KodeKiddo Holiday Program kembali hadir untuk mengisi liburan kiddos di bulan Juni dan Juli 2024. Selama 5 hari, kiddos akan bermain sambil belajar mengenai Coding & AI atau STEM dengan project yang seru dan menyenangkan

Kali ini, Holiday Program KodeKiddo hadir dalam 2 versi yaitu kelas Onsite dan kelas Online.

Buat Kiddos yang ingin belajar langsung di kelas, Kiddos bisa mengikutinya melalui Kelas Onsite.

Sedangkan buat kiddos yang tetap ingin ikutan tapi sambil liburan juga, kiddos bisa mengikutinya melalui kelas Online.

Keduanya, kiddos akan didampingi full time oleh instruktur KodeKiddo yang berpengalaman. Program untuk Kiddos Kindergarten, SD- SMA.
Kelas intensif, bertemu setiap hari dari Senin – Jumat.


Minggu 1

17 - 21 Jun 2024

Minggu 2

24 - 28 Jun 2024

Minggu 3

01 - 05 Jul 2024

Minggu 4

08 - 12 Jul 2024


Senin - Jumat
75 menit
120 menit
60 menit
SD 1-3
90 menit
SD 4-6
90 menit
120 menit
Senin - Jumat
Tidak Ada
60 menit
SD 1-3
90 menit
SD 4-6
90 menit
120 mnt

Jadwal Kelas

Ruang Kelas 1
08:30 - 10:00
SD 4-6 (90 mnt)
10:15 - 12:15
SMP & SMA (120 mnt)
13:00 - 14:30
Extra Slot
15:00 - 18:00
Kelas Reguler
Ruang Kelas 2
08:30 - 10:00
SD 1-3 (90 mnt)
10:30 - 11:30
Kinder (60 mnt)
12:30 - 14:30
KiddoSTEM TK/SD/SMP (120 mnt)
15:00 - 18:00
Kelas Reguler
Ruang Online 1 (WIB)
08:30 - 10:00
SD 1-3 (90 mnt)
10:30 - 12:00
SD 4-6 (90 mnt)
15:00 - 18:00
Kelas Reguler
Ruang Online 2 (WIB)
08:30 - 09:30
Kinder (60 mnt)
10:00 - 12:00
SMP & SMA (120 mnt)
15:00 - 18:00
Kelas Reguler


Tersedia 20 topik menarik yang disesuaikan dengan level usia kiddos.


Young Scientist

Durasi : 5 hari x 75 mnt

Level : TK – SD

Siapakah Scientist itu? Bagaimana mereka bekerja? Mengapa mereka terus berexperiment dan berinovasi? Apa yg mereka perlu perhatikan utk keamanan selama bekerja di dalam laboratorium? Selama 5 hari ini, siswa akan belajar bagaimana seorang scientist bekerja, melakukan experiments dengan mengamati sifat benda, campuran benda cair, reaksi kimia dan bereksperiment dengan berbagai jenis material seperti layaknya seorang “Real Scientist”. Jangan lupa, scientist juga mempunyai standard pengamanan yg tinggi untuk menjaga keamanan selama bekerja di laboratorium

Apa yang di dapat?

  • Siswa akan mendapatkan kit material untuk membuat project yang sesuai dengan tema yang nantinya dapat dibawa pulang.
  • Siswa akan mempelajari konsep STEM yang diajarkan melalui project yg dibuat.
  • Siswa juga akan mendapatkan Sertifikat

Ketrampilan STEM & Abad 21 :

  • Critical Thinking
  • Problem Solving
  • Creativity
  • Teamwork
  • Motoric

Contoh Pembelajaran :

Video Overview

Pirate of KiddoSTEM

Durasi : 5 hari x 75 mnt

Level : TK – SD

Apa yg terjadi kalo KiddoSTEM menjadi seorang Bajak Laut? Sudah pasti akan menggunakan STEM concept utk mencari harta karun. Seperti yang mungkin siswa sudah tonton di film, seorang bajak laut akan berlayar untuk mencari harta karun. Di Holiday Camp kali ini, siswa akan berpetualang sebagai seorang bajak laut. Mereka akan membangun kapal layar, mempersiapkan perjalanan, membuat layar dan mendesain bendera, dan bersiap untuk mencari harta karun. Konsep STEM apa yang harus diperhatikan untuk menjaga agar kapal dapat berlayar dengan baik dan tidak tenggelam? Simple Machine apa yg dipakai utk membuat layar dan bendera? Bagaimana menggali harta karun yang terbenam di dasar laut? Mari temukan jawabannya selama kelas, yang pasti selama 5 hari ini siswa akan belajar “IN A FUN WAY”

Apa yang di dapat?

  • Siswa akan mendapatkan kit material untuk membuat project yang sesuai dengan tema yang nantinya dapat dibawa pulang.
  • Siswa akan mempelajari konsep STEM yang diajarkan melalui project yg dibuat
  • Siswa juga akan mendapatkan Sertifikat

Ketrampilan STEM & Abad 21 :

  • Critical Thinking
  • Problem Solving
  • Creativity
  • Teamwork
  • Motoric

Contoh Pembelajaran :

Video Overview

Smart Machine

Durasi : 5 hari x 120 mnt

Level : SMP

Alarm system is one of the security tools developed by engineers to help people protecting their properties. Student will make alarm and sensor system to protect the house and car by combining Technology into Electrical and Mechanical Engineering. During this 5-days camp, student will learn the purpose of security alarm & parking sensor and how the conductor play a role in designing the simple electrical circuitry. Students learn to the concept of IOT (Internet of Thing) and applying STEM concept in using Arduino kits and components. In the class students learn to assembly various Arduino components such as LED, display, resistor untuk to make hardware project.

Apa yang di dapat?

  • Siswa akan mendapatkan kit material dan Arduino basic kit untuk membuat project yang sesuai dengan tema yang nantinya dapat dibawa pulang.
  • Siswa akan mempelajari konsep STEM yang diajarkan melalui project yg dibuat dan memahami konsep IOT melalui Arduino sebagai media.
  • Siswa juga akan mendapatkan Sertifikat.

Ketrampilan STEM & Abad 21 :

  • Critical Thinking
  • Problem Solving
  • Creativity
  • Teamwork
  • Motoric

Contoh Pembelajaran :

Video Overview

Kinder Coding

Basic Coding for Kinder

Durasi : 5 hari x 60 mnt

Level : Kindergarten (K1-K2)

Di kelas ini, kinder kiddos belajar konsep dasar coding dengan platform PlayLab di code.org dan CodeMonkeyJr, dengan model drag & drop block coding. Dengan karakter populer dari Ice Age dan CodeMonkey, kiddos menggunakan block coding untuk menerapkan konsep Sequencing, Loop, Events dan membuat project sederhana.

Apa yang di dapat?

  • Dasar ketrampilan komputasi
  • Project PlayLab (bisa diakses dari rumah)
  • Sertifikat

Ketrampilan Komputasi :

  • Basic Coding Concept (Sequencing & Looping)
  • Problem Solving
  • Logical Thinking
  • Creativity & Persistence

Ketrampilan STEM & Abad 21 :

  • Problem Solving
  • Creativity
  • Adapting to new Challenge

Software & Hardware yang dibutuhkan :

  • Web Browser (Chrome)
  • Zoom Application (untuk online)
  • Laptop/Desktop

Contoh Pembelajaran :


Scratch Jr Interactive Project

Durasi : 5 hari x 60 mnt

Level : Kindergarten (K1-K2)

Di kelas ini, kinder kiddos belajar menggunakan coding untuk mengekspresikan kreativitas menggunakan platform Scratch Jr yang sangat cocok untuk anak-anak TK, dengan model drag & drop block coding tanpa text. Kiddos tidak hanya berinteraksi dengan komputer, dalam prosesnya, kiddos juga belajar memecahkan masalah dan merancang berbagai project yang interaktif. Contoh project: Spooky Forest, Moonrise after Sunset, Drive Accross the City, Dribble a Basketball.

Apa yang di dapat?

  • Scratch Jr Apps for Desktop
  • Project File : Story / Animation (bisa di akses dari rumah)
  • Sertifikat

Ketrampilan Komputasi :

  • Basic Coding Concept (Sequencing)
  • Problem Solving
  • 2D Sprite Animation
  • Design Project

Ketrampilan STEM & Abad 21 :

  • Problem Solving
  • Creativity
  • Adapting to new Challenge

Software & Hardware yang dibutuhkan :

  • Web Browser (Chrome)
  • Scratch Jr (harus di install)
  • Zoom Application (untuk online)
  • Laptop/Desktop

Contoh Pembelajaran :


Fun Code with CodeSpark Academy

Durasi : 5 hari x 60 mnt

Level : Kindergarten (K1-K2)

Di kelas ini, kinder kiddos mendapat perkenalan ke aktivitas coding melalui platform Codespark Academy yang sangat cocok untuk anak-anak TK, dengan model drag & drop block coding tanpa text. Kiddos akan belajar memprogram karakter monster kecil untuk menavigasi jalan-jalan kota dan menghadapi rintangan sampai ke tujuannya, melalui beberapa area seperti: Donut Detective (Sequencing), Tool Trouble (Loops), Puppy Problems (Events), Lunch Crunch (Conditional).

Apa yang di dapat?

  • Dasar ketrampilan komputansi
  • Full Access akun CodeSpark Academy (selama kelas berlangsung)
  • Sertifikat

Ketrampilan Komputasi :

  • Basic Coding Concept (Sequencing & Looping)
  • Problem Solving
  • Logical Thinking
  • Creativity & Persistence

Ketrampilan STEM & Abad 21 :

  • Problem Solving
  • Creativity
  • Adapting to new Challenge

Software & Hardware yang dibutuhkan :

  • Web Browser (Chrome)
  • Zoom Application (untuk online)
  • Laptop/Desktop

Contoh Pembelajaran :


Scratch Jr Animated Stories

Durasi : 5 hari x 60 mnt

Level : Kindergarten (K1-K2)

Di kelas ini, kinder kiddos belajar menggunakan coding untuk mengekspresikan kreativitas membuat cerita interaktif menggunakan platform Scratch Jr yang sangat cocok untuk anak-anak TK, dengan model drag & drop block coding tanpa text. Kiddos tidak hanya berinteraksi dengan komputer, dalam prosesnya, kiddos juga belajar memecahkan masalah dan merancang project coding sesuai ide kreativitas dengan berbagai tema cerita. Dengan menggunakan block coding “say” dan “broadcast” kiddo akan membuat cerita yang interaktif, seperti Run a Race, Conversation, Leaving for Earth, Story Mashup.

Apa yang di dapat?

  • Scratch Jr apps for desktop
  • Project file: Story/ Animation (bisa diakses dari
  • rumah) Sertifikat

Ketrampilan Komputasi :

  • Basic Coding Concept (Sequencing)
  • Problem Solving
  • 2D Sprite Animation
  • Design Project

Ketrampilan STEM & Abad 21 :

  • Problem Solving
  • Creativity
  • Adapting to new Challenge

Software & Hardware yang dibutuhkan :

  • Web Browser (Chrome)
  • Scratch Jr (harus di install)
  • Zoom Application (untuk online)
  • Laptop/Desktop

Contoh Pembelajaran :


Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot

Durasi : 5 hari x 60 mnt

Level : Kindergarden (K1-K2) & SD Beginner

Dalam kelas ini, kiddos akan diperkenalkan kepada sebuah robot bernama Tale-Bot dari Matatalab. Kiddos akan diperkenalkan kepada coding dengan mempelajari bagaimana cara memberikan instruksi untuk menggerakan Tale-Bot, seperti cara menggerakannya keberbagai arah, dan mendalami konsep sekuensial dengan memahami arah, tujuan, titik awal, rute dan apa itu program. Tidak hanya mempelajari pemrograman, kiddos akan belajar tentang sains, matematika, musk, warna, ilmu sosial dan berkreasi di kelas ini.
Note: Robot Tale-Bot disediakan oleh KodeKiddo untuk dipakai kiddo di dalam kelas.
Opsional: kiddo dapat membeli robot untuk dibawa pulang.

Apa yang di dapat?

  • Video
  • Sertifikat

Ketrampilan Komputasi :

  • Basic coding concept (sequence, loop)
  • Algoritma
  • Patter recognition

Ketrampilan STEM & Abad 21 :

  • Problem solving
  • Creativity
  • Adapting to new challenges

Software & Hardware yang dibutuhkan :

  • Web Browser (Chrome)
  • Scratch Jr (harus di install)
  • Zoom Application (untuk online)
  • Laptop/Desktop

Contoh Pembelajaran :


SD 1-3

Cyber Safety Exploration in Minecraft Edu

Durasi : 5 hari x 90 mnt

Level : SD Beginner (Kelas 1-3)

Dalam kelas ini, kiddos akan mendalami cara kerja teknologi digital dan keamanan dalam dunia online dengan melakukan berbagai aktivitas coding di platform Minecraft Education. Kiddo akan mempelajari konsep-konsep seperti mengelola data pribadi dengan bertanggung jawab, memahami pentingnya privasi dan cybersecurity, dan menavigasi interaksi online dengan aman dan sopan. Kiddos juga akan belajar tentang dampak tindakan digital mereka terhadap diri mereka sendiri, orang lain, dan masyarakat digital secara umum. Selain konsep cybersecurity, kiddo juga mendapatkan konsep dasar pemrograman (sequencing, loops, variables, conditional) dan mengembangkan keterampilan berpikir kritis.

Untuk kelas ini, kiddos harus memiliki (atau membeli) license Minecraft Education. (Rp. 200.000 untuk license selama 12 bulan)


Apa yang di dapat?

  • License & aplikasi Minecraft Education (berlaku 12 bulan)
  • Kreasi coding di Minecraft worlds di akun masing-masing
  • Holiday Program Certificate

Ketrampilan Komputasi :

  • Basic programming concepts (Sequencing, Loops, and Variables)
  • Cybersecurity

Ketrampilan STEM & Abad 21 :

  • Critical Thinking
  • Communication
  • Information Literacy
  • Technology Literacy
  • Digital Literacy
  • Social and Emotional Intelligence
  • Ethical and Moral Reasoning

Software & Hardware yang dibutuhkan :

  • Chrome browser
  • Zoom application
  • Webcam
  • Minecraft Education (harus diinstall)
  • Minimum supported OS*
    • Mac – High Sierra 10.13
    • PC – Windows 7
  • Spec Hardware (untuk Online):
    • -CPU Intel Core i3-3210 3.2 GHz / AMD A8-7600 APU 3.1 GHz or equivalent -RAM 4 GB or more -GPU Integrated: Intel HD Graphics 4000 (Ivy Bridge) or AMD Radeon R5 series (Kaveri line) with OpenGL 4.4 Discrete: Nvidia GeForce 400 Series or AMD Radeon HD 7000 series with OpenGL 4.4 -HDD/SSD Minimum of 1 GB for game core, maps, and other files

Contoh Pembelajaran :


3D Creation in CoSpace and Tinkercad

Durasi : 5 hari x 90 mnt

Level : SD Beginner (Kelas 1-3)

Di kelas ini, kiddos akan merambah dunia coding 3D dengan platform CoSpace dan Tinkercad. Kiddos akan menerapkan konsep matematika dan kreativitas dalam membuat berbagai obyek 3 dimensi di platform Tinkercad, dilanjutkan dengan merancang dan menciptakan kota futuristik hingga dunia virtual yang penuh dengan keajaiban. Bersiaplah untuk petualangan coding yang seru dan penuh kreativitas!

Special: Peserta Holiday Program topik ini mendapatkan kesempatan untuk mengumpulkan project mereka ke KiddoFAIR, Virtual Coding Fair, dan mendapatkan hadiah bagi yang terpilih sebagai project favorites! KiddoFAIR akan diselenggarakan di akhir bulan Juli 2024 via Zoom.


Apa yang di dapat?

  • Akun student CoSpace&Tinkercad
  • Kreasi 3D di akun CoSpace&Tinkercad masing-masing
  • Holiday Program Certificate

Ketrampilan Komputasi :

  • Basic coding concepts
  • 3D Design

Ketrampilan STEM & Abad 21 :

  • Creativity

Software & Hardware yang dibutuhkan :

  • Chrome browser
  • Zoom application
  • Webcam
  • Minecraft Education (harus diinstall)
  • Minimum supported OS*
    • Mac – High Sierra 10.13
    • PC – Windows 7
  • Spec Hardware (untuk Online):
    • -CPU Intel Core i3-3210 3.2 GHz / AMD A8-7600 APU 3.1 GHz or equivalent -RAM 4 GB or more -GPU Integrated: Intel HD Graphics 4000 (Ivy Bridge) or AMD Radeon R5 series (Kaveri line) with OpenGL 4.4 Discrete: Nvidia GeForce 400 Series or AMD Radeon HD 7000 series with OpenGL 4.4 -HDD/SSD Minimum of 1 GB for game core, maps, and other files

Contoh Pembelajaran :


Storytelling in Minecraft Education

Durasi : 5 hari x 90 mnt

Level : SD Beginner (Kelas 1-3)

Di kelas ini kiddos belajar tentang konsep storytelling dengan cara mempelajari elemen – elemen storytelling dalam dunia digital. Kiddos mempelajari tentang NPC (non-playing character), kamera, portofolio, chalkboard dalam Minecraft dan menggunakan coding untuk membuat cerita interaktif dengan kreativitas kiddos dalam platform Minecraft Education. Selain konsep storytelling, kiddo juga mendapatkan konsep dasar pemrograman (sequencing, loops, variables, conditional) dan mengembangkan keterampilan berpikir kritis dan kreatif.
Untuk kelas ini, kiddos harus memiliki (atau membeli) license Minecraft Education. (Rp. 200.000 untuk license selama 12 bulan)

Apa yang di dapat?

  • License & aplikasi Minecraft Education (berlaku 12 bulan)
  • Kreasi coding di Minecraft worlds di akun masing-masing
  • Holiday Program Certificate

Ketrampilan Komputasi :

  • Basic programming concepts (Sequencing, Loops, and Variables)

Ketrampilan STEM & Abad 21 :

  • Communication
  • Technology Literacy
  • Digital Literacy
  • Social and Emotional Intelligence

Software & Hardware yang dibutuhkan :

  • Chrome browser
  • Zoom application
  • Webcam
  • Minecraft Education (harus diinstall)
  • Minimum supported OS*
    • Mac – High Sierra 10.13
    • PC – Windows 7
  • Spec Hardware (untuk Online):
    • -CPU Intel Core i3-3210 3.2 GHz / AMD A8-7600 APU 3.1 GHz or equivalent -RAM 4 GB or more -GPU Integrated: Intel HD Graphics 4000 (Ivy Bridge) or AMD Radeon R5 series (Kaveri line) with OpenGL 4.4 Discrete: Nvidia GeForce 400 Series or AMD Radeon HD 7000 series with OpenGL 4.4 -HDD/SSD Minimum of 1 GB for game core, maps, and other file

Contoh Pembelajaran :


Make 3D Games with Kodu

Durasi : 5 hari x 90 mnt

Level : SD Beginner (Kelas 1-3)

Di kelas ini, kiddos akan memasuki dunia seru coding 3D dengan Kodu Game Lab dari Microsoft. Kiddo tidak hanya belajar coding dasar, tetapi juga merancang dan memainkan game-game keren seperti balapan mobil, teleportasi, dan bahkan menciptakan habitat untuk hewan laut yang lucu! Dengan platform Kodu yang menggunakan obyek 3D dan berbagai karakter yang lucu, kiddos dapat mengembangkan kreativitas mereka dalam project coding yang seru.

Apa yang di dapat?

  • Project virtual robot di Kodu
  • Holiday Program Certificate

Ketrampilan Komputasi :

  • Basic coding concepts (sequencing, repetition, selection, variable)
  • Game development
  • Design project

Ketrampilan STEM & Abad 21 :

  • Problem-solving
  • Creativity
  • Adapting to new challenges

Software & Hardware yang dibutuhkan :

  • Chrome browser
  • Zoom application
  • Kodu application
  • Laptop / Desktop (Windows, not Mac)

Contoh Pembelajaran :


Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot

Durasi : 5 hari x 90 mnt

Level : SD Beginner (Kelas 1-3)

Di kelas ini, kiddos akan memasuki dunia seru coding 3D dengan Kodu Game Lab dari Microsoft. Kiddo tidak hanya belajar coding dasar, tetapi juga merancang dan memainkan game-game keren seperti balapan mobil, teleportasi, dan bahkan menciptakan habitat untuk hewan laut yang lucu! Dengan platform Kodu yang menggunakan obyek 3D dan berbagai karakter yang lucu, kiddos dapat mengembangkan kreativitas mereka dalam project coding yang seru.

Apa yang di dapat?

  • Project virtual robot di Kodu
  • Holiday Program Certificate

Ketrampilan Komputasi :

  • Basic coding concepts (sequencing, repetition, selection, variable)
  • Game development
  • Design project

Ketrampilan STEM & Abad 21 :

  • Problem-solving
  • Creativity
  • Adapting to new challenges

Software & Hardware yang dibutuhkan :

  • Chrome browser
  • Zoom application
  • Kodu application
  • Laptop / Desktop (Windows, not Mac)

Contoh Pembelajaran :


SD 4-6

Roblox Game Development

Durasi : 5 hari x 90 mnt

Level : SD Advance (Kelas 4-6)

Di kelas ini, kiddos akan mempelajari Object-Oriented Visual Programming melalui platform game Roblox yang sangat populer. Kiddos tidak hanya menjadi pemain game, tetapi juga akan menjadi pencipta game yang handal! Dengan platform Roblox Studio dan CodeKingdom, kiddos akan belajar coding dengan melalui project membuat berbagai games popular di Roblox yang lalu dikembangkan sesuai dengan imajinasi dan kreativitas kiddos. Siapkan diri untuk petualangan koding yang seru dan menyenangkan dalam menciptakan game Roblox yang unik!
Special: Peserta Holiday Program topik ini mendapatkan kesempatan untuk mengumpulkan project mereka ke KiddoFAIR, Virtual Coding Fair, dan mendapatkan hadiah bagi yang terpilih sebagai project favorites! KiddoFAIR akan diselenggarakan di akhir bulan Juli 2024 via Zoom.

Apa yang di dapat?

  • Project file: Game File For Roblox
  • Holiday Program Certificate

Ketrampilan Komputasi :

  •  Create customized Roblox World (Events, effects) 
  • Basic OOP (Object Oriented Programming) skills 
  • Basic Java skills

Ketrampilan STEM & Abad 21 :

  • Problem-solving
  • Creativity
  • Critical Thinking
  • Game design

Software & Hardware yang dibutuhkan :

  • Chrome/Safari browser
  • Zoom application
  • Roblox Studio
  • Laptop / Desktop
    • Laptop/ Desktop Windows 7,8,10,11 / Mac Recommended RAM 4GB

Contoh Pembelajaran :


Computer Science Coding in Minecraft Education

Durasi : 5 hari x 90 mnt

Level : SD Advance (Kelas 4-6)

Di kelas ini kiddos belajar berbagai konsep Computer Science melalui coding di platform Minecraft Education, dengan berbagai karakter Minecraft yang banyak digemari anak-anak plus komponen edukasi dengan berbagai topik dan kapabilitas programming. Proses programing lebih mudah dipahami dan konsep belajar menjadi menyenangkan, karena kiddos tidak hanya memainkan game Minecraft, namun juga melakukan aktivitas coding dalam beberapa project menarik seperti: Timecraft & Escape Estate adventure games, building animal habitats, creating Biome for Biodiversity.

Untuk kelas ini, kiddos harus memiliki (atau membeli) license Minecraft Education. (Rp. 200.000 untuk license selama 12 bulan)


Apa yang di dapat?

  • License & aplikasi Minecraft Education (berlaku 12 bulan)
  • Kreasi coding di Minecraft worlds di akun masing-masing
  • Holiday Program Certificate

Ketrampilan Komputasi :

  • Computer Science concepts.
  • Utilize coding concepts to complete tasks and solve problems.
  • Test and debug code.

Ketrampilan STEM & Abad 21 :

  • Collaborate with peers to successfully plan, program, and present their ideas
  • Embrace a coding mindset

Software & Hardware yang dibutuhkan :

  • Chrome browser
  • Zoom application
  • Webcam
  • Minecraft Education (harus diinstall)
  • Minimum supported
    • OS* Mac – High Sierra 10.13
    • PC – Windows 7
  • Spec Hardware (untuk Online):
    • -CPU Intel Core i3-3210 3.2 GHz / AMD A8-7600 APU 3.1 GHz or equivalent -RAM 4 GB or more -GPU Integrated: Intel HD Graphics 4000 (Ivy Bridge) or AMD Radeon R5 series (Kaveri line) with OpenGL 4.4 Discrete: Nvidia GeForce 400 Series or AMD Radeon HD 7000 series with OpenGL 4.4 -HDD/SSD Minimum of 1 GB for game core, maps, and other files

Contoh Pembelajaran :


Arduino Introduction - Road to IoT

Durasi : 5 hari x 90 mnt

Level : SD Advance (Kelas 4-6)

Di kelas ini, kiddos akan diperkenalkan dengan konsep IoT (Internet of Things) dan belajar tentang rangkaian elektronik serta pemrograman menggunakan Arduino dan berbagai komponen lainnya. Dengan hands-on aktivitas di laptop dan hardware, kiddos akan merakit Arduino dengan berbagai komponen seperti lampu LED, layar, resistor untuk menciptakan berbagai proyek yang menggabungkan ketrampilan coding (software) untuk mengontrol perangkat keras (hardware).
Untuk kelas ini, kiddos harus membeli Arduino kit yang dapat dibawa pulang. (Dikenakan biaya sebesar Rp. 275.000)

Apa yang di dapat?

  • Holiday Program Certificate
  • Kit Components
  • Project Sources

Ketrampilan Komputasi :

  • Connection between software and hardware
  • Programming Hardware
  • Basic electrical components and concepts

Ketrampilan STEM & Abad 21 :

  • Learn project based program
  • Creativity
  • Adapting to new challenges

Software & Hardware yang dibutuhkan :

  • Tinkercad
  • Arduino IDE
  • Web browser

Contoh Pembelajaran :


Coding Arcade Games and Microbit with MakeCode

Durasi : 5 hari x 90 mnt

Level : SD Advance (Kelas 4-6)

Dalam kelas ini, kiddos menggunakan platform MakeCode dari Microsoft. Platform MakeCode dapat digunakan oleh level beginner via block-based coding atau text-based coding via bahasa Python/JavaScript. Kiddos akan mengembangkan pemahaman mereka tentang konsep komputasi dasar dan coding dengan membuat berbagai project arcade games yang seru seperti Cherry Picker & Jungle Jump Platformer. Selain games, kiddos juga mempelajari bagaimana coding dapat mengontrol hardware Microbit yang memiliki beberapa komponen elektronik seperti LED, tombol, sensor.
Note: Hardware Microbit disediakan oleh KodeKiddo untuk dipakai kiddo di dalam kelas.

Apa yang di dapat?

  • Project File
  • Holiday Program Certificate

Ketrampilan Komputasi :

  • Basic coding concepts
  • Basic electronics & sensors concepts

Ketrampilan STEM & Abad 21 :

  • Creativity
  • Problem Solving
  • Critical Thinking

Software & Hardware yang dibutuhkan :

  • Web browser (Chrome)
  • Zoom application
  • Laptop / Desktop

Contoh Pembelajaran :


Hardware Coding, AI & Machine Learning with Quarky

Durasi : 5 hari x 90 mnt

Level : SD Advance (Kelas 4-6)

Di kelas ini kiddos diperkenalkan terhadap konsep – konsep dasar robotics, seperti pergerakan robot, cara menggerakan robot secara wireless, dan line following robots. Disini kiddos mempelajari bagaimana cara menggunakan coding untuk memrogram Quarky dan merakit Quarky menjadi robot. Kemudian kiddos belajar bagaimana mengintegrasikan teknologi AI dengan Robotics untuk membuat proyek nyata seperti delivery robots, waste collector robots, atau robot pet.
Note: Robot & kit Quarky disediakan oleh KodeKiddo untuk dipakai kiddo di dalam kelas.
Opsional: kiddo dapat membeli Quarky seharga Rp. 2.000.000 untuk dibawa pulang.

Apa yang di dapat?

  • Project file
  • Project account
  • Holiday Program Certificate

Ketrampilan Komputasi :

  • Connection between software and hardware
  • Programming Hardware
  • Basic electrical components and concepts

Ketrampilan STEM & Abad 21 :

  • Creativity
  • Problem Solving
  • Critical Thinking

Software & Hardware yang dibutuhkan :

  • Web browser (Chrome)
  • Zoom application
  • Laptop / Desktop

Contoh Pembelajaran :



Prompt Engineering

Durasi : 5 hari x 120 mnt

Level : SMP & SMA

Di kelas ini kiddos belajar tentang konsep Prompt Engineering dan relevansinya dalam model Generative AI yang populer seperti ChatGPT, Gemini untuk mendapatkan hasil yang optimal dari model AI yang dipakai. Kiddos akan mengeksplorasi alat-alat yang umum digunakan untuk prompt engineering dan berlatih teknis menulis prompt yang efektif, seperti Interview Pattern, Chain of Thought, Persona Pattern, dsb. Selain menggunakan text generation AI, kiddos juga menerapkan prompt engineering konsep dalam membuat project akhir kreasi image/video dengan model text to image AI.

Apa yang di dapat?

  • Holiday Program Certificate
  • Project file
  • Project account

Ketrampilan Komputasi :

  • Computational thinking
  • Concept and relevance of prompt engineering in generative AI
  • Problem decomposition

Ketrampilan STEM & Abad 21 :

  • Problem Solving
  • Critical & Innovative Thinking

Software & Hardware yang dibutuhkan :

  • Labs Cognitiveclass
  • Zoom
  • Laptop / Desktop
  • Web browser (Chrome)

Contoh Pembelajaran :


Arduino Introduction - Road to IoT (SMP SMA)

Durasi : 5 hari x 120 mnt

Level : SMP & SMA

Di kelas ini, kiddos akan diperkenalkan dengan konsep IoT (Internet of Things) dan belajar tentang rangkaian elektronik serta pemrograman menggunakan Arduino dan berbagai komponen lainnya. Dengan hands-on aktivitas di laptop dan hardware, kiddos akan merakit Arduino dengan berbagai komponen seperti lampu LED, layar, resistor untuk menciptakan berbagai proyek yang menggabungkan ketrampilan coding (software) untuk mengontrol perangkat keras (hardware).
Untuk kelas ini, kiddos harus membeli Arduino kit yang dapat dibawa pulang (Dikenakan biaya Rp. 275.000).

Apa yang di dapat?

  • Holiday Program Certificate
  • Kit Components
  • Project Sources

Ketrampilan Komputasi :

  • Connection between software and hardware
  • Programming Hardware
  • Basic electrical components and concepts

Ketrampilan STEM & Abad 21 :

  • Learn project based program
  • Creativity
  • Adapting to new challenges

Software & Hardware yang dibutuhkan :

  • Tinkercad
  • Arduino IDE
  • Web browser
  • Laptop / Desktop

Contoh Pembelajaran :


The Experience AI Challenge

Durasi : 5 hari x 120 mnt

Level : SMP & SMA

Di kelas ini, kiddos mendapatkan perkenalan tentang Machine Learning yang merupakan salah satu teknologi dari Artificial Intelligence AI (Kecerdasan Artifisial) dengan materi terbaru dari Raspberry Pi Foundation and Google DeepMind. Kiddos belajar memberikan data untuk melatih sistem Machine Learning, pre-processing data hingga membuat keputusan dengan Decision Tree yang merupakan salah satu metode Machine Learning. Di akhir kelas, kiddos mengerjakan project membuat AI aplikasi menggunakan ML model yang telah dilatih.
Special: Peserta Holiday Program topik ini mendapatkan kesempatan untuk mengumpulkan project mereka ke KiddoFAIR, Virtual Coding Fair, dan mendapatkan hadiah bagi yang terpilih sebagai project favorites! KiddoFAIR akan diselenggarakan di akhir bulan Juli 2024 via Zoom.

Apa yang di dapat?

  • Project file
  • Project account
  • Holiday Program Certificate

Ketrampilan Komputasi :

  • AI & Machine Learning
  • Data Analysis
  • Understand ‘data-driven’ vs ‘rule-based’ approach

Ketrampilan STEM & Abad 21 :

  • Adaptability and flexibility
  • Creativity
  • Problem solving

Software & Hardware yang dibutuhkan :

  • Web browser (Chrome)
  • Zoom application
  • Laptop / Desktop

Contoh Pembelajaran :


Make Android Apps with AI

Durasi : 5 hari x 120 mnt

Level : SMP & SMA

Di kelas ini, kiddos akan belajar dan menggabungkan ketrampilan coding membuat aplikasi mobile Android dengan teknologi Artificial Intelligence (Kecerdasan Buatan). Kiddos akan menggunakan platform MIT App Inventor untuk merancang dan membuat aplikasi Android dengan block programming dan mengintegrasikan berbagai teknologi AI seperti image classification, voice recognition dengan menggunakan model yang dapat dilatih oleh kiddos sesuai dengan data yang mereka kumpulkan. Hasil karya aplikasi bisa diinstall langsung di handphone Android masing-masing!
Note: kiddo harap membawa handphone Android untuk instalasi aplikasi

Apa yang di dapat?

  • Project file
  • Project account
  • Holiday Program Certificate

Ketrampilan Komputasi :

  • Coding for mobile application
  • Pattern recognition (computational thinking)
  • AI & Machine Learning Introduction
  • Data collection and processing

Ketrampilan STEM & Abad 21 :

  • Project Planning
  • Creativity
  • Problem-solving
  • Human Computer Interaction
  • Android Development

Software & Hardware yang dibutuhkan :

  • Web browser (Chrome, Mozila & Safari )
  • Emulator Android
  • Zoom application
  • Laptop / PC,  Android Smartphone, USB Cable

Contoh Pembelajaran :


Competitive Programming Intro in C++

Durasi : 5 hari x 120 mnt

Level : SMP & SMA

Di topik terbaru ini KodeKiddo berkolaborasi dengan TOKI untuk memperkenalkan Competitive Programming untuk kiddos SMP – SMA. Kelas ini sangat cocok untuk kiddos yang telah memiliki dasar coding dan matematika yang kuat. Kiddos diberikan pemahaman algoritma dengan beberapa soal Computational Thinking dan matematika dari kontes Bebras dan Competitive Programming seperti Olimpiade Sains – Infomatika. Selanjutnya kiddos akan mempelajari bahasa pemrograman C++ untuk membuat program yang dapat memecahkan soal matematika tersebut.

Apa yang di dapat?

  • Project file
  • Project account
  • Holiday Program Certificate

Ketrampilan Komputasi :

  • Coding concepts & C++ syntax
  • Variables, Selection
  • Recursion
  • Data types
  • Debugging
  • Algorithm design

Ketrampilan STEM & Abad 21 :

  • Critical Thinking
  • Problem Solving
  • Computational Thinking

Software & Hardware yang dibutuhkan :

  • Chrome/Safari browser
  • C++ IDE
  • Zoom application
  • Laptop / Desktop

Contoh Pembelajaran :


Unity Game Development Intro

Durasi : 5 hari x 120 mnt

Level : SMP & SMA

Di kelas ini kiddos mendapat perkenalan ke Game Design menggunakan salah satu aplikasi terkenal yaitu Unity. Kiddos akan mempelajari cara pakainya dari dasar hingga membuat game 2D/3D sederhana. Kiddos juga akan mempelajari bahasa pemrogramman C# untuk mendesain dan mengatur game yang dibuat.

Apa yang di dapat?

  • Unity Account (pembuatan gratis)
  • Game Project files: disimpan kedalam komputer masing-masing, total 3 projects
  • Akses ke lesson lain di Unity
  • Sertifikat

Ketrampilan Komputasi :

  • Basic coding concepts
  • Programming arrow keys
  • Using coordinates
  • Game design concepts

Ketrampilan STEM & Abad 21 :

  • Collaboration & communication
  • Creativity
  • Adapting to new challenges

Software & Hardware yang dibutuhkan :

  • Unity version 2019.4
  • Zoom application
  • Minimum Hardware Specification :
    • Windows 7
    • Graphics Cards with DX10
Python Exploration Intro

Durasi : 5 hari x 120 menit / 5 x 240 menit

Level : SMP & SMA

Di kelas ini kiddos belajar bahasa pemrograman Python yang banyak digunakan untuk membuat berbagai project software. Dengan syntax yang lebih sederhana, Python mudah dipelajari saat kiddos mulai menggunakan text-based coding. Kiddos belajar konsep dasar coding seperti input, output, loops, conditional, function, object, list, dan menerapkan konsep tersebut untuk memecahkan berbagai permasalahan. Kiddos membuat program yang menerapkan konsep tersebut, seperti game, chat bot, encryption, dan algorithm solver.

Apa yang di dapat?

  • Python project files
  • Trinket.io akun
  • Sertifikat

Ketrampilan Komputasi :

  • Coding concepts & Python syntax:
    • Sequencing
    • Repetition Variables
    • Selection
    • Boolean Operators
    • Data types
    • Function, procedure & class

Ketrampilan STEM & Abad 21 :

  • Critical Thinking
  • Problem Solving
  • Creativity
  • Computational Thinking

Software & Hardware yang dibutuhkan :

  • Chrome/Safari browser
  • Zoom application
  • Laptop / Desktop
UI/UX Design

Durasi :

5 hari x 120 menit (online)

Level : SMP & SMA

Di kelas ini, kiddos akan belajar untuk membuat sebuah design dari Mobile Application maupun Web Application menggunakan platform Figma. Di sini, kiddos akan mencoba untuk membuat sebuah design yang dapat memenuhi kebutuhan dan keinginan dari sebuah user menggunakan idea dan design dari kiddos sendiri. serta, kiddos akan dapat menentukan flow atau jalan bekerja dari design aplikasi tersebut berdasarkan dari idea design mereka sendiri. Hasil karya mereka ini, dapat di bawa dan juga dapat di publish melalui Figma sehingga kiddos dapat menghias maupun mencoba untuk meningkatkan design dari mereka sendiri.

Apa yang di dapat?

  • Project File
  • Project Account
  • Holiday Program Certificate

Ketrampilan Komputasi :

  • Algorithm Design
  • Basic Design

Ketrampilan STEM & Abad 21 :

  • Critical Thinking
  • Problem Solving
  • Big Imagination

Software & Hardware yang dibutuhkan :

  • Chrome/Safari Browser
  • Figma
  • Zoom Application
  • Laptop / Desktop
Introduction to ESP32 & BYInk IoT

Durasi :

5 x 120 menit

Level : SMP & SMA

Program liburan berdurasi 5 (lima) hari ini akan memberikan pengenalan Internet of Things (IoT) kepada siswa/i SMP dan SMA. Teknologi IoT merupakan teknologi kekinian yang sudah dijumpai dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. IoT diberikan kepada siswa/i menggunakan modul mikrokontroler ESP32 dan platform Blynk IoT. Siswa/i akan mengerjakan proyek sederhana yakni Motion-Activated Security Alarm. Tujuannya agar program liburan ini dapat menarik bagi siswa/i dan orang tua serta dapat memberikan pengalaman mengerjakan proyek IoT.

Apa yang di dapat?

  • Holiday Program
  • Certificate Kit
  • Components Project Sources

Ketrampilan Komputasi :

  • Electrical connection between software and hardware
  • Programming hardware
  • Basic sensor and actuator
  • IoT connection

Ketrampilan STEM & Abad 21 :

  • Computational thinking
  • Resilience
  • Adapting to new challenges

Software & Hardware yang dibutuhkan :

  • Arduino IDE
  • Web browser
  • Laptop / Desktop
  • Smart phone


Topik pada setiap KodeKiddo Center akan berbeda-beda, termasuk untuk kelas Online. 


Level KinderCoding

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : KinderCoding Basic| Scratch Jr – Interactive Projects
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Scratch Jr – Interactive Projects & Family” | Fun Code with Codespark Academy
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Fun Code with Codespark Academy | Scratch Jr – Animated Stories
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Scratch Jr – Animated Stories | KinderCoding Basic

Level SD 1 – 3

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Cyber Safety Exploration in Minecraft Edu | 3D Creation in CoSpace and Tinkercad
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : 3D Creation in CoSpace and Tinkercad | Storytelling in Minecraft Education
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Storytelling in Minecraft Education | Make 3D Games with Kodu
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Make 3D Games with Kodu | Cyber Safety Exploration in Minecraft Edu

Level SD 4 – 6

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Roblox Game Development | Computer Science Coding in Minecraft Education
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Roblox Game Development | Arduino Introduction – Road to IoT
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Roblox Game Development | Coding Arcade Games and Microbit with MakeCode
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Roblox Game Development | Computer Science Coding in Minecraft Education

Level  SMP & SMA

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Prompt Engineering| Arduino Introduction – Road to IoT (SMP SMA)
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Arduino Introduction – Road to IoT (SMP SMA) | The Experience AI Challenge
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : The Experience AI Challenge  | Python Exploration Intro | Make Android Apps with AI
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Make Android Apps with AI | Competitive Programming Intro in C++
Center Gading Serpong Tangerang


  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Young Scientist
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Pirate of KiddoSTEM
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Young Scientist
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Pirate of KiddoSTEM

Level KinderCoding

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : KinderCoding Basic | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Scratch Jr – Interactive Projects | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Fun Code with Codespark Academy | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Scratch Jr – Animated Stories | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot

Level SD 1 – 3

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Cyber Safety Exploration in Minecraft Edu | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : 3D Creation in CoSpace and Tinkercad | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Storytelling in Minecraft Education | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Make 3D Games with Kodu | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot

Level SD 4 – 6

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Computer Science Coding in Minecraft Education | Hardware Coding, AI & Machine Learning with Quarky
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Arduino Introduction – Road to IoT | Hardware Coding, AI & Machine Learning with Quarky
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Roblox Game Development | Hardware Coding, AI & Machine Learning with Quarky
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Coding Arcade Games and Microbit with MakeCode | Hardware Coding, AI & Machine Learning with Quarky

Level  SMP & SMA

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Prompt Engineering | The Experience AI Challenge 
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Arduino Introduction – Road to IoT (SMP SMA) | The Experience AI Challenge 
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Make Android Apps with AI | The Experience AI Challenge 
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Competitive Programming Intro in C++ | The Experience AI Challenge 
Center Karawaci Tangerang


  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Young Scientist
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Pirate of KiddoSTEM
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Young Scientist
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Pirate of KiddoSTEM

Level KinderCoding

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : KinderCoding Basic | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Scratch Jr – Interactive Projects | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Fun Code with Codespark Academy | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Scratch Jr – Animated Stories | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot

Level SD 1 – 3

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Cyber Safety Exploration in Minecraft Edu | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : 3D Creation in CoSpace and Tinkercad | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Storytelling in Minecraft Education | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Make 3D Games with Kodu | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot

Level SD 4 – 6

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Computer Science Coding in Minecraft Education | Hardware Coding, AI & Machine Learning with Quarky
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Arduino Introduction – Road to IoT | Hardware Coding, AI & Machine Learning with Quarky
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Roblox Game Development | Hardware Coding, AI & Machine Learning with Quarky
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Coding Arcade Games and Microbit with MakeCode | Hardware Coding, AI & Machine Learning with Quarky

Level  SMP & SMA

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Prompt Engineering | The Experience AI Challenge 
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Arduino Introduction – Road to IoT (SMP SMA) | The Experience AI Challenge 
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Make Android Apps with AI | The Experience AI Challenge 
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Competitive Programming Intro in C++ | The Experience AI Challenge 
Center Bintaro Tangerang


  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Young Scientist
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Pirate of KiddoSTEM
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Young Scientist
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Pirate of KiddoSTEM

Level KinderCoding

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : KinderCoding Basic | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Scratch Jr – Interactive Projects | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Fun Code with Codespark Academy | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Scratch Jr – Animated Stories | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot

Level SD 1 – 3

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Cyber Safety Exploration in Minecraft Edu | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : 3D Creation in CoSpace and Tinkercad | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Storytelling in Minecraft Education | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Make 3D Games with Kodu | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot

Level SD 4 – 6

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Computer Science Coding in Minecraft Education | Hardware Coding, AI & Machine Learning with Quarky
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Arduino Introduction – Road to IoT | Hardware Coding, AI & Machine Learning with Quarky
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Roblox Game Development | Hardware Coding, AI & Machine Learning with Quarky
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Coding Arcade Games and Microbit with MakeCode | Hardware Coding, AI & Machine Learning with Quarky

Level  SMP & SMA

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Prompt Engineering | The Experience AI Challenge 
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Arduino Introduction – Road to IoT (SMP SMA) | The Experience AI Challenge 
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Make Android Apps with AI | The Experience AI Challenge 
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Competitive Programming Intro in C++ | The Experience AI Challenge 
Center Permata Buana Jakarta


  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Young Scientist
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Pirate of KiddoSTEM
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Young Scientist
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Pirate of KiddoSTEM

Level KinderCoding

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : KinderCoding Basic | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Scratch Jr – Interactive Projects | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Fun Code with Codespark Academy | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Scratch Jr – Animated Stories | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot

Level SD 1 – 3

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Cyber Safety Exploration in Minecraft Edu | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : 3D Creation in CoSpace and Tinkercad | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Storytelling in Minecraft Education | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Make 3D Games with Kodu | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot

Level SD 4 – 6

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Computer Science Coding in Minecraft Education | Hardware Coding, AI & Machine Learning with Quarky
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Roblox Game Development | Hardware Coding, AI & Machine Learning with Quarky
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Arduino Introduction – Road to IoT | Hardware Coding, AI & Machine Learning with Quarky
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Coding Arcade Games and Microbit with MakeCode | Hardware Coding, AI & Machine Learning with Quarky

Level  SMP & SMA

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Prompt Engineering | The Experience AI Challenge 
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Arduino Introduction – Road to IoT (SMP SMA) | The Experience AI Challenge 
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Make Android Apps with AI | The Experience AI Challenge 
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Competitive Programming Intro in C++ | The Experience AI Challenge 
Center Pantai Indah Kapuk Jakarta


  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Young Scientist
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Pirate of KiddoSTEM
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Young Scientist
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Pirate of KiddoSTEM

Level KinderCoding

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : KinderCoding Basic | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Scratch Jr – Interactive Projects | Fun Code with Codespark Academy
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Fun Code with Codespark Academy | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : KinderCoding Basic | Scratch Jr – Interactive Projects

Level SD 1 – 3

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Storytelling in Minecraft Education | Make 3D Games with Kodu
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : 3D Creation in CoSpace and Tinkercad | Storytelling in Minecraft Education | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Storytelling in Minecraft Education | Make 3D Games with Kodu
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : 3D Creation in CoSpace and Tinkercad | Storytelling in Minecraft Education | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot

Level SD 4 – 6

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Computer Science Coding in Minecraft Education | Coding Arcade Games and Microbit with MakeCode
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Roblox Game Development | Coding Arcade Games and Microbit with MakeCode
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Coding Arcade Games and Microbit with MakeCode | Hardware Coding, AI & Machine Learning with Quarky
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Computer Science Coding in Minecraft Education | Coding Arcade Games and Microbit with MakeCode

Level  SMP & SMA

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Python | Make Android Apps with AI
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Python | Unity | STEM Smart Machine
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) :Python | The Experience AI Challenge | STEM Smart Machine
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Python | Make Android Apps with AI 
Center Kelapa Gading Jakarta


  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Young Scientist
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Pirate of KiddoSTEM
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Young Scientist
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Pirate of KiddoSTEM

Level KinderCoding

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : KinderCoding Basic | Scratch Jr – Interactive Projects
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : KinderCoding Basic | Fun Code with Codespark Academy
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Scratch Jr – Interactive Projects | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Fun Code with Codespark Academy | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot

Level SD 1 – 3

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Storytelling in Minecraft Education | Make 3D Games with Kodu
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : 3D Creation in CoSpace and Tinkercad | Storytelling in Minecraft Education
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Storytelling in Minecraft Education | Make 3D Games with Kodu
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : 3D Creation in CoSpace and Tinkercad| Make 3D Games with Kodu

Level SD 4 – 6

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Roblox Game Development | Coding Arcade Games and Microbit with MakeCode
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) :Computer Science Coding in Minecraft Education | Coding Arcade Games and Microbit with MakeCode
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) :
  • Computer Science Coding in Minecraft Education | Coding Arcade Games and Microbit with MakeCode
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Hardware Coding, AI & Machine Learning with Quarky | Coding Arcade Games and Microbit with MakeCode

Level  SMP & SMA

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Python | Make Android Apps with AI
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Python | Unity
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) :Python | The Experience AI Challenge | STEM Smart Machine
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Python | Make Android Apps with AI | STEM Smart Machine
Center Pondok Indah Jakarta


  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Young Scientist
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Pirate of KiddoSTEM
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Young Scientist
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Pirate of KiddoSTEM

Level KinderCoding

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : KinderCoding Basic | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Scratch Jr – Interactive Projects | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Fun Code with Codespark Academy | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Scratch Jr – Animated Stories | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot

Level SD 1 – 3

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Cyber Safety Exploration in Minecraft Edu | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : 3D Creation in CoSpace and Tinkercad | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Storytelling in Minecraft Education | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Make 3D Games with Kodu | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot

Level SD 4 – 6

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Computer Science Coding in Minecraft Education | Hardware Coding, AI & Machine Learning with Quarky
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Roblox Game Development | Hardware Coding, AI & Machine Learning with Quarky
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Arduino Introduction – Road to IoT | Hardware Coding, AI & Machine Learning with Quarky
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Coding Arcade Games and Microbit with MakeCode | Hardware Coding, AI & Machine Learning with Quarky

Level  SMP & SMA

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Prompt Engineering | The Experience AI Challenge 
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Arduino Introduction – Road to IoT (SMP SMA) | The Experience AI Challenge 
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Make Android Apps with AI | The Experience AI Challenge 
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Competitive Programming Intro in C++ | The Experience AI Challenge 
Center Grand Galaxy Bekasi


  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Young Scientist
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Pirate of KiddoSTEM
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Young Scientist
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Pirate of KiddoSTEM

Level KinderCoding

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : KinderCoding Basic | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Scratch Jr – Interactive Projects | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Fun Code with Codespark Academy | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Scratch Jr – Animated Stories | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot

Level SD 1 – 3

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Cyber Safety Exploration in Minecraft Edu | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : 3D Creation in CoSpace and Tinkercad | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Storytelling in Minecraft Education | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Make 3D Games with Kodu | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot

Level SD 4 – 6

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Roblox Game Development | Hardware Coding, AI & Machine Learning with Quarky
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) :Computer Science Coding in Minecraft Education | Hardware Coding, AI & Machine Learning with Quarky
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Arduino Introduction – Road to IoT | Hardware Coding, AI & Machine Learning with Quarky
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Coding Arcade Games and Microbit with MakeCode | Hardware Coding, AI & Machine Learning with Quarky

Level  SMP & SMA

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Prompt Engineering | The Experience AI Challenge 
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Arduino Introduction – Road to IoT (SMP SMA) | The Experience AI Challenge 
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Make Android Apps with AI | The Experience AI Challenge 
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Competitive Programming Intro in C++ | The Experience AI Challenge 
Center Cibubur Bogor


  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Young Scientist
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Pirate of KiddoSTEM
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Young Scientist
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Pirate of KiddoSTEM

Level KinderCoding

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : KinderCoding Basic | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Scratch Jr – Interactive Projects | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : KinderCoding Basic | Fun Code with Codespark Academy
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Scratch Jr – Interactive Projects | Fun Code with Codespark Academy

Level SD 1 – 3

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Storytelling in Minecraft Education | Make 3D Games with Kodu
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : 3D Creation in CoSpace and Tinkercad | Storytelling in Minecraft Education
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Storytelling in Minecraft Education | Make 3D Games with Kodu
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : 3D Creation in CoSpace and Tinkercad | Storytelling in Minecraft Education

Level SD 4 – 6

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Computer Science Coding in Minecraft Education | Coding Arcade Games and Microbit with MakeCode
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Coding Arcade Games and Microbit with MakeCode | Hardware Coding, AI & Machine Learning with Quarky
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Roblox Game Development | Coding Arcade Games and Microbit with MakeCode
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Computer Science Coding in Minecraft Education | Coding Arcade Games and Microbit with MakeCode

Level  SMP & SMA

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Python | Make Android Apps with AI
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Python | Unity
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) :Python | The Experience AI Challenge | STEM Smart Machine
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Python | Make Android Apps with AI | STEM Smart Machine
Center Bandung Jawa Barat


  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Young Scientist
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Pirate of KiddoSTEM
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Young Scientist
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Pirate of KiddoSTEM

Level KinderCoding

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : KinderCoding Basic | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Scratch Jr – Interactive Projects | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Fun Code with Codespark Academy | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Scratch Jr – Animated Stories | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot

Level SD 1 – 3

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Cyber Safety Exploration in Minecraft Edu | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : 3D Creation in CoSpace and Tinkercad | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Storytelling in Minecraft Education | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Make 3D Games with Kodu | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot

Level SD 4 – 6

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Computer Science Coding in Minecraft Education | Hardware Coding, AI & Machine Learning with Quarky
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Arduino Introduction – Road to IoT | Hardware Coding, AI & Machine Learning with Quarky
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Coding Arcade Games and Microbit with MakeCode | Hardware Coding, AI & Machine Learning with Quarky
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Roblox Game Development | Hardware Coding, AI & Machine Learning with Quarky

Level  SMP & SMA

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Prompt Engineering | The Experience AI Challenge 
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Arduino Introduction – Road to IoT (SMP SMA) | The Experience AI Challenge 
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Make Android Apps with AI | The Experience AI Challenge 
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Competitive Programming Intro in C++ | The Experience AI Challenge 
Center Semarang Jawa Tengah


  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Young Scientist
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Pirate of KiddoSTEM
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Young Scientist
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Pirate of KiddoSTEM

Level KinderCoding

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : KinderCoding Basic | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Scratch Jr – Interactive Projects | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Fun Code with Codespark Academy | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Scratch Jr – Animated Stories | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot

Level SD 1 – 3

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Cyber Safety Exploration in Minecraft Edu | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : 3D Creation in CoSpace and Tinkercad | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Storytelling in Minecraft Education | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Make 3D Games with Kodu | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot

Level SD 4 – 6

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Roblox Game Development | Hardware Coding, AI & Machine Learning with Quarky
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) :Computer Science Coding in Minecraft Education | Hardware Coding, AI & Machine Learning with Quarky
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Arduino Introduction – Road to IoT | Hardware Coding, AI & Machine Learning with Quarky
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Coding Arcade Games and Microbit with MakeCode | Hardware Coding, AI & Machine Learning with Quarky

Level  SMP & SMA

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Prompt Engineering | The Experience AI Challenge 
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Arduino Introduction – Road to IoT (SMP SMA) | The Experience AI Challenge 
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Make Android Apps with AI | The Experience AI Challenge 
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Competitive Programming Intro in C++ | The Experience AI Challenge 
Center Tegal Jawa Tengah


  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Young Scientist
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Pirate of KiddoSTEM
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Young Scientist
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Pirate of KiddoSTEM

Level KinderCoding

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : KinderCoding Basic | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Scratch Jr – Interactive Projects | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Fun Code with Codespark Academy | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Scratch Jr – Animated Stories | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot

Level SD 1 – 3

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Cyber Safety Exploration in Minecraft Edu | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : 3D Creation in CoSpace and Tinkercad | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Storytelling in Minecraft Education | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Make 3D Games with Kodu | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot

Level SD 4 – 6

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Roblox Game Development | Hardware Coding, AI & Machine Learning with Quarky
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) :Computer Science Coding in Minecraft Education | Hardware Coding, AI & Machine Learning with Quarky
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Arduino Introduction – Road to IoT | Hardware Coding, AI & Machine Learning with Quarky
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Coding Arcade Games and Microbit with MakeCode | Hardware Coding, AI & Machine Learning with Quarky

Level  SMP & SMA

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Prompt Engineering | The Experience AI Challenge 
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Arduino Introduction – Road to IoT (SMP SMA) | The Experience AI Challenge 
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Make Android Apps with AI | The Experience AI Challenge 
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Competitive Programming Intro in C++ | The Experience AI Challenge 
Center Kudus Jawa Tengah


  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Young Scientist
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Pirate of KiddoSTEM
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Young Scientist
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Pirate of KiddoSTEM

Level KinderCoding

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : KinderCoding Basic | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Scratch Jr – Interactive Projects | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Fun Code with Codespark Academy | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Scratch Jr – Animated Stories | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot

Level SD 1 – 3

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Cyber Safety Exploration in Minecraft Edu | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : 3D Creation in CoSpace and Tinkercad | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Storytelling in Minecraft Education | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Make 3D Games with Kodu | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot

Level SD 4 – 6

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Roblox Game Development | Hardware Coding, AI & Machine Learning with Quarky
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) :Computer Science Coding in Minecraft Education | Hardware Coding, AI & Machine Learning with Quarky
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Arduino Introduction – Road to IoT | Hardware Coding, AI & Machine Learning with Quarky
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Coding Arcade Games and Microbit with MakeCode | Hardware Coding, AI & Machine Learning with Quarky

Level  SMP & SMA

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Prompt Engineering | The Experience AI Challenge 
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Arduino Introduction – Road to IoT (SMP SMA) | The Experience AI Challenge 
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Make Android Apps with AI | The Experience AI Challenge 
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Competitive Programming Intro in C++ | The Experience AI Challenge 
Center Solo Jawa Tengah


  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Young Scientist
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Pirate of KiddoSTEM
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Young Scientist
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Pirate of KiddoSTEM

Level KinderCoding

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : KinderCoding Basic | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Scratch Jr – Interactive Projects | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Fun Code with Codespark Academy | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Scratch Jr – Animated Stories | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot

Level SD 1 – 3

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Cyber Safety Exploration in Minecraft Edu | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : 3D Creation in CoSpace and Tinkercad | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Storytelling in Minecraft Education | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Make 3D Games with Kodu | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot

Level SD 4 – 6

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Computer Science Coding in Minecraft Education | Hardware Coding, AI & Machine Learning with Quarky
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Arduino Introduction – Road to IoT | Hardware Coding, AI & Machine Learning with Quarky
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Coding Arcade Games and Microbit with MakeCode | Hardware Coding, AI & Machine Learning with Quarky
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Roblox Game Development | Hardware Coding, AI & Machine Learning with Quarky

Level  SMP & SMA

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Prompt Engineering | The Experience AI Challenge 
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Arduino Introduction – Road to IoT (SMP SMA) | The Experience AI Challenge 
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Make Android Apps with AI | The Experience AI Challenge 
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Competitive Programming Intro in C++ | The Experience AI Challenge 
Center Yogyakarta


  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Young Scientist
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Pirate of KiddoSTEM
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Young Scientist
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Pirate of KiddoSTEM

Level KinderCoding

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : KinderCoding Basic | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Scratch Jr – Interactive Projects | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Fun Code with Codespark Academy | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Scratch Jr – Animated Stories | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot

Level SD 1 – 3

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Cyber Safety Exploration in Minecraft Edu | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : 3D Creation in CoSpace and Tinkercad | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Storytelling in Minecraft Education | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Make 3D Games with Kodu | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot

Level SD 4 – 6

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Computer Science Coding in Minecraft Education | Hardware Coding, AI & Machine Learning with Quarky
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Roblox Game Development | Hardware Coding, AI & Machine Learning with Quarky
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Arduino Introduction – Road to IoT | Hardware Coding, AI & Machine Learning with Quarky
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Coding Arcade Games and Microbit with MakeCode | Hardware Coding, AI & Machine Learning with Quarky

Level  SMP & SMA

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Prompt Engineering | The Experience AI Challenge 
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Arduino Introduction – Road to IoT (SMP SMA) | The Experience AI Challenge 
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Make Android Apps with AI | The Experience AI Challenge 
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Competitive Programming Intro in C++ | The Experience AI Challenge 
Center Surabaya Jawa Timur


  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Young Scientist
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Pirate of KiddoSTEM
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Young Scientist
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Pirate of KiddoSTEM

Level KinderCoding

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : KinderCoding Basic | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Scratch Jr – Interactive Projects | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Fun Code with Codespark Academy | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Scratch Jr – Animated Stories | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot

Level SD 1 – 3

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Cyber Safety Exploration in Minecraft Edu | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : 3D Creation in CoSpace and Tinkercad | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Storytelling in Minecraft Education | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Make 3D Games with Kodu | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot

Level SD 4 – 6

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Computer Science Coding in Minecraft Education | Hardware Coding, AI & Machine Learning with Quarky
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Arduino Introduction – Road to IoT | Hardware Coding, AI & Machine Learning with Quarky
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Coding Arcade Games and Microbit with MakeCode | Hardware Coding, AI & Machine Learning with Quarky
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Roblox Game Development | Hardware Coding, AI & Machine Learning with Quarky

Level  SMP & SMA

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Prompt Engineering | The Experience AI Challenge 
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Arduino Introduction – Road to IoT (SMP SMA) | The Experience AI Challenge 
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Make Android Apps with AI | The Experience AI Challenge 
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Competitive Programming Intro in C++ | The Experience AI Challenge 
Center Malang Jawa Timur


  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Young Scientist | Pirate of KiddoSTEM
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Young Scientist | Pirate of KiddoSTEM
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Young Scientist | Pirate of KiddoSTEM
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Young Scientist | Pirate of KiddoSTEM

Level KinderCoding

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : KinderCoding Basic | Scratch Jr – Interactive Projects | Fun Code with Codespark Academy
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : KinderCoding Basic | Scratch Jr – Interactive Projects | Fun Code with Codespark Academy
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : KinderCoding Basic | Scratch Jr – Interactive Projects | Fun Code with Codespark Academy
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : KinderCoding Basic | Scratch Jr – Interactive Projects | Fun Code with Codespark Academy

Level SD 1 – 3

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Cyber Safety Exploration in Minecraft Edu | 3D Creation in CoSpace and Tinkercad | Storytelling in Minecraft Education
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Cyber Safety Exploration in Minecraft Edu | 3D Creation in CoSpace and Tinkercad | Storytelling in Minecraft Educationt | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Cyber Safety Exploration in Minecraft Edu | 3D Creation in CoSpace and Tinkercad | Storytelling in Minecraft Education
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Cyber Safety Exploration in Minecraft Edu | 3D Creation in CoSpace and Tinkercad | Storytelling in Minecraft Education

Level SD 4 – 6

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Roblox Game Development | Computer Science Coding in Minecraft Education | Arduino Introduction – Road to IoT | Coding Arcade Games and Microbit with MakeCode
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Roblox Game Development | Hardware Coding, AI & Machine Learning with Quarky
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Roblox Game Development | Computer Science Coding in Minecraft Education | Arduino Introduction – Road to IoT | Coding Arcade Games and Microbit with MakeCod
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Roblox Game Development | Computer Science Coding in Minecraft Education | Arduino Introduction – Road to IoT | Coding Arcade Games and Microbit with MakeCod

Level  SMP & SMA

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Arduino Introduction – Road to IoT | Make Android Apps with AI | The Experience AI Challenge 
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Arduino Introduction – Road to IoT | Make Android Apps with AI | The Experience AI Challenge
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Arduino Introduction – Road to IoT | Make Android Apps with AI | The Experience AI Challenge
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Arduino Introduction – Road to IoT | Make Android Apps with AI | The Experience AI Challenge
Center Madiun Jawa Timur


  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Young Scientist
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Pirate of KiddoSTEM
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Young Scientist
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Pirate of KiddoSTEM

Level KinderCoding

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : KinderCoding Basic | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Scratch Jr – Interactive Projects | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Fun Code with Codespark Academy | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Scratch Jr – Animated Stories | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot

Level SD 1 – 3

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Cyber Safety Exploration in Minecraft Edu | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : 3D Creation in CoSpace and Tinkercad | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Storytelling in Minecraft Education | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Make 3D Games with Kodu | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot

Level SD 4 – 6

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Computer Science Coding in Minecraft Education | Hardware Coding, AI & Machine Learning with Quarky
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Arduino Introduction – Road to IoT | Hardware Coding, AI & Machine Learning with Quarky
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Roblox Game Development | Hardware Coding, AI & Machine Learning with Quarky
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Coding Arcade Games and Microbit with MakeCode | Hardware Coding, AI & Machine Learning with Quarky

Level  SMP & SMA

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Prompt Engineering | The Experience AI Challenge 
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Arduino Introduction – Road to IoT (SMP SMA) | The Experience AI Challenge 
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Make Android Apps with AI | The Experience AI Challenge 
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Competitive Programming Intro in C++ | The Experience AI Challenge 
Center Jimbaran Bali


  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Young Scientist
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Pirate of KiddoSTEM
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Young Scientist
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Pirate of KiddoSTEM

Level KinderCoding

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : KinderCoding Basic | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Scratch Jr – Interactive Projects | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Fun Code with Codespark Academy | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Scratch Jr – Animated Stories | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot

Level SD 1 – 3

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Cyber Safety Exploration in Minecraft Edu | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : 3D Creation in CoSpace and Tinkercad | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Storytelling in Minecraft Education | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Make 3D Games with Kodu | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot

Level SD 4 – 6

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Roblox Game Development | Hardware Coding, AI & Machine Learning with Quarky
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) :Computer Science Coding in Minecraft Education | Hardware Coding, AI & Machine Learning with Quarky
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Arduino Introduction – Road to IoT | Hardware Coding, AI & Machine Learning with Quarky
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Coding Arcade Games and Microbit with MakeCode | Hardware Coding, AI & Machine Learning with Quarky

Level  SMP & SMA

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Prompt Engineering | The Experience AI Challenge 
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Arduino Introduction – Road to IoT (SMP SMA) | The Experience AI Challenge 
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Make Android Apps with AI | The Experience AI Challenge 
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Competitive Programming Intro in C++ | The Experience AI Challenge 
Center Denpasar Bali


  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Young Scientist
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Pirate of KiddoSTEM
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Young Scientist
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Pirate of KiddoSTEM

Level KinderCoding

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : KinderCoding Basic | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Scratch Jr – Interactive Projects | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Fun Code with Codespark Academy | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Scratch Jr – Animated Stories | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot

Level SD 1 – 3

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Cyber Safety Exploration in Minecraft Edu | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : 3D Creation in CoSpace and Tinkercad | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Storytelling in Minecraft Education | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Make 3D Games with Kodu | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot

Level SD 4 – 6

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Computer Science Coding in Minecraft Education | Hardware Coding, AI & Machine Learning with Quarky
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Roblox Game Development | Hardware Coding, AI & Machine Learning with Quarky
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Arduino Introduction – Road to IoT | Hardware Coding, AI & Machine Learning with Quarky
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Coding Arcade Games and Microbit with MakeCode | Hardware Coding, AI & Machine Learning with Quarky

Level  SMP & SMA

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Prompt Engineering | The Experience AI Challenge 
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Arduino Introduction – Road to IoT (SMP SMA) | The Experience AI Challenge 
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Make Android Apps with AI | The Experience AI Challenge 
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Competitive Programming Intro in C++ | The Experience AI Challenge 
Center Pekanbaru Riau Sumatera


  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Young Scientist
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Pirate of KiddoSTEM
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Young Scientist
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Pirate of KiddoSTEM

Level KinderCoding

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : KinderCoding Basic | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Scratch Jr – Interactive Projects | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Fun Code with Codespark Academy | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Scratch Jr – Animated Stories | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot

Level SD 1 – 3

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Cyber Safety Exploration in Minecraft Edu | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : 3D Creation in CoSpace and Tinkercad | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Storytelling in Minecraft Education | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Make 3D Games with Kodu | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot

Level SD 4 – 6

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Computer Science Coding in Minecraft Education | Hardware Coding, AI & Machine Learning with Quarky
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Arduino Introduction – Road to IoT | Hardware Coding, AI & Machine Learning with Quarky
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Coding Arcade Games and Microbit with MakeCode | Hardware Coding, AI & Machine Learning with Quarky
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Roblox Game Development | Hardware Coding, AI & Machine Learning with Quarky

Level  SMP & SMA

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Prompt Engineering | The Experience AI Challenge 
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Arduino Introduction – Road to IoT (SMP SMA) | The Experience AI Challenge 
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Make Android Apps with AI | The Experience AI Challenge 
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Competitive Programming Intro in C++ | The Experience AI Challenge 
Center Pontianak Kalimantan


  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Young Scientist
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Pirate of KiddoSTEM
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Young Scientist
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Pirate of KiddoSTEM

Level KinderCoding

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : KinderCoding Basic | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Scratch Jr – Interactive Projects | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Fun Code with Codespark Academy | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Scratch Jr – Animated Stories | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot

Level SD 1 – 3

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Cyber Safety Exploration in Minecraft Edu | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : 3D Creation in CoSpace and Tinkercad | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Storytelling in Minecraft Education | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Make 3D Games with Kodu | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot

Level SD 4 – 6

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Computer Science Coding in Minecraft Education | Hardware Coding, AI & Machine Learning with Quarky
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Arduino Introduction – Road to IoT | Hardware Coding, AI & Machine Learning with Quarky
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Coding Arcade Games and Microbit with MakeCode | Hardware Coding, AI & Machine Learning with Quarky
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Roblox Game Development | Hardware Coding, AI & Machine Learning with Quarky

Level  SMP & SMA

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Prompt Engineering | The Experience AI Challenge 
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Arduino Introduction – Road to IoT (SMP SMA) | The Experience AI Challenge 
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Make Android Apps with AI | The Experience AI Challenge 
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Competitive Programming Intro in C++ | The Experience AI Challenge 
Center Banjarmasin Kalimantan


  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Young Scientist
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Pirate of KiddoSTEM
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Young Scientist
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Pirate of KiddoSTEM

Level KinderCoding

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : KinderCoding Basic
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Scratch Jr – Interactive Projects
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Fun Code with Codespark Academy
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Scratch Jr – Animated Stories

Level SD 1 – 3

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Cyber Safety Exploration in Minecraft Edu
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : 3D Creation in CoSpace and Tinkercad
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Storytelling in Minecraft Education
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Make 3D Games with Kodu

Level SD 4 – 6

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Computer Science Coding in Minecraft Education 
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Arduino Introduction – Road to IoT 
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Coding Arcade Games and Microbit with MakeCode 
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Roblox Game Development

Level  SMP & SMA

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Prompt Engineering | The Experience AI Challenge 
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Arduino Introduction – Road to IoT (SMP SMA) | The Experience AI Challenge 
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Make Android Apps with AI | The Experience AI Challenge 
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Competitive Programming Intro in C++ | The Experience AI Challenge 
Center Manado Sulawesi


  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Young Scientist
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Pirate of KiddoSTEM
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Young Scientist
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Pirate of KiddoSTEM

Level KinderCoding

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : KinderCoding Basic | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Scratch Jr – Interactive Projects | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Fun Code with Codespark Academy | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Scratch Jr – Animated Stories | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot

Level SD 1 – 3

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Cyber Safety Exploration in Minecraft Edu | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : 3D Creation in CoSpace and Tinkercad | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Storytelling in Minecraft Education | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Make 3D Games with Kodu | Hands-on Coding with Tale-Bot Robot

Level SD 4 – 6

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Computer Science Coding in Minecraft Education | Hardware Coding, AI & Machine Learning with Quarky
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Roblox Game Development | Hardware Coding, AI & Machine Learning with Quarky
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Arduino Introduction – Road to IoT | Hardware Coding, AI & Machine Learning with Quarky
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Coding Arcade Games and Microbit with MakeCode | Hardware Coding, AI & Machine Learning with Quarky

Level  SMP & SMA

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Prompt Engineering | The Experience AI Challenge 
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Arduino Introduction – Road to IoT (SMP SMA) | The Experience AI Challenge 
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Make Android Apps with AI | The Experience AI Challenge 
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Competitive Programming Intro in C++ | The Experience AI Challenge 
Center Medan Sumatera Utara


  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Young Scientist
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Pirate of KiddoSTEM
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Young Scientist
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Pirate of KiddoSTEM

Level KinderCoding

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : KinderCoding Basic
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Scratch Jr – Interactive Projects
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Fun Code with Codespark Academy
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Scratch Jr – Animated Stories

Level SD 1 – 3

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Cyber Safety Exploration in Minecraft Edu
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : 3D Creation in CoSpace and Tinkercad
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Storytelling in Minecraft Education
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Make 3D Games with Kodu

Level SD 4 – 6

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Computer Science Coding in Minecraft Education 
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Arduino Introduction – Road to IoT 
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Coding Arcade Games and Microbit with MakeCode 
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Roblox Game Development

Level  SMP & SMA

  • Week 1 (17 – 21 Jun 2024) : Prompt Engineering | The Experience AI Challenge 
  • Week 2 (24 – 28 Jun 2024) : Arduino Introduction – Road to IoT (SMP SMA) | The Experience AI Challenge 
  • Week 3 (01 – 05 Jul 2024) : Make Android Apps with AI | The Experience AI Challenge 
  • Week 4 (08 – 12 Jul 2024) : Competitive Programming Intro in C++ | The Experience AI Challenge 

Ayo.. segEra daftar sekarang..!!

promo tidak dapat digabungkan secara bersamaan.


Info lebih lanjut, bisa hubungi :

[email protected]