Codeavour 5.0 Global Winners

Codeavour Winner

Codeavour Coding & AI Competition

Codeavour merupakan kompetisi international Artificial Intelligence (AI), Coding, dan robotic dari STEMPedia menggunakan platform PictoBlox bagi anak anak berusia 7 – 18 tahun.

Kompetisi ini diikuti oleh peserta dari berbagai belahan dunia secara serempak, dimana mereka saling mempresentasikan hasil karya mereka kepada dunia.

Kompetisi ini terbagi dalam beberapa kategori sesuai dengan level usia, mulai dari Elementary, Junior hingga Senior.

Di periode kali ini, KodeKiddo menjadi Official Exclusive Country Partner dari Codeavour untuk negara Indonesia.

Sebelum beranjak ke level Global (International), Kodekiddo juga mengadakan  kompetisi Codeavour 5th Edition 2023 di level Indonesia yang terdiri dari Regional Round dan National Round.

Di Indonesia, kompetisi ini telah diikuti oleh lebih dari 200 perserta / team yang mulai berkompetisi dari level penyisihan yang dilakukan secara Online.

Sebanyak 75 peserta/team terpilih dan bertanding kembali di level regional di berbagai KodeKiddo Center di berbagai kota di Indonesia secara serempak pada tanggal 25 Feb 2024.

30 Peserta terpilih untuk bertanding di level National yang diadakan pada tanggal 9 Maret 2024 di Jakarta.

Hingga akhirnya, 9 Peserta terpilih dari Indonesia, dikirim untuk bertanding ke level Global di Dubai UEA tanggal 4-5 May 2024 kemarin bersama ratusan peserta dari berbagai negara.

* 1 team peserta berhalangan untuk hadir di kompetisi level global ini.

Mikhayla Team

Super S Team
Alexander Santoso
Leonardo Santoso

CreateCode Team
Michelle Ivy Mulyono

Junior Farmer Team
Benjamin Joseph Lie

Icenoid Team
Lionel Timothy

All for Jesus Team
Vincentius Alvino Louis Gunawan
Haskell Kay Kurniawan
Rodrigo Kenneth Richardo

Jacquelyn Team
Jacquelyn Calista Chen

Althafazrais Widyanatha

Watusi Team
Alfon Ricardo Lucman

Congratulation to All Global Round Winners!

Dari 9 team yang bertanding di Dubai, mempresentasikan project mereka, berhasil memenangkan 6 awards mewakili team dari Indonesia.

Berikut adalah nama-nama Kiddos yang telah mengharumkan nama Indonesia di Coding & AI Competition berskala Global (International).

Melody AI

MAI is about re-imagine new ways to experience the music with coding and AI.
In this project, we are using pictoblox with the AI and ML features to create new experience to play and learn music. We are also creating new personalized music instrument using Arduino.

Just like sand meets sea in the beach.. Through MAI, music meets technology.. To create your music experience.. as easy, fun, beautiful and memorable as your vacation in the beach.

Music is an universal language, where everybody with different languages, different ethnicities, different cultures, different era could be connected. It’s a powerful tools to send messages and express yourself to the whole world in peaceful way.

Hence in this era, where technology is enhancing all aspects of human’s life, we foresee that technology’s contribution in music industry is still left behind.

Through MAI, we are trying to superimpose music with another subject, such as math, art, paint, emotion, AI and ML with coding.


Vendicine is a machine that detects acne’s, urine and the weather, and is also capable of calculating BMI from speech-to-text input. It will then dispense an item to help with said thing, such as some medicine if the user has an acne or give tips on how to stay healthy during certain weather.

We used the Lego EV3 hardware for movement and detection and picked the Automating the Surroundings & Strengthen the Health Infrastructure theme.

Healthy Life for Teens

Starting a healthy life for teens is a very important thing for their present and future. The issue with the current generation is that adults may realize of the importance of a healthy lifestyle just when diseases hit due to this unhealthy lifestyle. Thus it is important to form a healthy lifestyle during the teenage years. Why at this point? It’s due to the self made choices related to food and activity.

Because of that I made a program dedicated for teenagers to develop a healthy lifestyle. The AI in this project I made here can help teens in having a healthy lifestyle in an exciting way. It can help them to do some exercise like dancing. It can also help them to obtain the correct nutrition, for example by scanning their food and getting the nutritional information for their food, as well as a healthier replacement for processed foods.

Spellbound Signs

Introducing Spellbound Signs, an educational game put together to help you master the American Sign Language alphabet. Spellbound Signs provides an engaging ASL-learning environment for those hard of hearing and their loved ones, regardless of their age. By incorporating interactive and hands-on elements into the learning process, Spellbound Signs aims to optimize learning ASL while fostering enjoyment and involvement in players. This is critical as 6.1% of the world are hard of hearing. Help Willy the Wizard whack some ghosts with his whimsical magic hand poses.

This game assesses the player’s proficiency in accurately executing the hand poses representing the alphabet. Spellbound Signs features six levels, each focusing on a specific range of alphabets.

The segmented learning approach of the alphabet allows for easier digestion of the letters, improving their retention.


Planticon is an AI-Machine learning site where people who aspire to be gardening can know the basic of planting while learning more about plants. With this site, you can create, learn, know, and see. Planticon teaches you how to take care and plant your plant properly using specific sentences that are easy to understand.

Planticon not only has one option for you to choose from, but eight various options for you to choose. Plants need more recognition for they give us life, with this AI and Machine-learning site, you can learn about the ways of a plant, how they communicate using their appearances and how to reply back.

Not only does Planticon focus on plants, but yet also their fruits and vegetables, to their nutritional facts and what they are, Planticon has the answers you are looking for.

Codeavour Ambassador for Indonesia

Alex sebagai salah satu Student Ambassador Codeavour, mendapat award special “Champion Changemaker” sebagai apresiasi atas aktivitas Alex dalam mendukung kegiatan Codeavour di Indonesia.