will play the role of a hero who has a critical mission to eradicate a dangerous virus that threatens life on Earth.

Main feature:

-Dynamic and Interactive Environments: Players will explore a variety of environments, from densely populated cities to dense forests, all of which are contaminated by viruses. These highly detailed environments not only provide challenges but also teach players about the importance of keeping the environment clean and healthy.

-Anti-Virus Arsenal: To fight viruses, players will be equipped with various anti-virus tools and weapons, from masks and hand sanitizers to special weapons developed by in-game scientists. Each tool and weapon is unique in its own right and can be upgraded as the player progresses.

-Virus Characterization: Viruses in this game are not just opponents. They are uniquely characterized, having certain strengths and weaknesses that players must learn to defeat. This encourages players to develop different strategies for each type of virus.

-Missions and Challenges: Players will face various missions, from rescuing trapped citizens, searching for medicine, to tense boss fights. Each mission is designed to test the player’s skills and intelligence in a crisis situation.

Education and Awareness: Through gameplay, players are not only entertained but also gain knowledge about the virus, how it spreads, and preventive measures to avoid infection. This game aims to increase awareness and education about environmental health and cleanliness.

Join the virus hunters in this fight and become a hero to save the environment in a virtual world full of challenges and adventures!

Link project:

Link Youtube:



  1. Maximillian Eugene
  2. Tristan Alexander Wong
  3. Owen Frederick Tenggonatan


Our brand-new product, Helios, is a revolutionary technology designed to help those interacting with mute individuals understand their communication efforts without prior knowledge of sign language. This innovative technology utilizes a camera to detect the sign language gestures performed by the individual, which are then transmitted to a speaker equipped with text-to-speech capabilities. The speaker emits the word corresponding to the sign language gestures, with adjustable volume settings to accommodate various communication scenarios. This versatile technology can be seamlessly attached to anything above the torso, such as a hat or a pair of glasses, providing the wearer with a discreet yet effective means of communication assistance.

Link project:

Link Youtube:

Pinondang Chorintia Kreuter Manurung

Spotting Commen Lung Diseases: A Simple guide to Recognizing Symptoms

Explore the intricacies of respiratory health with ‘Spotting Common Lung Diseases: A Simple Guide to Recognizing Symptoms.’ This comprehensive resource empowers readers to navigate the subtle nuances of various lung conditions by providing a user-friendly guide to identifying key symptoms. From shortness of breath to persistent coughs, the guide demystifies common indicators of lung diseases, offering clarity on when to seek medical attention. Written in an accessible manner, this informative piece serves as a valuable tool for individuals keen on understanding and monitoring their respiratory well-being. Arm yourself with knowledge and take proactive steps towards a healthier respiratory lifestyle with this insightful guide.

Link project:

Link Youtube:



  1. Aisyah Azma Nabila
  2. Nia Prisila Utami
  3. Syakira Lintang Rizky Putri

TerraHydrate Pro

Our brand-new product, Helios, is a revolutionary technology designed to help those interacting with mute individuals understand their communication efforts without prior knowledge of sign language. This innovative technology utilizes a camera to detect the sign language gestures performed by the individual, which are then transmitted to a speaker equipped with text-to-speech capabilities. The speaker emits the word corresponding to the sign language gestures, with adjustable volume settings to accommodate various communication scenarios. This versatile technology can be seamlessly attached to anything above the torso, such as a hat or a pair of glasses, providing the wearer with a discreet yet effective means of communication assistance.

Link project:

Link Youtube:

Chanel Chandra

Crop Simulator

Crop Simulator is an interactive simulation tool designed to help users explore the factors influencing crop growth and success in various regions. The simulator provides a user-friendly interface where users can select a specific crop and geographical location to view the projected growth outcomes based on environmental conditions such as temperature, weather patterns, and humidity.

Key Features:
– Crop Selection: Users can choose from a wide range of crops, each with its own unique growth requirements and characteristics.
– Geographical Selection: The simulator allows users to select their desired location by inputting latitude and longitude coordinates, providing tailored insights based on specific geographic conditions.
– Environmental Factors: Users can explore the impact of temperature, weather conditions, and humidity on crop growth through interactive visualizations and data summaries.
– Success Criteria: The simulator outlines success criteria for each crop, including optimal temperature ranges, weather conditions, and humidity levels, helping users understand the key factors influencing crop success.
– Scoring System: Crop growth outcomes are quantified using a scoring system that evaluates how well the environmental conditions align with the crop’s requirements, providing users with a percentage-based success rate.
– Educational Resources: Crop Simulator offers educational resources and tips on crop cultivation techniques, enabling users to learn more about sustainable farming practices and agricultural science.

Target Audience:
Crop Simulator is designed for farmers, agricultural enthusiasts, educators, and students interested in understanding the complexities of crop growth and cultivation. It serves as a valuable educational tool for learning about the interplay between environmental factors and crop success, as well as a practical resource for farmers seeking to optimize their agricultural practices.

– Insightful Exploration: Users gain insights into the intricate relationship between environmental conditions and crop growth, enhancing their understanding of agriculture and sustainability.
– Decision Support: Farmers can make informed decisions about crop selection and cultivation methods based on projected growth outcomes and success criteria tailored to their specific location.
– Learning Tool: Students and educators can use Crop Simulator as a hands-on learning tool to explore agricultural concepts, conduct virtual experiments, and deepen their understanding of crop science.
– Optimized Farming Practices: By understanding the environmental factors affecting crop growth, farmers can implement optimized farming practices that maximize yield and minimize resource consumption.
– Crop Simulator aims to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application, empowering users to make informed decisions and contribute to sustainable agricultural practices for a greener future.

Link project:

Link Youtube:  .

Notes : Tim KodeKiddo akan menghubungi 75 tim peserta Regional diatas untuk informasi lebih lanjut.

Things to be prepared for this event!

Ayo, persiapkan diri Kiddos untuk tampil di Regional Round tersebut!

Poster / Banner 

Softcopy bisa diupload di link ini. (Optional) versi Printed dibawa juga saat Regional Event

Demo Project 

Kiddos akan menggunakan file Demo Project yang sudah kiddos upload di submission kemarin.

Presentation Business Pitch 

Kiddos akan menggunakan file presentasi yang sudah kiddos upload di submission kemarin.

Presentation Speech 

Persiapkan Presentasi Kiddos bersama Demo Project dan Presentation Business Pitch kalian dengan sangat baik.

Thank you for other participants!

Terima kasih untuk Kiddos yang juga sudah berpartisipasi dalam event Coding & AI Competition ini, dengan mengirimkan project-project hasil karya Kiddos yang menarik dan luar biasa.

Kiddos masih dapat mengikuti event-event Coding & AI Competition lainnya, yang tentunya akan diadakan oleh KodeKiddo. Karena, KodeKiddo selalu hadir dengan berbagai Coding & AI Competition yang bisa kiddos ikuti juga.

Simak dan pantau terus Website dan Social Media KodeKiddo agar tidak ketinggalan update tentang Event-Event menarik dari KodeKiddo!

Event ini juga didukung oleh :

Asuransi Astra
ACS Jakarta
Clear Shampoo Kalbe
IAIS Indonesia Artificial Intelligence Society

Coding Olympics Indonesia 2024

Apa itu Coding Olympics Indonesia?

Pada tahun 2024, KodeKiddo bersama  iGroup-MangoSTEEMS kembali menggelar Coding Olympics 2024 – Indonesia Level. Kompetisi ini merupakan ajang kompetisi coding tahunan yang ditujukan untuk murid Sekolah Dasar (SD)  di platform coding CodeMonkey (, dimana peserta kompetisi akan diberi coding challenges untuk menyelesaikan suatu masalah dengan menggunakan teknik programming yang cocok untuk kiddos di level SD. 

Selain berkompetisi, kiddos akan mengasah dan mendapatkan pengetahuan computer programming, problem-solving (kemampuan memecahkan masalah), mathematical logic thinking (kemampuan berpikir secara logis dan matematis), serta critical thinking (kemampuan untuk berpikir kritis).

Kriteria Peserta :

  • Group  A : Siswa Kelas 2 & 3 SD, atau berusia maksimal 9 tahun pada Juli 2024 
  • Group B : Siswa  Kelas 4 & 5 SD, atau berusia maksimal 11 tahun pada Juli 2024

Platform Lomba

Lomba Coding Olympic Indonesia (COI) menggunakan platform belajar coding:  CodeMonkey

CodeMonkey adalah platform pembelajaran koding yang dirancang khusus untuk anak-anak, yang menawarkan pendekatan belajar melalui permainan dan puzzle untuk membantu kiddo memahami konsep dasar pemrograman dan pengembangan keterampilan komputasional. Hal lainnya adalah: 

  • CodeMonkey sangat user-friendly, bahkan bagi murid yang belum pernah belajar coding dikarenakan setiap materi mencakup instruksi dan petunjuk yang disesuaikan untuk mempermudah pembelajaran.
  • CodeMonkey mengajarkan coding berbasis block dan teks, sehingga membiasakan murid untuk melakukan programming seperti developer di dunia nyata.
  • Materi coding CodeMonkey sangat berkaitan erat dengan konsep matematika, sehingga murid dapat melihat aplikasi pengetahuan matematika untuk mendukung coding.

Timeline Coding Olympics Indonesia


Pendaftaran dibuka dari tanggal 19 Februari - 31 Maret 2024

Technical Meeting

Dilakukan secara Online Webinar tgl 7 April 2024 pukul 10.30 WIB

Final Grup A via LIVE ZOOM (online)

28 April 2024 - 10.30 WIB Final Grup A via LIVE ZOOM

Penyisihan Grup B via LIVE ZOOM (online)

28 April 2024 - 14.00 WIB Penyisihan Grup B via LIVE ZOOM

Final Grup B via LIVE ZOOM (online)

5 Mei 2024 - 10.30 WIB Final Grup B via LIVE ZOOM

Pengumuman Pemenang Juara

12 Mei 2024 - Pengumuman Pemenang Juara

Hadiah Coding Olympics Indonesia

Kategory A

(kelas 2-3)

Juara 1
Rp. 1.000.000,-
Piala & Tiket Coding Olympics Singapore 2024

Juara 2
Rp. 750.000,-
Piala & Tiket Coding Olympics Singapore 2024

Juara 3
Rp. 500.000,-
Piala & Tiket Coding Olympics Singapore 2024

Top 10
Medali & Uang saku

Kategory B

(kelas 4-5)

Juara 1
Rp. 1.000.000,- Piala & Tiket Coding Olympics Singapore 2024

Juara 2
Rp. 750.000,-
Piala & Tiket Coding Olympics Singapore 2024

Juara 3
Rp. 500.000,-
Piala & Tiket Coding Olympics Singapore 2024

Top 10
Medali & Uang saku

Coding Challenge

Group A (Siswa Kelas 2 & 3 SD):

Block Coding (Beaver Achiever) & Text Coding  (Coding Adventure part 1) 

Group B (Siswa Kelas 4 & 5 SD):

  Text Coding (Coding Adventure 1-3) & Challenge Builder

Contoh Challenge


biaya pendaftaran

Rp. 200.000,-

Termasuk untuk :

  • akun CodeMonkey yang berlaku hingga 30hari
  • workshop pendampingan peserta untuk materi CodeMonkey dan overview kompetisi
  • e-sertifikat
  • kesempatan memenangkan jutaan rupiah hadiah!  

*Diskon 50rb untuk murid aktif di Learning Center KodeKiddo atau Remote Class

Syarat : Peserta melampirkan fotocopy Akta Kelahiran & Bukti Pembayaran saat melakukan pendaftaran

Special Class: Intensive Coding Olympic Class

Ingin ikut kompetisi tapi belum pernah belajar coding di CodeMonkey?
Jangan kawatir, semua peserta dapat mengikuti workshop pendampingan model webinar (termasuk di biaya pendaftaraan).

Jika ingin persiapan lebih intensif, peserta dapat mendaftar di Special Class Coding Olympics

  • kelas ratio kecil 
  • 4 sesi x 75 menit
  • via live zoom dengan pendampingan pengajar KodeKiddo
  • latihan di platform CodeMonkey, menggunakan materi kompetisi seperti  Block Coding (Beaver Achiever) & Text Coding (Coding Adventure & Challenge Builder )

Class interaktif dan menyenangkan serta dirancang khusus membantu kiddos memahami konsep pemrograman dengan cepat melalui permainan, tantangan algoritma dan simulasi pada tantangan-tantangan yang mirip dengan apa yang akan kiddo temui dalam kompetisi sebenarnya.

Promo Special Class Coding Olympics: hanya Rp 525.000,- !

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