Codeavour Coding & AI Competition
Codeavour merupakan kompetisi international Artificial Intelligence (AI), Coding, dan robotic dari STEMPedia menggunakan platform PictoBlox bagi anak anak berusia 7 – 18 tahun.
Kompetisi ini diikuti oleh peserta dari berbagai belahan dunia secara serempak, dimana mereka saling mempresentasikan hasil karya mereka kepada dunia.
Kompetisi ini terbagi dalam beberapa kategori sesuai dengan level usia, mulai dari Elementary, Junior hingga Senior.

Di periode kali ini, KodeKiddo menjadi Official Exclusive Country Partner dari Codeavour untuk negara Indonesia.
Sebelum beranjak ke level Global (International), Kodekiddo juga mengadakan kompetisi Codeavour 5th Edition 2023 di level Indonesia yang terdiri dari Regional Round dan National Round.

Di Indonesia, kompetisi ini telah diikuti oleh lebih dari 200 perserta / team yang mulai berkompetisi dari level penyisihan yang dilakukan secara Online.
Sebanyak 75 peserta/team terpilih dan bertanding kembali di level regional di berbagai KodeKiddo Center di berbagai kota di Indonesia secara serempak pada tanggal 25 Feb 2024.
30 Peserta terpilih untuk bertanding di level National yang diadakan pada tanggal 9 Maret 2024 di Jakarta.

Hingga akhirnya, 9 Peserta terpilih dari Indonesia, dikirim untuk bertanding ke level Global di Dubai UEA tanggal 4-5 May 2024 kemarin bersama ratusan peserta dari berbagai negara.
Apa perbedaan mendaftar dari KodeKiddo vs mendaftar langsung di Codeavour?
Daftar via KodeKiddo
Biaya Pendaftaran : Rp. 350.000
Discount khusus untuk ikut kelas pelatihan Codeavour AI Special Class
Berkesempatan ikut Competition Regional Round dan National Round dari KodeKiddo dengan Total hadiah Jutaan rupiah!
Daftar mandiri langsung
Biaya Pendaftaran : USD 25
Tidak ikut serta dalam Competition Regional Round dan National Round dari KodeKiddo.
Peserta dapat mendaftar dan mengikuti petunjuk secara mandiri di Codeavour Global (www.codeavour.org)
Siapa saja yang bisa ikut ?
Terbuka untuk umum peserta berusia 7 – 18 tahun baik murid KodeKiddo maupun non murid KodeKiddo, dengan satu tim terdiri dari 1-3 peserta untuk 1 project.
Kategori Usia :
Elementary (7-10 tahun)
Junior (11 – 14 tahun)
Senior (15 – 18 tahun)
Daftar Sebagai
(1 peserta)
(max 3 peserta dalam 1 group/tim)
Apa saja tema yang dapat dipilih ?
Tema – tema berikut akan selaras dengan salah satu tujuan Codeavour yaitu untuk meningkatkan kesadaran mengenai UN Sustainable Goals.
Berikut tema yang dapat dipilih :

Apa saja hadiah yang akan didapatkan?
KodeKiddo Regional & National Round
Finalis di level Regional (total 75 team dari 3 kategori usia)
Finalis di level Nasional (total 30 team dari 3 kategori usia)
Para finalis akan mendapatkan special merchandise Codeavour & KodeKiddo.
Pemenang level Nasional (total 10 team)
Masing-masing pemenang tersebut akan mendapatkan :
1st Winner
Rp. 1.500.000,-
Voucher KodeKiddo
Rp. 2.000.000,-
senilai 500rb
2nd Winner
Rp. 1.000.000,-
Voucher KodeKiddo
Rp. 1.000.000,-
senilai 500rb
3rd Winner
Rp. 500.000,-
Voucher KodeKiddo
Rp. 500.000,-
senilai 250rb
Rp. 1.000.000,-
Voucher KodeKiddo
Rp. 1.000.000,-
senilai 250rb
Global Round :
diundang untuk bertanding di Dubai, UAE. Pemenang akan mendapatkan
$25.000 (IDR 350jt)
berupa Gadgets, Cash, Coupons, Trophies, Medals, Fellowship, Mentorship!
Pemenang Codeavour tahun lalu
Mereka adalah Kiddos dari KodeKiddo yang telah memenangkan Coding Competition Codeavour tahun lalu.

Ingin seperti mereka juga ???
Kapan tanggal penting dalam perlombaan ini?

18 Oktober 2023
Pendaftaran dibuka
22 Oktober 2023
Webinar Codeavour AI (Preparation Brief for Competition)
14 Januari 2024
Pendaftaran ditutup
18 Februari 2024
Batas terakhir pengumpulan project
18 Februari 2024
Regional Round di Center KodeKiddo (atau secara Online)
09 Maret 2024
National Round di Jakarta
Mei 2024
Global Round di Dubai, UAE
Codeavour Regional Round
Pada tanggal 25 Feb 2024 kemarin, sebanyak 75 teams peserta Codeavour Coding & AI Competition telah mengikuti babak Regional Round di KodeKiddo Center di berbagai kota di Indonesia secara bersamaan.
Mereka membawa hasil karya mereka yang bagus-bagus, yang juga dipresentasikan di depan para Juri, Orang Tua, Tamu serta perserta lainnya.
Tim Juri Codeavour sangat berterima kasih dan mengapresiasi seluruh peserta Codeavour yang telah ikut dalam event ini.

Invitation to National Round !!!
Dari hasil perhitungan di berbagai aspek penilaian dan hasil score akhir yang sangat bersaing, berikut adalah Finalis Top 30 dari 3 kategori yang lolos dan masuk ke babak selanjutnya, yaitu National Round.
Elementary Category
Junior Category
Senior Category
Notes : Tim KodeKiddo akan menghubungi 30 tim peserta National Round diatas untuk informasi lebih lanjut.
Things to be prepared for this event!
Ayo, persiapkan diri Kiddos untuk tampil di Regional Round tersebut!
Poster / Banner
Softcopy bisa diupload di link ini. (Optional) versi Printed dibawa juga saat Regional Event
Presentation Business Pitch
Kiddos akan menggunakan file presentasi yang sudah kiddos upload di submission kemarin.
Demo Project
Kiddos akan menggunakan file Demo Project yang sudah kiddos upload di submission kemarin.
Presentation Speech
Persiapkan Presentasi Kiddos bersama Demo Project dan Presentation Business Pitch kalian dengan sangat baik.
3 Menit
3 Menit adalah waktu yang diberikan untuk kiddos meyakinkan para Juri bahwa Kiddos layak untuk dipilih menjadi pemenang National Round.
3 Menit adalah waktu untuk presentasi dan demo project kiddos.
Pastikan Kiddos sudah mempersiapkannya dengan baik..!!
Codeavour National Round
Lebih dari 500 peserta dalam 200 team mengikuti kompetisi Codeavour tahun ini. Seleksi Regional diadakan di tanggal 25 Februari 2024, di 12 learning centers KodeKiddo di berbagai kota di Indonesia. Dari hasil perhitungan di berbagai aspek penilaian yang sangat bersaing, dipilih Finalis Top 30 dari 3 kategori yang lolos dan masuk ke babak selanjutnya, yaitu National Round.
Para finalis dari level Regional diundang ke tahap seleksi National Round yang diselenggarakan di sekolah ACS, Jakarta Timur pada Sabtu, 9 Maret 2024.
Dalam event ini, 30 team finalis level Regional mempresentasikan project mereka di hadapan para juri dan mentor dari dunia teknologi, pendidikan, dan industri.
Berikut adalah juri dan mentor untuk Codeavour National Round beserta Founder KodeKiddo (Ms. Meilani Hendrawidjaja) dan CEO & Cofounder STEMPedia dari India (Mr. Dhrupal Shah).
Mr. Rezki Yunanda, Dosen Bina Nusantara University
Ms. Pandu Sastrowardoyo, Founder & CEO DeBio.Network
Mr. Jerry Undampo, General Manager, Gramedia Academy
Mr. Panji Arisaputra, Dosen Bina Nusantara University
Ms. Indrajani, Wakil Direktur Talenta IAIS (Indonesia AI Society)
Ms. Davida Ayu, President Society of Women Engineers Affiliate Jakarta
Ms. Kristien Margi, Dosen Bina Nusantara University
Mr. Bianto Surodjo, Director Allianz Life
Mr. Edward Sanusi, CTO PT Link Net Tbk
Shelly Morin – Dosen Universitas Media Nusantara Citra
Congratulation to all National Round Winners..!!!

Dari 30 finalis yang mempresentasikan projectnya telah dipilih 10 pemenang yang akan
melanjutkan ke Codeavour 5.0 tingkat Global di Dubai. Berikut adalah para pemenang
Codeavour 5.0 Nasional Indonesia :

Mikhayla Leandra Krisbayu
Project Descriptions
Planticon is an AI-Machine learning site where people who aspire to be gardening can know the basic of planting while learning more about plants. With this site, you can create, learn, know, and see. Planticon teaches you how to take care and plant your plant properly using specific sentences that are easy to understand.
Planticon not only has one option for you to choose from, but eight various options for you to choose. Plants need more recognition for they give us life, with this AI and Machine-learning site, you can learn about the ways of a plant, how they communicate using their appearances and how to reply back.
Not only does Planticon focus on plants, but yet also their fruits and vegetables, to their nutritional facts and what they are, Planticon has the answers you are looking for.

Gerardus Yohan Ramadean
Nathanael Ardhani Menang
Sustainable STEM Gardening Kits
Project Descriptions
We began making prototypes using kitchen tools and reusable items, showing our dedication to sustainability right from the start. With simple yet effective methods, we turn food waste into rich compost for gardening. This process is part of our Sustainable STEM Gardening Kits, which involve auto chopping and composting using Arduino, along with auto irrigation using a soil moisture sensor, all designed to make gardening more accessible and eco-friendly. Our goal is to empower individuals of all ages to engage in sustainable practices while enjoying the benefits of gardening, promoting environmental stewardship and education.

Alexander Santoso
Leonardo Santoso
Melody AI
Project Descriptions
MAI is about re-imagine new ways to experience the music with coding and AI.
In this project, we are using pictoblox with the AI and ML features to create new experience to play and learn music. We are also creating new personalized music instrument using Arduino.
Just like sand meets sea in the beach..
Through MAI, music meets technology..
To create your music experience.. as easy, fun, beautiful and memorable as your vacation in the beach.
Music is an universal language, where everybody with different languages, different ethnicities, different cultures, different era could be connected. It’s a powerful tools to send messages and express yourself to the whole world in peaceful way.
Hence in this era, where technology is enhancing all aspects of human’s life, we foresee that technology’s contribution in music industry
is still left behind.
Through MAI, we are trying to superimpose music with another subject, such as math, art, paint, emotion, AI and ML with coding.

Benjamin Joseph Lie
Project Descriptions
Background :
Regeneration process among farmers around the world is concerning, as there are fewer and fewer young farmers due to agriculture being perceived as unenticing, as well as factors such as lack of experience and access to capital, land and market opportunities.
Agriculture is associated with working for so long under the hot sun, dealing with mud, and facing the risk of harvest failure. Moreover, with the current situation, global warming changes the weather and temperature, a manual approach is more difficult to be applied.
Our Project :
AgriForecast is an AI-based project that can make accurate predictions on agriculture harvests. This project will help young and inexperienced farmers get a better picture of what to expect from their crops.
This project can serve as a simulation to determine which kind of crops are more profitable to plant based on several influencing factors. AgriForecast uses Machine Learning with Regression method to predict harvests based on
Location (country).
Types of crops.
Average Annual Rainfall (mm/year)
Average Annual Temperature (in celcius)
Fertilizer Consumption per year (in tonnes)
Pesticide Consumption per year (in tonnes)

Lionel Timothy
iMash (Intelligent Machine Architecting Sustained Hydration)
Project Descriptions
Imash, standing for Intelligent Machine Architecting Sustained Hydration, is an advanced smart system designed to monitor your daily water intake meticulously anytime . It not only tracks the amount of water you drink but also alerts you to potential side effects of dehydration inside your body. This smart dispenser comes equipped with innovative features beyond your imagination, ensuring you stay hydrated in the most efficient way possible. Imash is equipped with Arduino circuit, NLP, AI, and text-to-speech.

Vincentius Alvino Louis Gunawan
Haskell Kay Kurniawan
Rodrigo Kenneth Richardo
Project Descriptions
Vendicine is a machine that detects acne’s, urine and the weather, and is also capable of calculating BMI from speech-to-text input. It will then dispense an item to help with said thing, such as some medicine if the user has an acne or give tips on how to stay healthy during certain weather.
We used the Lego EV3 hardware for movement and detection and picked the Automating the Surroundings & Strengthen the Health Infrastructure theme.

Alfon Ricardo Lucman
Spellbound Signs
Project Descriptions
Introducing Spellbound Signs, an educational game put together to help you master the American Sign Language alphabet. Spellbound Signs provides an engaging ASL-learning environment for those hard of hearing and their loved ones, regardless of their age. By incorporating interactive and hands-on elements into the learning process, Spellbound Signs aims to optimize learning ASL while fostering enjoyment and involvement in players. This is critical as 6.1% of the world are hard of hearing. Help Willy the Wizard whack some ghosts with his whimsical magic hand poses.
This game assesses the player’s proficiency in accurately executing the hand poses representing the alphabet. Spellbound Signs features six levels, each focusing on a specific range of alphabets.
Level 1 – A,B,C,D,E
Level 2 – F,G,H,I,J
Level 3 – K,L,M,N,O
Level 4 – P,Q,R,S,T
Level 5 – U,V,W,X,Y,Z
Level 6 – Free play
The segmented learning approach of the alphabet allows for easier digestion of the letters, improving their retention.

Jeremy Suryasaputra
Stefan Jacob Saro Silitonga
Maxmilian Halim
Search and Rescue Drone (SARD)
Project Descriptions
Drones can become very supplemental or key additions to Search and Rescue in the case of a disaster. Although many drones contain basic functions like flying or recording, they are still not adequate for disaster-use. To improve this, our team has decided to use AI, training a ML model, to easily detect survivors. Our project started with the construction of our own drone, which unlike other drones in the market, is easily customizable from the speed, program, and infrastructure. We trained the ML model ourselves using the Pictoblox program and coded the drone using Arduino. All of the features can be accessed via just a laptop. We believe this drone, specifically the idea it represents, can become a main catalyst in Search and Rescue operations.

Nathanael Chang
Nicholas Chung
Junico Pratama Teguh
Project Descriptions
Introducing EcoSort: an innovative automatic trash sorting system leveraging state-of-the-art AI technology. By swiftly and accurately segregating recyclable and non-recyclable materials, EcoSort revolutionizes waste management, reducing human error and labor costs while boosting recycling rates. Tailored for municipalities, waste management firms, and commercial entities, EcoSort offers a scalable, customizable solution. Its intuitive interface and seamless integration ensure effortless operation, delivering tangible environmental benefits and cost savings. With EcoSort, organizations can streamline waste sorting, minimize environmental impact, and embrace a sustainable future.

Jacquelyn Calista Chen
Healthy Life for Teens
Project Descriptions
Starting a healthy life for teens is a very important thing for their present and future. The issue with the current generation is that adults may realize of the importance of a healthy lifestyle just when diseases hit due to this unhealthy lifestyle. Thus it is important to form a healthy lifestyle during the teenage years. Why at this point? It’s due to the self made choices related to food and activity.
Because of that I made a program dedicated for teenagers to develop a healthy lifestyle. The AI in this project I made here can help teens in having a healthy lifestyle in an exciting way. It can help them to do some exercise like dancing. It can also help them to obtain the correct nutrition, for example by scanning their food and getting the nutritional information for their food, as well as a healthier replacement for processed foods.
Selain presentasi oleh finalis, acara Codeavour National Round ini juga terbuka untuk publik yang ingin mengikuti berbagai workshops dari KodeKiddo dan partner pendukung acara. Ada 3 Workshops Parenting + 2 Workshops untuk anak TK – SMA, dengan berbagai topik yang sangat menarik.

“Connection Before Correction”
Agnes Melati Amelia Listyarini Witjaksono, S.Psi, M.Psi,
Psikolog klinis anak dan remaja.

“Raising Kids in a Digital Age: Nurturing growth mindset and Brain Health Development”
Yudi Lesmana, ST, MH,
Grandmaster International of Memory dan Founder Ingatan Gajah.

“Connection Before Correction”
Agnes Melati Amelia Listyarini Witjaksono, S.Psi, M.Psi,
Psikolog klinis anak dan remaja.
Codeavour Global Round

Setelah melewati babak regional dan nasional, sembilan peserta terbaik yang lolos dari ronde nasional terpilih untuk mewakili negara dalam kompetisi tingkat global di Dubai, Uni Emirat Arab, pada tanggal 4-5 Mei 2024. Mereka akan bersaing dengan ratusan peserta lain dari berbagai negara di seluruh dunia, menghadapi tantangan dan ujian keterampilan di panggung internasional yang bergengsi.
*1 Team peserta berhalangan untuk hadir di kompetisi level global ini
Mikhayla Team
Junior Farmer Team
Benjamin Joseph Lie
Jacquelyn Team
Jacquelyn Calista Chen
Super S Team
Alexander Santoso
Leonardo Santoso
Icenoid Team
Lionel Timothy
Althafazrais Widyanatha
CreateCode Team
Michelle Ivy Mulyono
All for Jesus Team
Vincentius Alvino Louis Gunawan
Haskell Kay Kurniawan
Rodrigo Kenneth Richardo
Watusi Team
Alfon Ricardo Lucman
Congratulation to All Global Round Winners!
Dari 9 team yang bertanding di Dubai, mempresentasikan project mereka, berhasil memenangkan 6 awards mewakili team dari Indonesia.
Berikut adalah nama-nama Kiddos yang telah mengharumkan nama Indonesia di Coding & AI Competition berskala Global (International).

Melody AI
MAI is about re-imagine new ways to experience the music with coding and AI.
In this project, we are using pictoblox with the AI and ML features to create new experience to play and learn music. We are also creating new personalized music instrument using Arduino.
Just like sand meets sea in the beach.. Through MAI, music meets technology.. To create your music experience.. as easy, fun, beautiful and memorable as your vacation in the beach.
Music is an universal language, where everybody with different languages, different ethnicities, different cultures, different era could be connected. It’s a powerful tools to send messages and express yourself to the whole world in peaceful way.
Hence in this era, where technology is enhancing all aspects of human’s life, we foresee that technology’s contribution in music industry is still left behind.
Through MAI, we are trying to superimpose music with another subject, such as math, art, paint, emotion, AI and ML with coding.

Vendicine is a machine that detects acne’s, urine and the weather, and is also capable of calculating BMI from speech-to-text input. It will then dispense an item to help with said thing, such as some medicine if the user has an acne or give tips on how to stay healthy during certain weather.
We used the Lego EV3 hardware for movement and detection and picked the Automating the Surroundings & Strengthen the Health Infrastructure theme.

Healthy Life for Teens
Starting a healthy life for teens is a very important thing for their present and future. The issue with the current generation is that adults may realize of the importance of a healthy lifestyle just when diseases hit due to this unhealthy lifestyle. Thus it is important to form a healthy lifestyle during the teenage years. Why at this point? It’s due to the self made choices related to food and activity.
Because of that I made a program dedicated for teenagers to develop a healthy lifestyle. The AI in this project I made here can help teens in having a healthy lifestyle in an exciting way. It can help them to do some exercise like dancing. It can also help them to obtain the correct nutrition, for example by scanning their food and getting the nutritional information for their food, as well as a healthier replacement for processed foods.

Spellbound Signs
Introducing Spellbound Signs, an educational game put together to help you master the American Sign Language alphabet. Spellbound Signs provides an engaging ASL-learning environment for those hard of hearing and their loved ones, regardless of their age. By incorporating interactive and hands-on elements into the learning process, Spellbound Signs aims to optimize learning ASL while fostering enjoyment and involvement in players. This is critical as 6.1% of the world are hard of hearing. Help Willy the Wizard whack some ghosts with his whimsical magic hand poses.
This game assesses the player’s proficiency in accurately executing the hand poses representing the alphabet. Spellbound Signs features six levels, each focusing on a specific range of alphabets.
The segmented learning approach of the alphabet allows for easier digestion of the letters, improving their retention.

Planticon is an AI-Machine learning site where people who aspire to be gardening can know the basic of planting while learning more about plants. With this site, you can create, learn, know, and see. Planticon teaches you how to take care and plant your plant properly using specific sentences that are easy to understand.
Planticon not only has one option for you to choose from, but eight various options for you to choose. Plants need more recognition for they give us life, with this AI and Machine-learning site, you can learn about the ways of a plant, how they communicate using their appearances and how to reply back.
Not only does Planticon focus on plants, but yet also their fruits and vegetables, to their nutritional facts and what they are, Planticon has the answers you are looking for.

Codeavour Ambassador for Indonesia
Alex sebagai salah satu Student Ambassador Codeavour, mendapat award special “Champion Changemaker” sebagai apresiasi atas aktivitas Alex dalam mendukung kegiatan Codeavour di Indonesia.
Terima kasih telah berpartisipasi di Codeavour 2023! Jangan lewatkan kesempatan untuk bergabung di Codeavour 2024 dan raih pengalaman baru yang luar biasa.