Coolest Project 2023 Submission

Apa itu Coolest Projects?

Coolest Projects merupakan ajang teknologi terkemuka di dunia yang diselenggarakan oleh organisasi UK Kegiatan ini  terbuka untuk anak anak pembuat teknologi digital muda hingga usia 18 tahun dari seluruh dunia secara online.

Good Job untuk semua Kiddos yang telah berpartisipasi!
Tahun ini, sebanyak 117 kiddos telah ikut serta dalam event ini. Usaha kalian yang sangat hebat dalam membuat project yang yang sangat luar biasa.

Dengan ikut serta dan berpartisipasi dalam event seperti ini akan melatih kalian untuk berada di level dunia, bersaing dengan para Kiddos lainnya dari berbagai negara, menyalurkan ide-ide kreatif, melatih Technical Skill kalian, dan tentunya melatih Presentation Skill kalian juga.

Pengumuman pemenang

Tingkat Nasional

Penilaian dari KodeKiddo, dibagi dalam 2 Kategori Usia (A dan B)

Pemenang akan diumumkan tanggal 14 Mei 2023

Tingkat Global (Internasional)

Pemenang akan diumumkan tanggal 6 Juni 2023.

Penilaian dari Raspberry.Pi.

Sertifikat dan Project peserta akan terpublish di situs resmi Coolest Project.

Group A (8-12 tahun)

Age : 11 tahun

Category : Games (selain Scratch)

Project Name : Jetpack Math

Project Description : 

Jetpack math is a game that combines elements of education and entertainment, this game is a solution for children who have difficulty learning basic math.

Project Link :


Project Presentation :

Age : 11 tahun

Category : Web

Project Name : Indonesian Cookies Baking Tutorial

Project Description : 

This project is about how to make cookies or cakes. This website shows you how to make cookies and cakes, steps, and others

Project Link :


Project Presentation :

Age : 11 tahun

Category : Scratch

Project Name : nightflight

Project Description : 

press up or down to move if you touch to wall you die
every second added points

Project Link :

Project Presentation :

Age : 11 tahun

Category : Scratch

Project Name : Marine Debris Cleaning Vessel

Project Description : 

Here I made a game about an ocean rescue ship. Lots of garbage scattered in the ocean and only a few people are aware of the cleanliness of the ocean. We need to keep the ocean clean because it contains various kinds of biota that live in it. We as the next generation must increase awareness in maintaining the cleanliness and preservation of our oceans. The game here consists of 2 levels, both of these levels contain ships to pick up scattered trash so that the sea is clean again. There are various kinds of coding that I made. The key to my coding is to pass messages from sprite 1 to other sprites so that the game goes according to the flow.

Project Link :

Project Presentation :

Age : 9 tahun

Category : Scratch

Project Name : Stone Story

Project Description : 

“The Stone Story

The stone story starts from the mountain, where people will collect them by using special trucks to drill hole into the big rocks. And fill in the hole with the explosive to break big rocks into smaller pieces.

These pieces were then transported to a factory, where they were ground into smoother tile piece form.

The stone tiles is transported to a construction site, where it is used to build our homes.

After all.. just like Claude Monet once said,

Everything changes, even stone..

From the mountain, stone underwent a long process before they became a part of our home. But it’s all worth it in the end because we get to live in a safe and comfortable space.”

Project Link :

Project Presentation :

Age : 12 tahun

Category : Scratch

Project Name : Scratch SDG (Sustainable Development Goals)

Project Description : 

This game is about Scratch trying to help solve world problems, the United Nation calls it Sustainable Development Goals. By pressing the up and down and right and left buttons you can direct scratch to the object that we use to then help the target. Don’t forget to dodge the bombs or you will lose a life, and touch the heart image to increase your life

Project Link :

Project Presentation :

Age : 12 tahun

Category : Web

Project Name : How to make a website using HTML and CSS

Project Description : 

In this website, it’s got a lot of pages. The first page is the “home page”, it’s got the tips, tricks, and how to make a website. The second page is about HTML. The third page is the about CSS. The forth page is about some example of HTML and CSS. The fifth page is about some example of websites.

Project Link :


Project Presentation :

Age : 8 tahun

Category : Scratch

Project Name : ?FUTURE?

Project Description : 

Salutations! I’m Anja Ruci Berlian
Project description- It’s on scratch, the point is to convince people to make a better future. And I recommend to put on the volume a bit high to understand what she’s saying. The rest of the description is on the project.
Thank you:D

Project Link :

Project Presentation :

Age : 11 tahun

Category : Scratch

Project Name : Animals vs. Skeletons

Project Description : 

My project is mainly about animals fighting skeletons. So, you put animal cards on the lawn before the skeletons come and then they will fight them.

Project Link :

Project Presentation :

Age : 8 tahun

Category : Scratch

Project Name : Nature Game

Project Description : 

I like nature thats why i made a nature game by scratch. Me and my family like to walk outside enjoying the nature. The idea to create this game is so that game players like to walk outside.

Project Link :

Project Presentation :

Age : 11 tahun

Category : Scratch

Project Name : Launch

Project Description : 

Hello everyone, I’m Benjamin Sigra Prabasunu, I’m 11 years old. I will tell about my game project. My game is a game about rocket adventure in outer space, my game name is Launch.

Project Link :

Project Presentation :

Age : 9 tahun

Category : Scratch

Project Name : F1 Speed

Project Description : 

This is a Formula 1 game that challenge you to beat the time so you could won it and be come the winner.

Project Link :

Project Presentation :

Age : 11 tahun

Category : Games (selain Scratch)

Project Name : Ninja Runner

Project Description : 

My project is a simple geometry dash like platformer game where the character(player)’s name is Sir Colonel Cornelis Cornwall. The player’s sprite is a baby blue block with a dashed sea blue border and a neutral face. In the game the player(we) first see the main menu scene where we can see Cornelis on the left side of the screen and 3 buttons which one says “Play” the other says “Click me bro” and finally the last one says “how to play” the play buttons transport you to a scene where we can see level 1 to level 3, a back button and a next button. There are 8 levels in the game. In each level we need to avoid red blocks white blocks are normal you can jump and walk left and right over it. Blue blocks help by making you jump higher. Finally the gold block at the end of the level makes you transition to the “winner” scene where you can go back to the menu. If you touch the red block you would be teleported to the “fail” scene you can also go back to the menu. The how to play button will teleport you to the “How to play” scene where you can review how to play. The final button is for us to review the backstory of Cornelis: his father was also a good and famous block jumper and now Cornelious wants to continue his legacy. The game’s level won’t get harder and you do not unlock levels you can directy play level 8 or 3 or any level you want.

Project Link :


Project Presentation :

Age : 11 tahun

Category : Scratch


Project Description : 

Zombie.. a cool enemies in our imagination, it represent the biggest fear in our thought. We bring it to you as we can fight against it.

King and I created a game that entertains you all facing this serious world.

Project Link :

Project Presentation :

Age : 10 tahun

Category : Web

Project Name : Stationery Marketplace

Project Description : 

This is a project about marketplace to sell and buy stationery. By making the project, I can learn about how marketplace and e-commerce works.

Project Link :


Project Presentation :

Age : 10 tahun

Category : Scratch

Project Name : Kill The Alien!

Project Description : 

This is a obstacle course to kill the alien. If you don’t reach the final level and kill the alien, then Earth will die! Level 1 to Level 4 is the obstacle course. Level 5 is the final level. For level 5, press 1 to shoot (Mac or Laptop). Reach 200 kills to win! If you get hit by a ball of lightning, you die and start over! You have 5 minutes (300 seconds) to complete this. Good luck!

Project Link :

Project Presentation :

Age : 10 tahun

Category : Scratch

Project Name : Quiz Game

Project Description : 

Quiz Game is a quiz that consists of 10 questions about Math, Geography, and Science. In this project lists are used to contain questions and the answers which means that it is very easy to add new question or edit questions.

Project Link :

Project Presentation :

Age : 11 tahun

Category : Scratch

Project Name : BIN YOUR TRASH

Project Description : 

Key instruction:
Click the green flag to open the game
Click the play button to start the game
Click the replay button to replay the game.
You also can click the arrows key to move your sprite (Character) in the game.
Up arrow key to move up your sprite.
Down arrow key to move down your sprite.
Right arrow key to move right your sprite.
Left arrow key to move left your sprite.

Stage 1 Bedroom instruction :
For the first level you must move your sprite with arrows key to pick up the trash in the bedroom. There are over 5 trash you need to collect it. For this level there is no obstacle that will block you to collect the trash. Once you pick all of it up you will go to the next level which is the maze.

Stage 2 the maze instruction:
For the second level you must collect all the trash using arrows key. There are over 6 trash you need to collect it. Do not bump to the wall because it is going to make you restart to your original place. Do not bump to the germs because they are going to make you restart to the stage 1 which is the bedroom.

Stage 3 outside the house instruction:
For the last level you must collect the trash and to move use the arrows key. You must collect 10 bottle to win. Do not collect the bomb because it is going to make you restart to the start.
Good luck on playing these 3 level.

Project Link :

Project Presentation :

Age : 11 tahun

Category : Web

Project Name : VeryObjectShow

Project Description : 

This website is an introduction page to an object show created by jacknjellify. You can learn more about the show by visiting my website (perhaps?). I have also included a host introduction page, which can be accessed by clicking on the character that resembles a 4. To access the TPOT introduction page (which showcases TPOT characters), click on the character that resembles a 2. You can also view other characters. I did not include X on the main home screen because I wanted it to only feature numbers. That’s all about my description, and I hope to have a chance of winning, just like the others. Thank you.

Project Link :


Project Presentation :

Age : 11 tahun

Category : Scratch

Project Name : Cube world

Project Description : 

My project is called CubeWorld, my project is about a small village called CubeWorld that lost their magic gem. The player have to find the magic gem and bring it back to it’s place in the CubeWorld.

Project Link :

Project Presentation :

Age : 12 tahun

Category : Advanced Programming

Project Name : Waste Reduction

Project Description : 

Create a Waste Management Application System and how to Categorize a Waste effectively.
This application is based on the high amount of waste generated from household waste and purchases of goods, whether small or large. Therefore, this application is created to raise awareness and enable the community to have a direct impact on the waste they produce.
The working system of this application is that every product that will be sold will be verified for its packaging and contents, whether it is recyclable (organic) or non-recyclable (inorganic).
1. Organic products:
a. Tissues, books
b. Vegetables, bread
c. Food wrapping paper

2. Inorganic products:
a. Plastic bottles and packaging
b. Plastic toys
c. Plastic furniture/equipment.

The Plan is each purchase of these items will be given points according to the level of recycle of the waste. The higher the recycle of the item, the higher the points received, and conversely, the higher the non-recycle of the item, the more negative points received.

Here are some examples of points given for:
1. Organic
a. Tissue, Book 20 Point
b. Vegetables, Bread 15 Point

2. inorganic
a. Plastic Bottle -100 Point
b. Plastic Packaging -70 Point
c. Plastic Toys -50 Point

The accumulated points from purchasing these items can be converted into Indonesian rupiah or cash money, which will directly increase or decrease the value of the product. For example, if the points accumulate and increase, the discount received will also increase, and if the points decrease, the price increase will also be higher.

We want to develop this application can be accessed via mobile apps, And also The store or seller can collaborate with merchants so that the accumulated points can be exchanged for electronic money or rewards

Project Link :


Project Presentation :

Age : 12 tahun

Category : Scratch

Project Name : Covid Shooter

Project Description : 

Covid game shooter is a challenging game. This game is designed for target shooting experience and speed of reaction. The main player of this game is a doctor who named is Doctor Nathan . Doctor Nathan mission is to kill zombies who have been infected with the covid 19 virus by using a weapon in the form of a “Handsanitizer”. If Doctor Nathan has succeeded in killing a certain number of zombies, he will level up by fighting the Covid Virus Boss. Covid virus boss presented like a bat that spews droplets at high speed to attack Doctor Nathan. To fight him, Doctor Nathan had to jump to avoid the droplet attack and at the same time shoot the Bat Boss with a Handsanitizer. If the bat boss loses, Doctor Nathan will get a vaccination formula to increase immunity against viruses. Have a nice play

Project Link :

Project Presentation : 

Age : 8 tahun

Category : Scratch

Project Name : Math Quiz

Project Description : 

This is a math quiz for starters, and the game have only adition because i want to make it easier for younger kids

Project Link :

Project Presentation :

Age : 12 tahun

Category : Scratch

Project Name : LitterPicker

Project Description : 

This is a project about picking up trash. It’s sole purpose is to educate young kids how to care for the environment. The project is set on a beach, a place where most trash end up. It’s kind of like the MrBeast video where he cleans up trash.

Project Link :

Project Presentation :

Age : 12 tahun

Category : Scratch

Project Name : A Story of A Cat (Animation and Game)

Project Description : 

A STORY OF A CAT is a short animation story and role-playing game. Players can assume the role of a male cat named Jesper. A cat that has been abandoned by its owner.-
He was sad, hungry, lonely and friendless.

One day, when he was looking for food, he met a brown cat and became friends.
They have many exciting adventures !
They are real friends.
The story ends with a catching game to help Jesper find his food.”

Project Link :

Project Presentation :

Age : 10 tahun

Category : Scratch

Project Name : Super Karate Man

Project Description : 

The game is about a karate man fighting some trashes in the ocean. Each trash has a different strength and the player has a life indicator to make the game harder. The goal in this game is to defeat all of the enemies, collect all of the coins and belts.

Project Link :

Project Presentation :

Age : 11 tahun

Category : Scratch

Project Name : New Waste Recycling Technology Factory

Project Description : 

The title of my project is New Waste Recycling Technology Factory. This factory is equipped with AI Technology that can separate organic and non organic waste automatically. After the organic and non organic waste is separate and processed into small granules, organic waste will be processed into fertilizer while non organic waste will be processed with 3D printer technology into furniture and lego blocks for building materials that are fast, practical and earthquake resistant.

Project Link :

Project Presentation :

Age : 12 tahun

Category : Scratch

Project Name : health map project

Project Description : 

project made due coolest project 2023 about health map

Project Link :

Project Presentation :

Age : 10 tahun

Category : Scratch

Project Name : Save The Birds

Project Description : 

This game encourages people to save birds and learn more about birds.

Project Link :

Project Presentation :

Age : 9 tahun

Category : Scratch

Project Name : Guess the country

Project Description : 

This is a quiz game “”Guess the country.”” For each country, we will give you up to 3 hints (geo facts), and you will need to guess the name of the country. The less hints you need, the more points that you will receive. If you can answer all the questions correctly, you will find a Good Ending.
This game is developed using Scratch.

Project Link :

Project Presentation :

Age : 12 tahun

Category : Mobile Apps

Project Name : ActiveAce

Project Description : 

ActiveAce is an exercise calendar app I made in MIT app inventor which helps users keep track of their progress, while also helping users by giving out advice for users to achieve their objective for exercising. You can currently choose from 3 goals, and depending on the goal you pick, the apps suggestions and help systems will also change. The goals include weight gain, muscle building, and fixing health. In the app, you can also add notes to track exercise.

Project Link :


Project Presentation :

Age : 11 tahun

Category : Scratch

Project Name : Alternate Watch

Project Description : 

You’ll play as a middle-schooler,

You live in an apartment and you’re broke. Since you got fired on your part time job as a waitress after school, you decided it’s best to keep quiet and not pay the taxes.

A month later, the landlord found out and gave you a light punishment, he felt a bit sorry considering the fact that you’re still young. He asked you to watch over the CCTV in the security room.

You didn’t know what could go wrong, besides, are there really any other choices? No right? Later then, you find yourself coming to him to inform that you accepted the deal… It’s hard to find out by yourself, as you entered the room, you we’re greeted with a note saying you need to get rid of… ‘anomalies’. He never mentioned any of that. You need to keep watch of unusual stuff/objects, we can call them alternatives. He gave a picture of the original room, there were 5 rooms in total. Could you do it until he comes back?

Project Link :

Project Presentation :

Age : 10 tahun

Category : Scratch

Project Name : The Messy Magpie Story

Project Description : 

The Messy Magpie Story is an animation project about the “Save the Environment“ campaign and the “”Recycling”” Campaign.
The Project Goals are:
(1) We want our projects to inspire our friends about the environment and recycling in a fun way, and
(2) Secondly, we also want our project to be a stepping stone for more advanced projects.

Project Link :

Project Presentation :

Age : 8 tahun

Category : Scratch

Project Name : Learning Addition

Project Description : 

This project is about learning math

Project Link :

Project Presentation :

Age : 12 tahun

Category : Scratch

Project Name : Red and Blue

Project Description : 

A maze game made using scratch, the goal is to reach the star and go to the next level

Project Link :

Project Presentation :

Age : 8 tahun

Category : Scratch

Project Name : Race Car

Project Description : 

Javier instruction, you have to wait the count up and say “Go” to control are, when you red you have to control with “w, a, s, d”. When you green you have to control with arrows keys. When the red /green win is chance 1 the variable red/green, when green/red already 3 is to you will stop all. Don’t cheating the game.

Project Link :

Project Presentation :

Age : 11 tahun

Category : Scratch

Project Name : Catch Trash If You Can!

Project Description : 

Catch Trash If You Can! is a scratch game. The user click left or right arrow to catch the trash if the trash bin touch the bomb the score will decrease by 5 and if the trash touch the ground it will decrease by 1 instead.

Project Link :

Project Presentation :

Age : 13 tahun

Category : Mobile Apps

Project Name : Healey

Project Description : 

This game tells the story of Healey being hunted down by unknown groups who certainly want Healey’s life. They sort of underestimated him so they just sent a small death squad group not knowing if he can outsmart and outrun them in a very short time.

Project Link :


Project Presentation :

Age : 11 tahun

Category : Scratch

Project Name : Math Games

Project Description : 

I want to make this game because first I like math, and also this game can help children to learn math, and also count more quickly. When the green flag clicked, there will appear a starter video, than we need to choose the game mode. This game have 3 mode, Easy, Medium, and also Hard. of course each level have different questions. If we answer correct we will get 1 point. When we finish the game we can se the answer of this mode , and also how much point we get, and also the difficult part is when I make the Code.

Project Link :

Project Presentation :

Age : 12 tahun

Category : Advanced Programming

Project Name : The Communication Subject

Project Description : 

In this game we have to answer questions in the game that refer to 2 subjects, math and Science. In the game you will have conversations with something I will call it as Non Playable Character or abbreviated as NPCs. The NPC in the math ‘subject’ is an angry NPC, where when we write an unlisted answer he will give a warning and even get angry. Whereas NPCs in science ‘subject’ can bore us when our answer is typo or unlisted. Math subject has 5 questions and science subject has 10 questions. Each subject has a hardest last questions that use binary code. Each subject has conversation between 2 NPCs that use binary code too.

Project Link :

Project Presentation :

Age : 11 tahun

Category : Web

Project Name : Garbage Collector

Project Description : 

My project is about trash collecting. I have three parts in the project, the info using HTML and CSS, the game using JS, and the donation center using JS. The info is about trash and how to recycle it. The game is about trash collecting, it is a game that you collect using a trash bin. The donation page is about donating money to the poor(simulation).

Project Link :


Project Presentation :

Age : 10 tahun

Category : Scratch

Project Name : Indonesia’s Gem

Project Description : 

The title of the project is “Indonesia’s Gem”.
This project aims to educate people about many wonderful things in Indonesian especially about exciting places, nature, and culture.
In this Interactive game, people get to play in the interactive mini games which represented 4 (four) special place in Indonesia.
This interactive game build with scratch.
In the main title there is a map of Indonesia and you can chose which place and mini game you want to know and play by clicking on the name of the place.
The Mini Game consist of :
1. Speeding Boat in Lake Toba, – North Sumatra
2. Maze Game in Prambanan Temple, – Yogyakarta
3. Shooting (or Catching) Game in Kakaban Island, – East Kalimantan, and
4. Diving Game in Raja Ampat.- Papua

Project Link :

Project Presentation :

Age : 9 tahun

Category : Scratch

Project Name : SAVE A HORSE!

Project Description : 

This project i made to educate people that the pollution not good for horse. If you always make a pollution from like car we can make horse sick and die. So, this project will tell you how to save the horse

Project Link :

Project Presentation :

Age : 10 tahun

Category : Scratch

Project Name : The Crazy Knight Adventure

Project Description : 

The project is called The Crazy Knight Adventure. It is an entertainment game Where players fight against monsters (following a story line / A series of adventure).

Project Link :

Project Presentation :

Age : 8 tahun

Category : Scratch

Project Name : ZFLW (Zero Food Loss and Waste

Project Description : 

ZFLW (Zero Food Loss & Waste) is edufun games for kids and teachers about food loss and waste and what we can do to achieve zero food loss and waste.

Project Link :

Project Presentation :

Age : 11 tahun

Category : Scratch

Project Name : Pollution fighter

Project Description : 

Pollution fighter is a game that can make people realize how important it is to protect clean air. The signs are cars that cause air pollution, fire causes forest fire and zombies as humans became sick because of pollution.

Project Link :

Project Presentation :

Age : 10 tahun

Category : Scratch

Project Name : Trash Mission

Project Description : 

My project name is “Trash Mission”, a game with the mission to clean up the city from the trash, outside and inside the house. Then, put the trash into the correct trash bin, organic or non organic, to make it easier to recycle. You only have 300 seconds to finish the mission

Project Link :

Project Presentation :

Age : 11 tahun

Category : Scratch

Project Name : Pokemon Center

Project Description : 

this project tells about the journey of pokemon and their owner where pokemon can fight, eat, and visit health clinic

Project Link :

Project Presentation :

Age : 10 tahun

Category : Scratch

Project Name : Shark hunter

Project Description : 

Our project named “shark Hunter”, it is a game we made by using scratch. In this game player using submarine need to hit the shark with laser to gain scores. Player have 3 lives when start to play and will be decreasing if the submarine hit the shark.

Project Link :

Project Presentation :

Age : 11 tahun

Category : Scratch

Project Name : Beating Junk Food Monster

Project Description : 

The MC on this game is kiddo, he is a small boy, around 8 to 9 years old. Her mother is relentlessly ask him to eat fruit, but he keep saying no. He even got angry, runaway to his room without waiting her mother finish talking. He pissed of everytime his mother ask him to eat fruit and vegetables.
But then, suddenly, he feels really hurt, his stomach hurt, and he is crying , calling his mom.
Then he got fainted, and he suddenly transfer to another world. He met junkfood monster there. Junkfood monster say that it he is his best friend, since he really really like junkfood.
As the best friends, junkfood monster wants kiddo to stay with him forever in the junkfood world. The only way to survive is to play the game, where kiddo is challenged to select 5 healthy food among the provided foods.
After kiddo try several times, he finally able to come out from the junkfood world, he is awake, and suddenly he is already in the hospital with his mom.
He feel sorry,and promise to eat more fruits and vegetables.

Project Link :

Project Presentation :

Age : 11 tahun

Category : Mobile Apps

Project Name : Care Your Health

Project Description : 

This app about disease, if you search a disease in the search bar u will get an definition, symptom and how to cure the disease that you are looking for

Project Link :


Project Presentation :

Age : 9 tahun

Category : Scratch

Project Name : Snow Slice

Project Description : 

This is the project that I make in Scratch for this competition called “snow slice”. The game that I made is about an object that if it hits a slice or knife, it will split or change costumes and will get a score. In the game that I made, it uses a 60 second countdown and if the time runs out, the game will end.

Project Link :

Project Presentation :

Age : 12 tahun

Category : Scratch

Project Name : Out of this world

Project Description : 

Halo this is our project called “out of this world” this is were you will learn about our solar system

Sorry if there is some bugs

But we hope you like it

Project Link :

Project Presentation :

Age : 8 tahun

Category : Scratch

Project Name : Outer Space

Project Description : 

I created a game with the setting in Outer Space with an astronaut as the main character. Our mission is to help the astronaut to reach the rocket in each level by avoiding the aliens and meteors. The game has 3 levels of difficulty and the astronaut has 3 lives (hearts).

Project Link :

Project Presentation :

Age : 11 tahun

Category : Scratch

Project Name :  Food Frenzy

Project Description : 

This project is called Food Frenzy. In this game, the map is very large and we control a player which can move and explore the map. To move, you need to press the WASD keys and use the mouse pointer to change the player’s direction. The objective of this game is to eat healthy food that will spawn and avoid all junk food that also spawns. If you eat healthy food, your score will increase by one, and if you eat junk food, your health bar will decrease by 10%. For every 5 scores you get, the level will increase by one level, and the speed of both the player and the food will increase. The game will be over when the player’s health has reached 0.

This game is very fun because it’s quite challenging and you need to differentiate between junk food and healthy food, and the junk foods are chasing you. If you can’t differentiate healthy food and junk food, you will lose due to eating too much junk food. After you lose, you will go to the Game Over screen and be presented with your score and the time you reached that score.

I hope you enjoy playing the game!

Project Link :

Project Presentation :

Age : 10 tahun

Category : Scratch

Project Name : Help a robbed dog

Project Description : 

storying about a dog get robbed and our goal is to catch the robber dog and help the dog owner. and then the robber dog is going to jails and we grab the dog to the owner.

Project Link :

Project Presentation :

Age : 11 tahun

Category : Mobile Apps

Project Name : Indonesian Culture

Project Description : 

I made a project about indonesian culture. And this time I use the MIT App Inventor application.

Project Link :


Project Presentation :

Age : 12 tahun

Category : Games (selain Scratch

Project Name :Hunter Simulator

Project Description : 

This is a fighting games on Roblox Platform. It is about how to be strongest player in the game. To complete the games we must to defeat all enemies and their bosses. I created this games in 100 levels and devided in to 3 places/islands so it will give yo”&”u more experiences and fun

Project Link :


Project Presentation :

Age : 11 tahun

Category : Scratch

Project Name : The Last Guest

Project Description : 

A guest is asking us for a trip together. But in the middle of the trip the fuel is out. Then, he wondered around and saw a town that’s in a bad condition. Let’s help guest to find the fuel!

Project Link :

Project Presentation :

Age : 8 tahun

Category : Scratch

Project Name : Window Cleaning

Project Description : 

In this game, you must clean the splats as fast as you can within one minute. To clean the splats ,you must hover over them (with your hands).If there are 10 splats in the screen, other splats will not appear.

Project Link :

Project Presentation :

Age : 11 tahun

Category : Scratch

Project Name : Emote Rooms

Project Description : 

This game is a game about us who suddenly find ourselves in a mysterious room and we have to escape, this game is a horror game the goal of this game is to get to the last room and escape, WASD to move, for now there are 2 endings and 2 types of monsters.

Project Link :

Project Presentation :

Age : 11 tahun

Category : Scratch

Project Name : Get Your Own Pet

Project Description : 

The project is about a pet simulator game that is created using scratch. Which the player can choose between 3 pets (dog, duck, red panda). The minigame or feature that the game provides are feeding, cleaning, playing.

Project Link :

Project Presentation :

Age : 10 tahun

Category : Scratch

Project Name : Around the World Quiz

Project Description : 

This projects will make users can answer the various question that I put in this project from the flag name, country capital, and the president for the current country.

Project Link :

Project Presentation :

Age : 11 tahun

Category : Scratch

Project Name : Crammped

Project Description : 

Press starts to start the game! The goal of the game is to last as long as possible. You will be given 3 hearts to start and can purchase a heart when pressing the (D) key which will cost 3 points (The maximum amount of hearts is 3) The stripes of differe”&”nt colors will spawn in different locations and will try to get you. If you touch the stripes or touch the box that will shrink in, you will lose a heart. Collect the stars to get points! When you run out of hearts, you lose. The Game Over page will ask y”&”ou your name for the placement on the leaderboard. To see the high score (Top 5) press the red button. If you want to try again, you may press the try again button and restart. Happy battling for the top 5!

Project Link :

Project Presentation :

Age : 8 tahun

Category : Scratch

Project Name : Escape From Zomboss

Project Description : 

I make a game as my project. My game is about how to escape from zombie by solving math questions. It has 3 level. Each level has its own level of difficulty.

Project Link :

Project Presentation :

Age : 11 tahun

Category : Games (selain Scratch)

Project Name : kami zone

Project Description : 

why we created this game is our desire to create the different world for jumping game. we still don’t find jumping game with paper background and characters.

the goal of the game is to jump safely while avoiding the lava wave.

Project Link :


Project Presentation :

Age : 10 tahun

Category : Scratch

Project Name : MadesShark – Marine Debris Sorter Shark Robot

Project Description : 

MADESSHARK is a simulation game of AI shark robot that can help clean up the ocean by sorting and collecting marine debris.
Developed by: Vaga Ahmad Kaizan Amadeo (10 y.o) from Indonesia

The technology that is simulated in this game (AI Shark Robot) does”&” not yet exist in the real world.

This game contains educational value for kids.
While playing and having fun through this game, children can learning about marine pollution caused by marine debris. So that, they will become more concerned about the oc”&”ean sustainability now and then
In the future, I (the developer) want to bring the ideas in this game come to life

Children can play this game via PCs, laptops, as well as smartphones and tablets.
To be played on smartphones and tablets, I provide a joys”&”tick (Click setting menu)

How to play?
Click the green flag, there is an information button that contains information about marine debris, and also a tutorial button that contains instructions on how to play
There are easy, medium and hard levels in this”&” game. Choose the color of the robot shark to collect certain trash
1. Easy: Green Madeshark – collects organic waste
2. Easy: Blue Madeshark- collects PAPERS & CARDBOARD
3. Medium: Purple Madeshark – collects TEXTILES waste
4. Medium: Red Madeshark – co”&”llects E-WASTE
5. Hard: Yellow Madeshark – collects RECYCABLES waste: Plastics, Glass, Metals
6. Hard: Orange Madeshark – collects RUBBER waste
collect the right trash –> add 10 point ;
collect the wrong trash –> point will decrease by 5.
Be careful o”&”f passing sharks. If bitten by a shark, life will be reduced by 1.
You have 3 lives.
You LOSE : the 3 lives run out
You WIN : collect all the trash that matches the color of the madesshark.

Project Link :

Project Presentation :

Age : 9 tahun

Category : Scratch

Project Name : Bike to School

Project Description : 

This is a 3D game about a student that is going to school by bicycle and wants to cleanup the street by pick up some trashes on the way then recycles the trashes to new bikes.
He uses bicycle to go to school because he also wants to reduce air pollution.
“&”He needs to dodge the cars while he collect the trashes as many as he can on his way to school.

Project Link :

Project Presentation :

Age : 9 tahun

Category : Scratch

Project Name : The Hungry Snake

Project Description : 

The Hungry Snake, a game where the snake eats apples to make its body become longer/bigger.

Project Link :

Project Presentation :

Group B (13-18 tahun)

Age : 17 tahun

Category : Web


Project Description : 

Literacy students! Is A Platform For Students So That They Preserve The Reading Culture Within Themselves Because Basically Our Country Is A Country With The Lowest Percentage Of Literacy Or Reading, That’s Why We Made This Service For Students!

Project Link :


Project Presentation :

Age : 16 tahun

Category : Mobile Apps

Project Name : ZOOCKET

Project Description : 

“”ZOOCKET”” is an educational application for children, that teach them about animals. In this app, the animals are divided into 4 categories, reptiles, mammals, birds, and fishies. In each categories there are 6 animals.

Project Link :


Project Presentation :

Age : 16 tahun

Category : Games (selain Scratch)

Project Name : Resources Management Tycoon

Project Description : 

In this game you can build building such as quarry,lumber mill,farm,houses and manages resources like lumber,rock,gold,fish and you can build and develop the city of your own ,you can design it however you like and maintain the goods production and make your fellow villagers/citizens happy

This game is developed using Python programming language using “”🐢 turtle”” module .

Project Link :


Project Presentation :

Age : 15 tahun

Category : Web

Project Name : Englizz

Project Description : 

Englizz is an interesting website with the slogan ‘making learning happier’ in the sense of making learning more fun. Following its slogan, Englizz can be used for online learning, and the appearance of this website page is very interesting, especially for elementary school students. There is a main play activity that is match up with a variety of materials available such as vocabulary about fruits, vegetables, vehicles, school stationery, animals, and colors. In addition, these websites display interesting images and animations.

After the students have finished working on it, it will display the results of each student’s learning progress so that more enthusiasm motivates them to continue to study harder. For the features available, there is a home page, about us page, path page, progress page, testimonials page, contact us page, sign-up page, and sign-in page. The main feature of this website is the path page because it consists of a collection of learning quizzes. With an attractive design and an exciting quiz, students do not feel bored learning.

Project Link :


Project Presentation :

Age : 17 tahun

Category : Mobile Apps

Project Name : CultureMatch

Project Description : 

Find excitement in learning about different cultures? Check out our mobile app, CultureMatch!
CultureMatch is a quiz game made with the help of MIT App Inventor that functions as a tool to teach people about Indonesian culture, particularly the diverse traditional outfits treasured in several provinces. It also comes with a library containing information on where each outfit is from, so you won’t need to have prior knowledge of them. This app is designed in a way so that you can get immersed in the wonderful world of Indonesian culture while also being entertained. Not only will you gain new insight on the wonders of Indonesian culture, but you will also have a ton of fun answering the interactive multiple-choice questions on where each outfit is from.

Project Link :


Project Presentation :

Age : 15 tahun

Category : Web

Project Name : Nusput E-Library

Project Description : 

Nusput E-LIB / e-library , is a website project for educational books in my school. beacuse at my school there are no electronic library , so we create this for better eduaction facilities.

the books link/ refference , gathered from official education goverment.
in addition we add motivational quote for user/ readers

Project Link :


Project Presentation :

Age : 15 tahun

Category : Games (selain Scratch)

Project Name : TOWER DEFENSE

Project Description : 

In this game you have to protect your castle tower from the enemy. Enemy will trow some bomb to the tower. You can shoot the enemy with pistol or assault rifle. Beside that you can also attack the enemy by thowing knives to them.

Project Link :


Project Presentation :

Age : 13 tahun

Category : Web

Project Name : Ark Music Hub

Project Description : 

Ark Music Hub is a website dedicated to all things about music-related. From the Entertainment features and Game, Ark Music Hub has it all. Find your next favorite musical instrument. Explore Music Hub with your curiosity!

Project Link :


Project Presentation :

Age : 14 tahun

Category : Games (selain Scratch)

Project Name : Save The Cafe

Project Description : 

This game is called save the cafe, in the game we play as a barista who helps receive and deliver orders from customers this game was made for 1 month at unity

Project Link :


Project Presentation :

Age : 14 tahun

Category : Mobile Apps

Project Name : Tic Tac Toe

Project Description : 

It’s a game in which two players alternately put Xs and Os in compartments of a figure formed by two vertical lines crossing two horizontal lines and each tries to get a row of three Xs or three Os before the opponent does.

Project Link :


Project Presentation :

Age : 13 tahun

Category : Scratch

Project Name : Indonesia City Guessing

Project Description : 

This is the Indonesia City Guessing game. This game is intend to learning cities in Indonesia. This game is currently has 3 levels/difficulties. The difficultoes are Easy, Medium, and Hard. There are two languages. The languages are Bahasa Indonesia and English. To change language, go to ‘Pengaturan’ in Main Menu. On ‘Bahasa’, click on the UK flag. To change back to Bahasa Indonesia, click on the Indonesia flag. This also has two year modes, which are before 2022 (<2022) and after 2022 (>2022). There are two map modes, which are flat image and satellite image. This project has timer to record how fast you can answer cities. There is map showing cities of Indonesia on Main Menu.

Project Link :

Project Presentation :

Age : 17 tahun

Category : Games (selain Scratch)

Project Name : Move That Robot

Project Description : 

Move that robot is a game about a robot trying to get out of a room. the player can program the robot by drag and dropping nodes to there places and running there program. The player will need to use some mathematics to get the robot out, each level will provide its own tips to help.

Project Link :


Project Presentation :

Age : 17 tahun

Category : Mobile Apps

Project Name : Anti Air Pollution

Project Description : 

The application is about Anti Air Pollution where is have alot of stuff in it and activity that the user can do to save the earth!

Project Link :


Project Presentation :

Age : 15 tahun

Category : Web

Project Name : Digimed (Digital Medicine Apotic)

Project Description : 

Digimed is a project thats made for helping people who have sick and dont know whats is the right medicine needed to curing their diseases. this project can uses to people who want to find out about the medicine they wanted to buy”

Project Link :


Project Presentation :

Age : 13 tahun

Category : Scratch

Project Name : Vysteria – RPG Game

Project Description : 

Vysteria is a Adventure RPG game that was made in Scratch. Vysteria currently has 27-28 levels. This game is about the ninja’s journey on the village to be the hero of the village. The end of this game is you win from the final boss or you just died from enemies/boss :/ .Vysteria has a lot of mechanics such as : Combat Mechanics, Healthbars, Hunger mechanic, Energybar, Currency system, Enemy AI System, Weather mechanics, Timing system. Pause menu, shops, interactable npcs, wood-chopping system, quests from npcs, enemy bounty system, inventory system. This project also have 6700+ scratch codeblocks and up to 60+ sprites!

Project Link :

Project Presentation :

Age : 13 tahun

Category : Scratch


Project Description : 

The art style of the game is colorful and cartoonish, similar to the Bloons TD series. The balloon and towers are designed to be cute and whimsical, but also threatening enough to make the player feel the urgency to defend their kingdom. In this Tower Defense game, you play as the commander of a kingdom under siege by balloon. Your mission is to strategically place defensive towers along the balloon’s path to prevent them from reaching the end and attacking your kingdom. As you progress through the levels, the balloon become stronger, faster, and more resilient, making it increasingly challenging to defend your kingdom.

Project Link :

Project Presentation :

Age : 15 tahun

Category : Web

Project Name : Plastic Waste Web

Project Description : 

I made a website about plastic waste in Indonesia and ways to reduce plastic waste, this web will inform you why you should recycle and where is the nearest recycle center. Using HTML and CSS this web run smoothly on any platforms.

Project Link :


Project Presentation :

Age : 14 tahun

Category : Advanced Programming

Project Name : Air Quality Monitoring

Project Description : 

Project Zephyr is an application that aims to assist users in monitoring and analyzing air quality. This application allows users to view real-time air quality information and perform pollutant and air quality index calculations. To achieve its goals, the Zephyr project utilizes API technology. The results of data processing are then displayed in the form of visualizations that are easy for users to understand. The Zephyr project is expected to help users monitor air quality and take appropriate action to maintain their health and the environment.

Project Link :


Project Presentation :

Age : 13 tahun

Category : Scratch

Project Name : The English Zone

Project Description : 

“The English Zone” is a game created to help Indonesians learn and speak English, the international language. The goal of this game is to challenge players to respond to 20 questions, including two multiple-choice, 18 writing questions, 5 listening and 4 reading. There is a translator in the game that can translate words from Indonesian to English so that everyone can play.

Players who actively participate in the game will not only acquire basic English vocabulary but also become more accustomed to English language. It’s an enjoyable and engaging approach to advance your English, which may help you both personally and professionally. Those who desire to overcome language hurdles and learn more about the English language can play the game The English Zone

Project Link :

Project Presentation :

Age : 13 tahun

Category : Scratch

Project Name : tower defense

Project Description : 

a tower defense game im proud of and also the game i put most of my effort into

Project Link :

Project Presentation :

Age : 13 tahun

Category : Web

Project Name : Water Survey Website

Project Description : 

“My project is water survey website in the city of medan and deli serdang. the website i create using html5, css, javascript, php, open layers and openstreetmap. Note: Sory i forgot to change my video name the name is “”CodingCompetition – Senku Jsviking.mkv””

Project Link :

Project Presentation :

Age : 15 tahun

Category : Web

Project Name : Educational Website

Project Description : 

Website that has formulas to help students with their schools.

Project Link :


Project Presentation :

Age : 15 tahun

Category : Mobile Apps

Project Name : MyTutor

Project Description : 

MyTutor is a mobile application that helps students worldwide connect with each other to give and receive one-on-one mentoring on various subjects. The user only needs to search for a subject they would like to learn more about, and they will be able to receive mentoring on said subject. Mentors and Users are also able to communicate with each other via the in-app Messenger. MyTutor also provides suggestions in the user’s feed according to their recent activity. MyTutor provides mentoring for grades 1 through 12, from Elementary School to High School.

Project Link :


Project Presentation :

Age : 13 tahun

Category : Mobile Apps

Project Name : Quiza: 4 catagories of quizes!

Project Description : 


The quiz app includes four categories of quizzes that users can choose from, including History and Countries quiz, Computer quiz, Medical quiz, and Engineering quiz. Each quiz category contains a set of questions related to the respective field. The quizzes will be starting from easiest ones up until the hardest ones.

The user can select the quiz category they want to attempt and then proceed to answer the questions. The app allows users to answer a specific answer it does not contain options and will be using hard term’s for each question. The app then checks the user’s answer and displays the correct answer if the user answered incorrectly.

Once the user has completed the quiz, the app displays their score as well as how well they did in the quiz starting from (Need-Improvement – Good – Amazing – Perfect!). The user can then choose to retry the quiz or select a different category

If a user wants a quiz to be added to Quiza they can direct message (nonamebros#4225) so he can add your quizzes and making it engaging and fun. There will also be credits if you do so.

Overall, this quiz app provides a fun and educational way for users to test their knowledge in different fields while also allowing them to create their own quizzes to challenge their friends and family.
Note: Don’t remix or copy this or you will be faced by God.

Project Link :


Project Presentation :

Age : 13 tahun

Category : Web

Project Name : The Current Condition Of Earth

Project Description : 

It’s about the awareness of people to earth, what they can do to save the earth, etc. The paragraph is about Climate change, Biodiversity loss, and Pollution. There is a quiz on the website so viewers can play it too.

Project Link :

Project Presentation :

Age : 16 tahun

Category : Games (selain Scratch)

Project Name : Hiding in Your Eyes: A Glaucoma Detector

Project Description : 

A showcase of an informative app that helps achieve an early diagnosis of Glaucoma based on straightforward questions and a machine-learning-based analysis of retina scan images. Users can learn about Glaucoma and receive suggestions after their diagnosis. This project was made with the help of PictoBlox.

Project Link :

Project Presentation :

Age : 15 tahun

Category : Advanced Programming

Project Name : Face Recognition Attendance System

Project Description : 

This project introduces a digital solution to the manual and time-consuming process of taking attendance in schools. The project utilizes Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision to recognize and classify students’ faces and automatically record their attendance status in a database. The attendance records can be sent via email to the form teacher. The program is web-based and equipped with intelligent verification features, such as notifying the teacher if the uploaded image is blurry. This technology streamlines the attendance process, allowing teachers to focus more on teaching.

Project Github Link:

Project Link :

Project Presentation :

Age : 13 tahun

Category : Scratch

Project Name : trash collecting simulator

Project Description : 

this game is about collecting trash and selling the trash and making money and you can upgrade your tools to make more money and collect more trash and store more trash

Project Link :

Project Presentation :

Age : 14 tahun

Category : Mobile Apps

Project Name : “Learn With Mr. Dino”

Project Description : 

In this application, there is an icon called Mr. Dino icon which makes this application more interesting and fun. There is a start button to start the app and also there are two buttons as the main buttons. These two buttons are Consonants and Vocals. In each of the button there are many shapes of alphabets. In each alphabet there are images which completed with sound to make it more interesting for children to learn.

Project Link :


Project Presentation :

Age : 17 tahun

Category : Mobile Apps

Project Name : ARDUCATION

Project Description : 

Arducation is an Augmented Reality-based application. To use this application, users need to have an AR book, and when the book is scanned by the application, 3D objects appear on the screen.

Project Link :


Project Presentation :

Age : 14 tahun

Category : Web

Project Name : Sundanese Culture

Project Description : 

Sundanese history
Sundanese culture is a culture that grows and lives in Sundanese society. Sundanese culture is known as a culture that highly respects manners. In general, the character of the Sundanese people is cheerful, friendly (soméah, as in the philosophy of soméah hadé ka sémah), smiling, gentle, and very respectful of parents. Sunda comes from Sanskrit, the prefix Sund or Sundsha means white, sparkling and bright. In Balinese and Old Javanese, Sundanese means holy, blameless, pure, spotless, or clean. The Sundanese come from Austronesian descent (the Mongolid race or race spread from Taiwan to Hawaii) who live in Taiwan. Another opinion says that the Sundanese came from Sundaland, namely the race that inhabits the peninsula of a large basin. At present, the basin has formed the Java Sea, the Malacca Strait and the Java Strait.

Sundanese culture values has certain characteristics that distinguish it from other cultures. in general, the Sundanese people are known as a gentle, religious, and very spiritual society. This tendency can be seen in the motto silih asih, silih asah dan silah foster care; love each other (putting compassion first), perfecting or improving each other (through education and sharing knowledge), and protecting each other (taking care of each other’s safety).

The following are some of cultures that exist in the Sundanese:
1. Customs:
– The traditional ceremony of seren taun
– Tingkeban traditional ceremony
– Circumcision / pincers
– Meuleum harupat
– Aqiqah/Ekahan
– Sungkeman

2. Musical instruments:
– Angklung
– Calung
– Flute

3. Dance:
– Ketuk Tilu
– Jaipong
– Peacock Dance

4. Custom home:
– Scissors Pincers
– Kumureb boat
– Dog Tagog
– Jubleg Nangkub
– Rhino Heuay

5. Traditional clothing:
– Pangsi
– Sundanese kebaya
– Surgery

6. Typical Sundanese Food:
– Nasi Tutug Oncom
– Karedok
– Chicken Bakakak

Project Link :


Project Presentation :

Age : 16 tahun

Category : Games (selain Scratch)

Project Name : Keep the city away from the trash!!

Project Description : 

“Keep the city from the trash is a roblox game that made with roblox studio as the engine. This game is a simulation type game that can be played on mobile, pc and any other device. In this game, your purpose is to collect all the trash and make the city clean in 30 seconds.

Project Link :


Project Presentation :

Age : 16 tahun

Category : Games (selain Scratch)

Project Name : Maze

Project Description : 

My project is called MAZE that i’ve been working on for 4 weeks, the aim for game is the player to reach 3 stars

If the player wants to move faster, he could touch the cat

The winner of the game is the player who spend the least time to reach the star

Project Link :


Project Presentation :

Age : 17 tahun

Category : Web

Project Name : BIVEN Web Mobile

Project Description : 

Unsorted garbage solution with 4 main features.
1) Instant Bins
Users can separate their waste and use Biven’s services to collect it. They will receive BiPoints based on the value of their waste.
2) Bins Map
Biven provides automated machines for users to exchange certain types of waste, such as plastic bottles. Users can deposit their waste and scan a barcode to earn BiPoints and Charisma. The location of these machines can be found on the Bins Map feature.
3) Events
Biven collaborates with sponsors to organize clean-up events. Users can participate in these events and earn a large amount of BiPoints and Charisma.
4) Rewards
BiPoints can be exchanged for E-Wallet balance. Meanwhile, Charisma is used to improve the user’s profile status on the leaderboard

Project Link :


Project Presentation :

Age : 13 tahun

Category : Scratch

Project Name : RoboTrash

Project Description : 

In this game, you’re an AI designed to be programmed into robots whose mission is to separate and clean trash worldwide. But, too many errors could cause the project to be terminated. Can you bring an end to all trash problems once and for all?

Project Link :

Project Presentation :

Age : 15 tahun

Category : Advanced Programming

Project Name : Chatbot Builder

Project Description : 

I have created a project that allows users to create chatbots without the need for programming skills. Within the project, users can access various features and functions, as well as customize the appearance of their chatbot, such as the topics, name, theme, and other functionalities. I developed this project based on a GUI (graphic user interface) using the Python programming language, with the help of other libraries such as ChatterBot for creating artificial intelligence and CustomTkinter for the GUI tools.

The end result of using this platform is a chatbot that can assist users with tasks such as holding conversations, discussing specific topics, converting units, evaluating mathematical expressions, generating essays, and opening web browsers. This can improve their efficiency and provide helpful information to users.

Note :
Sorry if there is no sound from the bot because the sound on my laptop is only clear when using a headset.

Project Link :


Project Presentation :

Age : 17 tahun

Category : Web

Project Name : EasyLink

Project Description : 

EasyLink is a website created to provide bus route information for BSD Link, a public transportation system in BSD that is not widely recognized by society. Our team noticed that there are few passengers on BSD Link buses, and this is likely due to the lack of information available online about the routes and schedules. To address this issue, we developed EasyLink to make it easier for people in the BSD community to access public transportation and travel to their desired destinations.

The website was designed to cater to the specific needs of users, allowing them to easily determine which routes they should take from their pick-up point to their destination. Our goal is to simplify the process of finding bus routes and encourage more people to use public transportation. By doing so, we hope to contribute to the reduction of air pollution and traffic jams in the area.

The name “”EasyLink”” reflects our mission to link users to their destinations easily and hassle-free, without the need to navigate a complicated route table. We strive to provide clear and concise information to our users, making it easier for them to use BSD Link.

Project Link :

Project Presentation :

Age : 14 tahun

Category : Web

Project Name : Beginner’s Guide to Minecraft

Project Description : 

The Beginner’s Guide to Minecraft is a Website meant to serve as a short guide on how to survive for new Minecraft players. The website contains 5 chapters containing easy to follow tips and tricks and will contain even more chapters containing more helpful tips and tricks in the future.

Project Link :


Project Presentation :

Age : 14 tahun

Category : Scratch

Project Name : Pick Em Up Game

Project Description : 

Pick’Em UP game is a platformer game with some UI and character choice , you need to clean the trash/cans while you running through the stage , each stage has different teams , also beware for obstacle you will respawn @ the checkpoint if you hit obstacles like pike and water .

Project Link :

Project Presentation :

Age : 16 tahun

Category : Web

Project Name : Save Our Earth

Project Description : 

My project is categorized as a website with an environmental theme. This website is created using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. On this website, there is a navigation bar menu that can be clicked to make it easier for readers. On the HOME menu, when scrolling, it will look like a parallax effect. Next on the CONDITION menu is the current condition of the earth. On the METHOD menu, there is an explanation of the 3R. Finally, on the GALLERY menu, there are pictures of waste utilization. In addition, at the very bottom of this website, there is a footer.

Project Link :


Project Presentation :

Age : 14 tahun

Category : Scratch

Project Name : Menoperdy

Project Description : 

This is a game where I mix Monopoly and Jeopardy to make this game. When you click the dice, the player will move and will land on a box with a certain color. Each color has a different topic; Green – Math, Yellow – Science, Red – Languages, Blue – General Knowledge and Black/Purple – safe (no questions). The goal of this game is to have fun and enjoy playing with friends and test your knowledge. To win this game is to have the most points at the end of the game. To get points, you must answer the questions correctly to get points and there are 5 levels of questions; level 1 – very easy, level 2 – easy, level 3 – medium, level 4 – hard and level 5 – very hard. All questions are multiple choice questions and it only has 3 options which are a, b and c.

Project Link :

Project Presentation :

Age : 13 tahun

Category : Scratch

Project Name : The Magic Book

Project Description : 

This project is about a person named Garnet who wanted to find a magic book. He wanted that book because it could make him to be a strongest man in the world. To get the books, he had to defeat his enemies that also wanted the book. The fist enemy that he met was a man called evil. The evil was given a mission by somebody to kill Garnet. Garnet fought with the evil and Garnet won the fight. After the war was finished, he met his old friend called Steven. Steven also wanted to find the magic book. So they decided to find the book together. In their way to find the magic book, Garnet lost Steven. He searched him everywhere but Steven was not found. Until he met a guy called Satan that later became his second enemy. He said that he had killed Steven. Garnet was very sad and angry. So, Garnet decided to kill the Satan. They fought and made the Satan almost died. The Satan run away and left a book behind. When Garnet checked what book it was, he realized that it was the book that he had been searching for years. Garnet finally become the strongest person in the world.

Project Link :

Project Presentation :

Age : 13 tahun

Category : Web

Project Name : Si Jalak Harupat

Project Description : 

A website that tell about Si Jalak Harupat, a national hero from my hometown, Bandung.

Project Link :


Project Presentation :